

【1】The suits are ________good quality and are worth ________(buy).

【2】The students need to be able to read ________(active) and thoughtfully instead of accepting whatever they are taught passively.

【3】The teacher has devoted all his spare time to ________(help) his students with English during the past few years.

【4】________(found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.

【5】In the dark street, he had no one to turn________ for help.

【6】The year 1949 ________(see) the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

【7】In time we reached a stage ________ we had more young readers than old ones.

【8】—I’m going to vote ________ Jackson in the next election. How about you?

—Me, too. He’s the best man for the position.

【9】You should give a hand to one who is ________trouble.

【10】________ after he knew the truth did he realize how silly mistakes he had made.













【1】考查非谓语动词和固定搭配。句意:西服质量很好,值得购买。of good quality质量好;worth doing sth.值得做某事。


【3】考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的几年里,这位老师用他所有的闲暇时间帮助学生学英语。devote... to..."致力于,奉献于,用于",to为介词,后面要跟名词或动名词。


【5】句意:在漆黑的街道上,没有人能帮助他。turn to sb. for help向某人求助。



【8】考查介词。句意:——在下一次选举中我投票选举杰克逊。你呢?——我也是。他是最合适的人选。vote for投票赞成。

【9】句意:你应该帮助遇到麻烦的人。由语境可知"陷入困境"表状态,in trouble为固定短语,trouble前不加冠词。





5 Ways to Get Work Done

As the day draws to a close, are you having trouble finishing your work? You don't need to end up with a sense of failure. In the hours left, the following ways can help you get things done to have a sense of achievement.

Trick yourself.

1 . So, try this: add something to your to-do-list that takes only 30 seconds to finish. Feeling a bit inspired? Then use as short a deadline to deal with another. Or focus on something by giving yourself only five minutes, and then work as long as you can.

Take lots of breaks.

Find yourself checking your cellphone or reading the Internet? 2 . Have some breaks, and you'll be able to face your work again with delight.

Use rewards.

One-hundred more words on this report, and you can have a cup of coffee. One more phone call, and you can check your personal email. 3 .

4 .

Most of us spend too much of our day sitting. It's bad for our health and bad for our concentration. Take a walk or do some jumping in a free meeting room—anything to get you refreshed and your brain working again.

Work as a team.

When you have a big project deadline coming up, you can even keep a meeting room and work in the same place. 5 , but also you'll feel more connected to your co-workers while doing it.

A. Get physical exercise

B. Don't feel guilty

C. Do things energetically

D. Notspan> only will you get more done

E. Rewards are wonderful motivators

F. Endless work makes us busy and tired every day

G. A feeling of having made progress will inspire you

【题目】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

American Girl Is Finally Releasing Its First Boy Character Doll

American Girl has been making adorable dolls with inspiring stories for over three decades now—from Felicity to Molly to Samantha. They each come from different parts of the country, different moments in time, and in many ways, very different worlds. 1 According to the companys website, though, thats all about to change—American Girl will release its first boy character doll this Thursday.

2 And honestly, he couldnt be a more welcome addition. As for Logans backstory? Hes a drummer from Nashville, Tennessee, who plays alongside his friend Tenney Grant, a singer-songwriter.

But the real reason why Logans entrance into the collection is so significant because in his own small way, he helps break the longstanding tradition that "dolls are just for girls"—and thats huge.

Some may note that American Girl did technically introduce a boy in 2003 with the "Bitty Twins". 3 And it comes with a backstory just like the original American Girls.

4 In fact, the company will be releasing many more diverse dolls this year, including Gabriela McBride, an African American girl who manages her stutter with poetry. Z Yang, a Korean—American boy character, and later this year, a historical Hawaiian character named Nanea. 5 It is one of the original American Girl dolls.

A. His name is Logan Everett.

B. Not only girls are fond of dolls.

C. Additionally, they will be reintroducing Felicity.

D. Logans addition is actually just the frst step to vary its collection.

E. But until now, all of the dolls had one thing in common: they were girls.

F. However, Logan is the first full-sized boy character to be sold on his own.

G. Adding a boy to the lineup has been a number one request for a very long time.

【题目】 书面表达(满分25分)




1. 听是语言的四项基本技能之一不能忽视

2. 听是获取信息的重要途径之一

3. 国际合作日益增多听说能力应加强

1. 考试中各地收听效果好坏不一、不公平

2. 英语教师和语音设备城乡差异过大

3. 今后并非人人都要与外国人口进行头交流


1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯

3. 文章的开头已给出不计入总词数

考词汇取消cancel 国际合作international cooperation

The students of our school had a discussion about whether listening test in the National Matriculation English Test should be kept or canceled.









Scientists and marine biologistshad(海洋生物学家) something to celebrate last week when two lost humpback whales(座头鲸) returned to the Pacific Ocean. Delta and Dawn a mother and a baby had circled the Sacramento Bay area for two weeks before going back to the ocean.

We all shouted loudly like Yay!said Jim Oswald, a spokesman for the Marine Mammal Center. Its been really exciting.

The humpback whales were last spotted on May 29 near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. Scientists are sure that the whales swam into open water during the evening of May 29 or early the next morning, since there have been no further sightings of the whales. Even so, boats were sent out to look for them, just in case the whales made another wrong turn.

Officials spent two weeks trying to get the whales to turn back towards the ocean. Biologists played recordings of whale-feeding as well as unfamiliar sounds to try to make the whales head back to the Pacific Ocean.

However, Delta and Dawn gave scientists an unexpected chance to study humpback whales in the wild. Scientists were able to gather sound recordings and watch their behaviors. This is especially exciting because humpback whales are an endangered species. Whats more, scientists dont usually have the chance to observe (观察) them in their natural habitat.

All those things are very hard to get, said Oswald,So what we are doing is filling up the knowledge blank on humpback whales in the wild. Scientists should be able to use this information to help other lost whales in the future.

【1】Jim Oswald was very happy because____________.

A. the whales traveled to Sacramento Bay

B. the whales returned to the Pacific Ocean

C. the scientists held a great celebration

D. he found the lost humpback whales

【2】 In order to make the whales go back to the ocean, the biologists____________.

A. fed them with other animals B. swam into open water

C. played music for them D. played strange sounds to them

【3】 The fifth paragraph mainly tells us that____________.

A. humpback whales will disappear in the future

B. scientists are worried about humpback whales

C. humpback whales were excited in their natural habitat

D. scientists learned more about humpback whales

【4】Whats the best title for the passage?

A. Looking for the Lost Whales B. Helping the Lost Whales

C. The Lost Whales Returned D. Two Whales Were Lost

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