

A build-it-yourself solar still(蒸馏器) is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available. Developed by two doctors in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, its an excellent water collector. Unfortunately, you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes. The only components required, though, are a 5' 5' sheet of clear or slightly milky plastic, six feet of plastic tube, and a container perhaps just a drinking cup to catch the water. These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.

To construct a working still, use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep. Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catcher’s productivity. Place your cup in the deepest part of the hole. Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs up and out the side of the hole.

Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheets center down with a rock. The plastic should now form a cone(圆锥体) with 45-degree-angled sides. The low point of the sheet must be centered directly over, and no more than three inches above, the cup.

The solar still works by creating a greenhouse under span>the plastic. Ground water evaporates (蒸发) and collects on the sheet until small drops of water form, run down the material and fall off into the cup. When the container is full, you can suck the refreshment out through the tube, and won’t have to break down the still every time you need a drink.

【1】What do we know about the solar still equipment from the first paragraph?

A. It’s delicate. B. It’s expensive.

C. It’s complex. D. It’s portable.

【2】What does the underlined phrase “the water catcher” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The tube. B. The still.

C. The hole. D. The cup.

【3】What’s the last step of constructing a working solar still?

A. Dig a hole of a certain size. B. Put the cup in place.

C. Weight the sheet’s center down. D. Cover the hole with the plastic sheet.

【4】 When a solar still works, drops of water come into the cup from .

A. the plastic tube B. outside the hole

C. the open air D. beneath the sheet







【1】推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句话These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.可知制作蒸馏器的东西可以叠放在一个小包里,系在腰间,这说明制作蒸馏器的设备很轻 便,portable表示轻便的;手提的,故选D。

【2】推理判断题。根据Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catchers productivity 可知最好在潮湿的地方挖洞,以提高接水器的工作效率。接水器指的是在潮湿的地方挖洞,在洞的 底部放一个杯子,杯子上方用膜覆盖,整个装置构成接水器,而不是某个部分。这一题很容易错选D, 但是就算在干燥的地方挖洞,杯子也可以接水,杯子接水的事实并不会因为周围环境的变化而变化, 杯子的工作效率是不变的。故选B。

【3】 细节理解题。根据第三段Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheets center down with a rock.可知最后一步是weighting the sheets center down with a rock(放一块石头在覆盖膜的中间,把它压下去),故选C。

【4】推理判断题。结合第四段中的Ground water evaporates (蒸发) and collects on the sheet until small drops of water form, run down the material and fall off into the cup可知地下水蒸发,在覆盖膜上聚集起 来,直到形成小水滴落在杯子里,覆盖膜是在杯子上面的,水滴落入杯子里,所以水滴是凝聚在覆盖 膜的下面。故选D。


【题目】Newspapers are an important source (来源) of information. Many people begin their days by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes,however,they don’t have the time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page,at other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to glance at the headlines. There are newspapers to satisfy every reader. In big cities there are many types with several different editions every day. In small towns there are few newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. In some areas the paper is printed weekly.

Most papers have several editions,especially on Sundays when the editions are larger than usual. There are,besides the front page with the most important news,the sports news,the society page,the amusement section,a business page and so on.

【1】People read newspapers to ________.

A.learn as much knowledge as they want

B.learn about the most important news

C.get some information

D.learn about whatever they want

2The underlined word “glance” means ________.

A.look carefully

B.look quickly

C.look slowly

D.read word to word

3Reading the headlines, people can know ________.

A.what the articles are about

B.the most important news

C.what is going on in the world

D.the sports, the society

4If you want to know what’s on in the cinema, you’d better read ________.

A.the business page

B.the amusement section

C.the society page

D.the sports section


A nerve-zapping(电击神经) headset caused people to get rid of fat in a small preliminary study. Six people who had received the stimulation(刺激) lost on average about 8 percent of the fat on their trunks in four months, scientists reported at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

The headset stimulated the vestibular nerve(前庭神经), which runs just behind the ears. That nerve sends signals to the hypothalamus, a brain structure thought to control the bodys fat storage. By stimulating the nerve with an electrical current, the technique shifts the body away from storing fat toward burning it.

Six overweight and obese people received the treatment, consisting of up to four one-hour-long sessions of stimulation a week. Because it activated the vestibular system, the stimulation created the sensation of gently rocking on a boat or floating in a pool, said the study’s co-author Jason McKeown of the University of California, San Diego.

After four months, body scans measured the trunk fat for the six people receiving the treatment and three people who received unreal stimulation. All six in the treatment group lost some trunk fat, despite not having changed their activity or diet. In contrast, those in the unreal group gained some fat. Researchers suspect that changes in the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within human cells are behind the difference. "The results were a lot better than we thought they’d be," McKeown said.

Earlier studies found that vestibular nerve stimulation causes mice to drop fat and pack on muscle, resulting in what McKeown called Schwarzenegger mice. Though small, the current study suggests that the approach has promise in people. McKeown and his colleagues have started a company based on the technology and plan to test it further.

【1】 What is an electrical current used for?

A. Causing the body to burn its fat.

B. Controlling the body’s storage of fat.

C. Seeing if the headset will be affected.

D. Speeding the process of one’s digesting.

【2】Whats the probable reason for the different results in participants?

A. The length of stimulation they received.

B. The type of stimulation they received.

C. The difference in their vestibular system.

D. The way chemicals process in their body.

【3】Which is true about McKeowns current findings?

A. They have a kind of practical value.

B. They go against those of earlier tests on mice.

C. They were widely recognized at the meeting.

D. They have been tested by McKeown’s company.

【4】What can be the best title of the text?

A. The science of zapping fat

B. A new trial of weight loss

C. Zapping certain nerves leads to fat loss

D. Exercise for weight loss and get fit

【题目】Finally, a cell phone

That's a phone

With rates as low as $3.75 per week !

"Well, I finally did it. I finally decided to enter the digital age and get a cell phone. My kids have been annoying me and the last straw was when my car broke down, and I was stuck by the highway for an hour before someone stopped to help. But when I went to the cell phone store, I almost changed my mind. The phones all have cameras, computers and a "global-positioning" something or other that's supposed to spot me from space. Goodness, all I want to do is to be able to talk to my grandkids! The people at the store weren't much help. They couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want a phone the size of a postage stamp. And the rate plans! They were confusing and expensive and the contract (合同)lasted for two years! I'd almost given up until a friend told me about her new Jitterbug phone.

Now, I have the convenience and safety of being about to stay in touch with a phone I can actually use."

Affordable plans that I can understand一and no contract to sign (签订)! Unlike other cell phones, Jitterbug has plans that make sense. Why should I pay for minutes I' m never going to use? And if I do talk more than I plan, I won 't find myself with no minutes like my friend who has a prepaid phone. Best of all, there is no contract to sign, so Im not locked in for years at a time. The US-based customer service is second to none. And the phone gets service anywhere in the country.

Monthly Minutes



Monthly Rate



911 Access



Long Distance Calls

No additional charge

No additional charge

Friendly Return Policy

30 days

30 days

Call now and receive a FREE gift when you order. Try Jitterbug for 30 days and if you don t love it, just return it! Why wait, the Jitterbug comes ready to -use right out of the box. If you aren't as happy with it as I am, you can return it and get your money back. Call now, the Jitterbug product experts are ready to answer your questions.

Call 1-888-809-8794 or visit www. jitlerbugdirect. com.

【1】 What made I finally think of getting a cell phone?

A. Being stuck by the highway.

B. Being urged by his grandkids.

C. Being persuaded by cell phone salespersons.

D. Being attracted by the friendly return policy.

【2】On the monthly basis of 100 minutes, the Jitterbug weekly rate is about .

A. $3.75

B. $4.99

C. $14.99

D. $19.99

【3】An advantage of Jitterbug mentioned in the passage is .

A. its discount price with a free gift

B. its reasonable rate plans without a contract

C. its M global-positioning" system with 911 access

D. its good customer service all over the world

【4】The main purpose of the passage is to .

A. tell a customer's story of Jitterbug

B. provide two ways to order Jitterbug

C. give a brief introduction of Jitterbug

D. attract potential customers to Jitterbug;



Are you going into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in at this hotel during the winter. Why? Because this hotel is built every December. It has 32 rooms and 80 people can stay there each night. The hotel even has a movie theatre, art gallery, and church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made out of ice.

Because this hotel is so unusual, it is becoming very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designed ice dishes and experience the unique atmosphere. Some couples have even gotten married in the hotel's ice church. But all these guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between 2℃ and 5℃. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep the room cozy until morning.

【1】What is the best title of this passage?

A.How the Ice Hotel is built

B.What makes the Ice Hotel special

C.Why the Ice Hotel is made of ice

D.The services of the Ice Hotel

2What can't you do in the hotel according to the passage?

A.Watch a movie. B.Get married.

C.Eat an interesting meal. D.Go swimming.

3Why is sleeping NOT a problem in the hotel?

A.The rooms are warm.

B.The temperature is -2℃.

C.The sleeping bags are warm.

D.The furniture is warm.

4In which part of the hotel would you probably find “plates”?

A.The church. B.The restaurant.

C.The rooms. D.The art gallery.


There is something very wrong with the system of values in a society that has only unkind terms like nerd and geek for the intellectually curious and academically serious.

We all know what a nerd is: someone who wears thick glasses and ugly clothes; someone who knows all the answers to the chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night. And a geek, according to Webster’s New World Dictionary, is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens. It is an obvious fact about our language and our culture that someone devoted to the pursuit (追求) of knowledge is compared to such a strange person.

Even at a famous educational institution like Harvard, anti-intellectualism is widespread: Many students are ashamed to admit how much they study. The same thing happens in US primary and high schools.

Enough is enough. The anti-intellectual values that have spread throughout American society must be fought. There are very few countries in the world where anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as it does in the US. In most industrialized nations, especially in East Asia, a kid who studies hard is praised. But in America, average professional ballplayers are much more respected and better paid than professors of the best universities.

How can a country where typical parents are ashamed of their children studying mathematics instead of going dancing be expected to compete in the technology race with Japan? How long can America remain a world-class power if we constantly put social skills and physical strength over academic achievement and intellectual ability?

Do we really expect to take the lead largely by bringing in our scientists and intellectuals from abroad, as we have done for a major portion of this century without making an effort to also cultivate (培养) a pro-intellectual culture at home?

【1】The definition from the Webster’s New World Dictionary is quoted to __________.

A. show that vocabulary use is always up-to-date

B. prove that words used in this article are accurate

C. convince readers with reference from a dictionary

D. show that people look down upon those studying hard

【2】What can be learned from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4?

A. The US government doesn’t mean to spend much money on education.

B. Anti-intellectualism is not popular in industrialized countries in East Asia.

C. Few students work hard for their grade in famous universities like Harvard.

D. Professors earn more than professional basketball players on average in the US.

【3】 What is probably the author’s attitude towards the anti-intellectual values?

A. Skeptical. B. Supportive. C. Concerned. D. Objective.

【4】 What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. America needs its nerds. B. Don’t laugh at nerds.

C. What is anti-intellectualism? D. Why does society avoid nerds?



Long Hands was the son of a pirate (海盗), the grandson of a pirate, and the great grandson of a pirate. Actually, he hadn’t yet stolen anything, nor attacked any ; but his whole family were sure that he’d to be a very good pirate.

But the idea of spending his life robbing people didn’t excite young Long Hands. When he was a toddler, one of his cousins one of his favorite toys, and it made him really sad. He knew robbing would make people .

While he was growing up, Long Hands terribly that some day his real pirate personality would suddenly , and send him down the path of robbing. Every morning, when he , he looked in the mirror to see if the change had yet occurred. But every morning he had the same pleasant sort of he had had the day before.

As time went on, it became clear to everyone that Long Hands wasn’t a pirate; but the family was so long that no one was bold (胆大的) enough to come out and it. “It’s just that he’s a pirate,” they would say. And they would have kept saying it Long Hands had studied medicine and started to the sick. However, Long Hands was still worried about turning into a pirate, and he looking into the mirror each morning.

One day, though, seeing that he was now a(n) man, he realized that neither himself, nor /span>, was ever forced to be a pirate. Everyone could do whatever they chose with their !

And, having chosen his own life and his own path, Long Hands felt happy that he never chose to be a pirate.

【1】A. businessman B. bank C. family D. ship

2A. turn around B. turn out C. stay away D. watch out

3A. unluckily B. slowly C. certainly D. hardly

4A. destroyed B. bought C. examined D. replaced

5A. fail B. die C. change D. suffer

6A. imagined B. remembered C. worried D. doubted

7A. break B. appear C. move D. go

8A. looked up B. showed up C. woke up D. sat down

9A. normal B. necessary C. surprising D. horrible

【10A. fear B. face C. clothes D. dreams

【11A. tradition B. hope C. tree D. communication

【12A. repeat B. destroy C. notice D. say

【13A. good B. new C. funny D. stupid

【14A. if only B. in case C. even if D. so that

【15A. laugh at B. care for C. go through D. look after

【16A. avoid B. considered C. began D. continued

【17A. handsome B. honest C. old D. strange

【18A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody

【19A. experiences B. desires C. wishes D. lives

20A. slightly B. Deeply C. partly D. commonly

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