

Online shopping is coming into fashion in most cities, where people are able to make full use of the rapidly-developed internet technology. Nowadays, can we find a person 1.______ hasn't experienced online shopping? Definitely not.

Online shopping 2.______ (welcome) by most people due to various reasons. From the perspective (视角) of the consumer, it can save some time for people who don't have much spare time. Just click the mouse, they can get 3.______ they want while staying at home. For the retailers (零售商), it can cut some costs for those who don't have much circulating funds. 4.______ (compare) with the traditional trade mode (风格), it saves them the need to rent a house. 5.______, there are still some 6.______ in online shopping. First, a face-to-face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second, people will lose the fun of bargain.

7.______ is undeniable (不可否认的) that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible (无法抗拒的) trend in modern 8.______. It's of great urgency that we need to make the relative laws with the rapid 9.______ (grow) of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of 10.______ (cheat).


1. who / that

2. is welcomed

3. whatever / what

4. Compared

5. However

6. disadvantages

7. It

8. society

9. growth

10. being cheated



1. who / that 考查关系代词。先行词为a person,引导词在定语从句中作主语,故用who或that。

2. is welcomed 考查语态。Online shopping与动词welcome是动宾关系,且此处表示现在的情况,故用一般现在时的被动语态。

3. whatever / what 考查名词性从句。所填词引导宾语从句,表示(任何)的东西,故填入whatever或what。

4. Compared 考查过去分词。compared with …(与相比较)作状语,compare与it为动宾关系。

5. However 考查转折副词。根据语境分析,前面阐述了网购和网络营销的好处,下面介绍的是缺点,故所填词表示转折关系,再根据空格后面的逗号分析,此空该填入However。

6. disadvantages 考查行文逻辑。根据下文列举的两条可知,此处指缺点不利之处,故此处该填入名词disadvantages。

7. It 考查形式主语。根据句子结构可知,句子的真正主语是that引导的从句,故空格处应填入形式主语It。

8. society 考查名词。根据语境分析,此处指现代社会,故用society。

9. growth 考查词性转换。根据空格前的with the rapid和后面的介词of可知用名词growth。

10. being cheated 考查动名词。of为介词,其后接动名词,且we与cheat为动宾关系,故用being cheated。



I was required to read one of Bernie Siegels books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so to me and had such a big on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to

my own cancer experience?

Im an ambitious , and when I started going through chemo (化疗) , even though Im a very person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the . One day, while waiting to go in for , I had one of Dr. Bernies books in my hand. Another patient what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me he had one of his books with him as well. It that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was a published author, and he was currently on a new book.

We would see each other at various times and friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he was definitely a(n) of Dr. Bernie. He really put a on my face. He unfortunately last year due to his cancer, ________he left a deep impression on me and gave me the to pick up my pen again. I ________to myself, If he can do it, then so can I.

【1】A. tastes B. ideas C. notes D. memories

【2】A. amazing B. shocking C. amusing D. strange

【3】A. strike B. push C. challenge D. impact

【4】A. learn from B. go over C. get through D. refer to

【5】A. reader B. writer C. editor D. doctor

【6】A. positive B. agreeable C. humorous D. honest

【7】A. mood B. position C. state D. way

【8】A. advice B. reference C. protection D. treatment

【9】A. viewed B. knew C. noticed D. wondered

【10】A. while B. because C. although D. providing

【11】A. came out B. worked out C. proved out D. turned out

【12】A. naturally B. merely C. hopefully D. actually

【13】A. deciding B. investing C. working D. relying

【14】A. became B. helped C. missed D. visited

【15】A. patient B. operator C. fan D. publisher

【16】A. sign B. smile C. mark D. mask

【17】A. showed upB. set off C. fell down D. passed away

【18】A. since B. but C. so D. for

【19】A. guidance B. trust C. opportunity D. inspiration

【20】A. promised B. swore C. thought D. replied


材料一 目前俄国的特点是从革命的第一阶段过渡到革命的第二阶段,第一阶段由于无产阶级的觉悟性和组织性不够,政权落到了资产阶级手中,第二阶段则应当使政权转到无产阶级和贫苦农民阶层手中。……不要议会制共和国,而要从下到上由全国的工人、雇农和农民代表苏维埃组成的共和国。


材料二 列宁认为,不能采取一般的暴力方式推翻资产阶级临时政府。因为这样做会同支持临时政府的苏维埃发生对立,会脱离群众。列宁提出的口号是不给临时政府以任何支持全部政权归苏维埃。然后再在苏维埃内部开展斗争,把小资产阶级政党排除出苏维埃,建立无产阶级专政。列宁认为革命之所以能够和平发展,因为武器掌握在人民手中,没有外力压制人民。


材料三 中央委员会认为,俄国革命的国际形势(德国海军中的起义,这是世界社会主义革命在全欧洲增长的最高表现;其次,帝国主义为扼杀俄国革命而媾和的威胁)和军事形势(俄国资产阶级和克伦斯基之流已经明确地把彼得格勒让给德国人),无产阶级政党在苏维埃中获得了多数,再加上农民起义和人民转而信任我们的党,以及第二次科尔尼洛夫叛乱显然已在准备,——这一切把武装起义提到日程上来了。



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