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I speak of this experience because these past years have 6 me what to value and what to believe. I 7 now that this world is not my oyster(牡蛎)to be opened but my 8 to be grasped.

I’ve also learned that it’s necessary to 9 those little, all-important things I never thought I would 10 before: the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree, the 11 of sunlight on running water. I seem now, with some of the 12 freshness of childhood, to hear and see. How well, 13 , I recall the touch of the earth the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed. It was like 14 one’s citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.

Frequently, I 15 myself that I need make notes of this 16 I’m living in now, because in it I’m well, 17 , doing what I like best. It won’t always be like this, 18 I’ll make the most of it and be grateful. I 19 all this to that long time spent in bed. Wiser people come to this 20 without having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasn’t wise enough. I’m wiser now, a little, and happier.

【1】A.confused B. shocked C. determined D. annoyed

【2】A.trial B. pressure C. sentence D. control

【3】A.made up B. set up C. took up D. cleared up

【4】A.recalled B. began C. avoided D. accepted

【5】A.when B. after C. since D. before

【6】A.assigned B. taught C. treated D. assured

【7】A.admit B. demand C. expect D. realize

【8】A.knowledge B. opportunity C. attention D. point

【9】A.dismiss B. list C. define D. appreciate

【10】A.notice B. record C. remember D. track

【11】A.shadow B. shake C. play D. feeling

【12】A.damaged B. recovered C. faded D. changed

【13】A.in contrast B.in return C. for instance D.by chance

【14】A.maintaining B. regaining C. discovering D. forgetting

【15】A.remind B. promise C. advise D. convince

【16】A.country B. moment C. memory D. inspiration

【17】A.pleased B. courageous C .confident D. strong

【18】A.meanwhile B. otherwise C. however D. therefore

【19】A.apply B. owe C. contribute D. adapt

【20】A.awareness B. agreement C. comment D. compromise



Through time, I have seen in several animal TV programs amazing examples of concern, bravery and care between sometimes dissimilar and even unfriendly species; this makes me wonder that animals are not quite 1 from the human race when faced with certain 2 .

Once, I watched a program where a lioness took 3 of an orphaned(无父母的) antelope baby; the 4 leads this lioness far away from her group, 5 that other lions would kill her unusual baby easily. After a few days, both were 6 ; the lioness was unable to make a kill 7 herself, and she didn’t have any milk to 8 to the baby. This uncommon behavior attracted the 9 of some animal protectors that decided to 10 and record in film this unnatural relationship.

In 11 case, a female hippo(河马) took away a small antelope from the 12 of a crocodile(鳄鱼); she stood beside the dying animal 13 to save his life by breathing into his mouth and pushing him 14 , forcing him to 15 and run away from the danger; she continued until the wounded antelope died.

In another 16 case, two lions saved the life of a small girl when several men were kidnapping her; they were 17 and run after by the brave lions; although they had the small child at their reach and 18 , they stood at her side for hours until the small girl’s parents arrived.

19 these attitudes may be rather natural I am sure animals can tell other creatures’ suffering and pain and be actually willing to do something to try to help. I can’t describe this behavior as a human 20 , but I think this willingness to help other suffering creatures may be natural not only to humankind, but also to some animals if a certain situation or emergency presents itself.

【1】A.free B. different C. strange D. distant

【2】A.situations B. people C. animals D. problems

【3】A.hold B. control C. loss D. care

【4】A.joy B. decision C. nature D. habit

【5】A.responding B. knowing C. selecting D. calculating

【6】A.useless B. wild C. hungry D. stubborn

【7】A.of B. with C. for D.by

【8】A.offer B. organize C. arise D. burst

【9】A.protection B. attention C. competition D. application

【10】A.advertise B. design C. follow D. rescue

【11】A.any B. another C. the other D. other

【12】A.mouth B. pace C. view D. zone

【13】 A.hoping B. solving C. trying D. doubting

【14】A.entirely B. foolishly C. peacefully D. carefully

【15】A.stand up B. blow up C. set up D. turn up

【16】A.unusual B. official C. equal D. fierce

【17】A.recognized B. attacked C. suffered D. competed

【18】A.goal B. mercy C. relief D. responsibility

【19】A.Because B. Unless C. Before D. Although

【20】 A.hobby B. guidance C. quality D. happiness

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