

__________ the first people arrived in __________ California, no one really knows.

【2】虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始来到 (美国) ,但是更多的中国移民却是在19世纪60年代为了修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。

Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, __________ the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast __________ California in 1860s.


__________ the mix of nationalities will be __________ no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.


【解析】【1】 Exactly when; what we now know as

【2】 it was; that brought even larger numbers to

【3】 It is believed that before long; so great that there will be


【题目】Every morning, before dropping her son off at school, my friend would stop on the way to work to grab a quick breakfast. They tended to frequent the restaurant every morning grabbing an egg sandwich, juice, coffee for herself, milk for her son.

One day she an additional breakfast. When they had eaten and walked out of the door, she stopped and said good morning to a man who was sitting alone outside the restaurant and him the additional breakfast she had bought. He her, grinning, telling her it was the first meal he had in a great many days. She couldn't help but feel and was glad she finally took action.

She told her son that she had him every day that week outside the restaurant and that no one, herself included, had to offer him food, drink, comfort, etc. She further that homelessness can happen to anyone and the importance of service to others and acts of kindness were.

And so her kindness tradition... each day thereafter she and her son (12 to buy and supply the homeless gentleman with breakfast. The was going on until they several years later but the lesson was implanted (植入) in her son by then.

She as she told me that this kindness legacy to her son, who remembered this childhood tradition and lesson. Now a college graduate and employed, her son stops every day at Starbucks for his morning cup of coffee and purchases a for a homeless person nearby before commuting (上下班往返) to the .

What a great family legacy that he can pass along to his children as well...

【1】 A. small B. same C. crowded D. ordinary

【2】 A. received B. demanded C. expected D. ordered

【3】 A. strong B. kind C. homeless D. sick

【4】 A. handed B. bought C. supplied D. provided

【5】 A. remembered B. thanked C. respected D. paid

【6】 A. grateful B. sorry C. anxious D. good

【7】 A. helped B. seen C. disliked D. missed

【8】 A. agreed B. refused C. stopped D. appeared

【9】 A. shouted B. replied C. argued D. explained

【10】 A. what B. which C. how D. where

【11】 A. ended B. began C. met D. presented

【12】 A. hesitated B. hurried C. continued D. needed

【13】 A. moment B. life C. practice D. performance

【14】 A. moved away B. got around C. turned down D. broke up

【15】 A. hardly B. firmly C. happily D. slightly

【16】 A. smiled B. cheered C. sighed D. wondered

【17】 A. came B. occurred C. went D. belonged

【18】 A. regularly B. carefully C. entirely D. gainfully

【19】 A. chance B. tent C. shirt D. breakfast

【20】 A. city B. office C. house D. school

【题目】 If you’re ever apart from your children, just talking on the phone will help just as much as a hug.

If you’re a parent who spends long hours on the job, you probably feel guilty for spending so much time away from your kids. But the results of a new study show that a mother’s voice alone can be just as comforting to an anxious child as physical contact.

In an experiment, researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison asked a group of girls between the ages of 7 and 12 to solve math problems in front of judges a stressful situation for anyone. Before the girls were set to give their answers, the researchers measured their levels of two hormones (荷尔蒙): cortisol, which goes up during stressful periods, and oxytocin, the “love” hormone.

After they were finished, some of the girls got to meet up with their mothers right away. The moms came in and hugged the girls. Another group of the girls didn’t see their mothers, but received phone calls from them, in which their mothers told them how well they’d done. The final group had no contact with their mothers, but instead watched an animal movie, March of the Penguins.

Finally, the girls’ hormone levels were measured again. Although the movie was interesting, it did nothing to ease the children’s anxiety but, surprisingly, both the physical contact and phone calls from their mothers had the same influence on reducing the girls’ stress levels.

So, no matter how old you are, if you’re feeling stresed about something in your life, a phone call to Mom might be just the key to help you feel better.

【1】 How does the writer make his point?

A. By showing an experiment by him.

B. By showing the results of a study.

C. By telling an interesting story.

D. By giving some data.

【2】 The new study finds that ____.

A. kids don’t need their mothers so much

B. a mother’s voice can comfort her anxious kid

C. kids get less anxious with their mothers nearby

D. mothers haven’t spent enough time with their kids

【3】 What is the CORRECT time order of the events in the study?

a. The girls solved their math problems.

b. The girls’ levels of hormones were measured again.

c. The girls were divided into three groups.

d. The girls’ levels of hormones were measured.

A. a, c, d, b

B. c, a, d, b

C. d, a, c, b

D. d, c, a, b

【4】 The final group was arranged to _____.

A. hug their parents

B. watch a boring movie

C. watch an interesting movie

D. give their parents a phone call

【5】 What does the underlined word in the second last paragraph probably mean?

A. Notice.

B. Develop.

C. Replace.

D. Reduce.

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