
【题目】The main reason for which they cannot learn English well is that they cannot see the importance of it. That is,

they lack________ to do it.

A. inspiration B. motivation C. regulation D. cooperation


【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:他们学不好英语的主要原因是他们看不到它的重要性。也就是说,他们缺乏学习它的动力。inspiration 灵感;motivation动力;regulation规章制度;cooperation合作。故B正确。


【题目】 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)

My husband and I enjoy seeing life through the eyes of our five children. It is amazing to watch them discover their 1 .

One day last summer, our oldest daughter, Kaytlin, found a(n) 2 red squirrel .We watched from the distance, not wanting to 3 it. But after a long wait, we 4 that the tiny squirrel was likely an orphan. He was 5 and hungry. There were no wildlife rehabilitators(复健员) in our country, 6 we decided to care for the squirrel ourselves. More extensive research taught us how to 7 him and that we should release him as soon as he could 8 on his own.

Our daughters and I fed “Squit”. Kaytlin volunteered to take more 9 . She woke in the night 10 his feeds. To our 11 , Squit soon began to get better. Within a few weeks, he would ask for his next meal and playfully crawl around on the girls. It wasn’t long 12 he was reintroduced to the wild.

On the first few visits to the great outdoors, he seemed to be 13 about the surroundings. After playing in the grass for a bit, he would 14 Kaytlin for safety. Soon she had him climbing trees and finding some leaves and sticks for nests.

One day in the trees, Squit met up with a family of gray squirrels that was not 15 at all. They tried to hit him, but finally he managed to get the 16 of dealing with them. Sevral days later, he played all day in the trees and came down at bedtime. And then one raining night, he didn’t 17 . But when the sun rose the next day, there was Squit, begging for food. And that 18 the pattern for weeks.

The 19 was heartwarming for our family. In the wild and silly moments of 20 an orphaned baby squirrel, our children learned to value and appreciate life.

【1】 A. relation B. stress C. world D. problems

【2】 A. old B. baby C. big D. strong

【3】 A. disturb B. beat C. lost D. leave

【4】 A. realized B. remembered C. forgot D. admitted

【5】 A. brave B. healthy C. sad D. weak

【6】 A. but B. so C. though D. for

【7】 A. trap B. train C. feed D. attract

【8】 A. fight B. survive C. climb D. play

【9】 A. photos B. measures C. risks D. responsibilities

【10】 A. for B. by C. with D. to

【11】 A. regret B. relief C. disappointment D. sorrow

【12】 A. before B. after C. when D. since

【13】 A. confident B. excited C. uncertain D. serious

【14】 A. look back on B. catch sight of C. stay away from D. run back to

【15】 A. active B. frightened C. rude D. friendly

【16】 A. habit B. interest C. trick D. purpose

【17】 A. eat B. return C. go D. sleep

【18】 A. developed B. changed C. built D. remained

【19】 A. truth B. lesson C. experience D. experiment

【20】 A. teaching B. raising C. competing with D. searching for



The friendship between us lasts forever. Mary Allen was my best friend __1__a sister. We did __2__ together, piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding, and__3__.

When I was 13, my family moved. Mary and I kept in__4__through letters, and we saw __5__on special occasions like my wedding and__6__. Soon we were busy__7__children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less__8__. One day a card that I__9__came back stamped Address Unknown. I had no__10__how to find Mary.

Over the years, I thought of Mary often. I wanted to__11__stories of my children and then grandchildren. I needed to share my sorrow when my brother and then my mother died. There was an__12__place in my heart that only a friend like Mary__13__fill.

One day I was reading a newspaper__14__I noticed a picture of a young woman__15__looked a lot like Mary and whose last name was Wagman Mary’s married name. There must be thousands of Wagmans," I thought, but I wrote to her__16__.

She called as soon as she got my letter. Mrs Tobin!" she said__17__, "Mary Allen Wagman is my mother. Minutes later I heard a voice that I__18__at once, even after 5 years. We laughed and cried and asked about each other’s lives.

Now the empty place in my heart is__19__, and there’s one thing that Mary and I know __20__: we won’t lose each other again!

1 A. as B. so C. namely D. like

2 A. everything B. nothing C. nowhere D. everywhere

3 A. such B. much C. so on D. many

4 A. secret B. touch C. friend D. pace

5 A. other B. others C. another D. each other

6 A. Mary’s B. his C. Mary D. their

7 A. for B. in C. at D. with

8 A. often B. possibly C. probably D. hardly

9 A. gave B. took C. sent D. missed

10 A. doubt B. idea C. question D. wonder

11 A. read B. share C. find D. discover

12 A. eager B. equal C. empty D. enough

13 A. could B. can C. will D. must

14 A. while B. since C. once D. when

15 A. whom B. who C. which D. whose

16 A. anyway B. however C. meanwhile D. therefore

17 A. disappointedly B. rudely C. excitedly D. coldly

18 A. realized B. accepted C. received D. recognized

19 A. cleared B. filled C. fixed D. removed

20 A. for sure B. on purpose C. by chance D. in a way

【题目】 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


The need for love is deeply rooted in the human psyche(灵魂). 16 Separateness, according to psychologists, means to be cut off, helpless and alone in the world. It is the source of all anxiety.

17 It can be selfish and possessive, or unselfish and giving. Abraham Maslow distinguishes between two kinds of love: B-love or being love means love for another person; unselfish love not dependent upon your own needs. D-love or deficiency-love is a selfish possessive love which is based upon someone elses ability to satisfy your needs.

D-love is conditional. It depends upon whether personal needs continue to be met. But B-love is unconditional. 18 Furthermore, as it depends upon who you are, it is possible only when you allow yourself to be known to the other person.

The psychologist Erich Fromm also distinguished between two types of love. 19 Symbiotic union is an immature love based upon the satisfaction of needs and is similar to Maslows concept of D-love.

Mature love, on the other hand, is a relationship that allows individuals to retain (保持) their independence, their identity, and their integrity. In mature love people can overcome their sense of separateness yet continue to be themselves. The immature lover would say, I love you because I need you, but the mature one: ____20____

A. Every one of us needs love.

B. There are two types of love.

C. I need you because I love you.

D. Love is a way of overcoming the feeling.

E. It depends not upon what you do, but who you are.

F. These two types are quite different from each other.

G. They are immature love, called by him symbiotic union(共同体), and mature love.

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