

A. СÓÚÈ«ÇòµÄÒ»°ë B. ´óÓÚÈ«ÇòµÄÒ»°ë

C. ÕýºÃµÈÓÚÈ«ÇòµÄÒ»°ë D. µÈÓÚÈ«ÇòµÄÈý·ÖÖ®Ò»


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B. ³àµÀ¸½½üÎïÌåÕýÎçÓ°×Ó´ïµ½Ò»ÄêÖÐ×î¶Ìʱ¶Î

C. ±±Ó¡¶ÈÑóº£ÇøµÄÑóÁ÷³Ê˳ʱÕë·½ÏòÁ÷¶¯

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Serena has a busy job as Educational Consultant for the new and exciting London tutors site, Tutorfair. So incredibly busy, in fact, that she never seems to take a lunch hour or even brief coffee break, nor finish work before about seven.

She then frequently does another job in the evenings and weekends, working as a Tutor herself. Good for her day job, because she keeps in touch with the challenges her colleagues are managing. Essential for the finances, if she and Christian are ever to buy a home.

They also have a life. They go to Bible Study on Thursday evenings and church on Sundays, and quite often out to parties, receptions, the theatre or dinner with friends on the other nights. They live in London for goodness¡¯ sake.

She also has a garden she is putting work into, and another new project which, I¡¯ve just realised, deserves a posting all of its own.

Not surprisingly, if Serena and I need a few minutes to talk about something absolutely crucial it can be days before we can find a window in her schedule, and then we frequently get interrupted and have to have several goes. (My schedule, by contrast, is all window: being a writer I do nothing all day except stare out of the window sharpening pencils. As I¡¯m not very good at multi-tasking, I don¡¯t sharpen the pencils very well.)

If Serena started sending me daily text updates and offering me lifts around the place ¡ª not to mention finding time to watch soaps of an evening ¡ª I would think she¡¯d gone stark raving bonkers.

¡¾1¡¿What do you think of Serena?

A. She was occupied with her work.

B. She was too busy to enjoy herself.

C. She did part-time job all day long.

D. She was free to meet with the writer.

¡¾2¡¿ What does the underlined word£¢window£¢mean?

A. An opening on the wall. B. A program in the computer.

C. A chance in the schedule. D. A place in the shop.

¡¾3¡¿ What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?

A. Serena would feel sorry.

B. Serena would lose her temper.

C. Serena would manage it well.

D. Serena would help the writer willingly.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
