
【题目】. 已知函数为自然对数的底数)有两个极值点,则实数的取值范围是(

A. B. C. D.




2 个交点,


递减 ,

, , , 递增,

, , ,递减,

, , ,

2 个交点


点晴:本题考查函数导数与函数的极值点的个数问题:可利用数形结合的办法判断交点个数,如果函数较为复杂,可结合导数知识确定极值点和单调区间从而确定其大致图象.方程的有解问题就是判断是否存在零点的问题,可参变分离,转化为求函数的值域问题处理. 恒成立问题以及可转化为恒成立问题的问题,往往可利用参变分离的方法,转化为求函数最值处理.也可构造新函数然后利用导数来求解.注意利用数形结合的数学思想方法.


【题目】Is this a car? Is it a smart phone? Is it a gaming machine?

Yes to all three. The Toyota Fun-Vii is a pleasure palace on wheels.

If Toyota has its way, paint jobs could become a thing of the past, because it has introduced an amazing car that can change its whole look in an instant.

The Vii in Fun-Vii, which stands for “Vehicle,Interactive, Internet It is a small three-seater car that looks like a smart phone, so it is called a smart phone on wheels.Inside and out, most aspects of the car can interact(互相作用) with the internet and be controlled by a smart phone.The magical car allows the owners to download pictures from their phones onto the outside, so that the look of the car could be changed instantly.The color inside could also be changed to reflect the owners mood.Just as the company president Akio Toyoda said, "A car must appeal to our emotions.If its not fun, its not a car."

Its outside and inside are not made of solid paint but touch screens that can display pictures and videos.A network update function downloads all the latest software to make sure the car is always up-to-date, and it can provide the latest entertainment as well as information about its surroundings to the driver.As you drive around, the thoughtful car allows you to communicate with your friends in the nearby cars.It also helps you find your way from one place to another. Its all because the car is networked with all the other cars on the road and drives itself. The smart car is a practical, family sized vehicle fuelled by hydrogen, and it is one of the futuristic concept cars under the theme of "fun to drive, again".It heralds (预示) a not-too-distant future where people, cars and society are linked.

【1】Which of the following may not be a key word for the concept car?





【2】According to the text, Toyota Fun-Vii is _____.

A.a new concept car not powered by gas

B.an amazing car without any pollution

C.the latest software from network

D.a gaming machine with high speed

【3】The owners of the Fun-Vii can reflect their mood by _____.

A.downloading images to change the outside

B.interacting with computers while driving

C.changing the color inside the car

D.changing the speed of the car

【4】What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A.The ways of driving the Fun-vii.

B.How can you find your way in the Fun-Vii.

C.The unusual look of the Fun-Vii.

D.The new functions of the Fun-Vii.

【题目】阅读下面短文, 按要求补全表格。

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Whatre the three difficulties in study and how to 【1】 ________ with them.

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How to keep pets

You should choose the pets you like.

Youd better build houses or nests for them.

In order to make your pets 【3】 ________, you should feed them and keep them clean.

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Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life. Thats right. If you can communicate in English, you can do the following things:

Contact (联系) people from all over the world. Talk about your ideas and opinions on Internet discussion groups. Send e-mails to interesting people. Learn about their life and culture.

Travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you goEnglish is spoken in more than 100 countries. Ask directions, have a conversation, or ask for help. Maybe English will save your life some day!

Push your career forward. If you want a good job in business, technology, or science, get out of that armchair and start learning English now! If you already have a good job, start learning before you lose it! Knowing English will let you do the following things:

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Gain technical knowledge. English is the language of technology, especially high technology like computer science, and medicine. If youre going to read about technology, youll probably have to do it in English.

Be a world-class businessman or woman. Its simple. International business is done in English. And all business today is international. So if you want to play, you have to know Englishto contact other business people, go to conferences, and read international business newspapers and magazines, ect.

Become a better scientist. Contact scientists from other countries, go to international conferences, and visit research centers abroad. Learn about new scientific discoveries by reading papers, books, and magazines.

Use your computer more effectively. Most computer applications are in English, so you will understand them betterand become a better employee.

【1】According to the passage, which one is NOT the advantage of knowing English well?

A. Contacting people more easily.

B. Expressing your ideas clearly.

C. Traveling by spending less money.

D. Learning peoples life or culture.

2 Why does the author say English may save your life some day?

A. Because it enables you to get help from others.

B. Because it helps you gain more knowledge.

C. Because it enables you to tell directions to others.

D. Because it helps you lead a better life.

3 Whats the structure (结构) of the passage?

4What does the passage mainly convey?

A. Ways to learn English.

B. Ways to contact people.

C. Importance of gaining knowledge.

D. Benefits of learning English well.

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