
【题目】It was a cold and windy fall day. I, a fourth-grade pupil, jumped out of the car. “Bye Mom! I yelled as she ______ away. I ran in the front doors and saw my friends waiting for me. We started to walk down the ______ to our classroom. The hallway was so loud as usual and you could ______ hear yourself think. My friend Casey said to me “Erin, your shoelace is ______. “I will tie it when we get in the classroom, thanks though. I replied. Well, I was ______.

We were still walking to our class and my friend Jenny was telling us ______. As we were walking and laughing I stepped on my shoelace and ______ on my face. ”Are you okay Erin? my friends asked me. Well, I wasn’t because I had a bloody nose and blood ______ on my uniform. I looked up from the floor and I saw everyone was staring at me. I ______ and tied my shoelace, put my backpack back on my back, and ran to my classroom. I didn’t ______ anything to my friends. I put my stuff at my desk when I got in the classroom, got a ______ for my nose, and went up to the teacher and asked for a nurse’s pass to get my nose ______ up. When I left the teacher, I saw my friends. I walked ______ by because I didn’t say anything to them. They were laughing and I thought they were laughing at me so I didn’t talk to them for the rest of the ______.

During lunch they came up to me and asked “So how is your ______? “Fine! I yelled, “I saw you laughing at me when I was on my way to the ______. “We weren’t laughing at you. Jenny told another joke. My friends said. “Well, I was ______ at you because I thought you were laughing at me. I’m sorry, do you guys ______ me? “Yes, we forgive you. But next time you should ask us ______ you assume something. My friends said. “OK guys, want to play soccer? I asked, “Sure! they said and then we went outside to ______ the soccer ball happily.

【1】 A. drove B. walked C. flew D. went

【2】A. road B. hallway C. front door D. path

【3】 A. properly B. relatively C. ridiculously D. barely

【4】 A. unfitted B. unbearable C. untied D. uncomfortable

【5】 A. wrong B. upset C. vain D. sure

【6】 A. stories B. jokes C. lies D. facts

【7】 A. lay B. slided C. fell D. stood

【8】 A. attached B. stuck C. flashed D. got

【9】 A. got up B. turned up C. showed up D. took up

【10】 A. demand B. tell C. say D. do

【11】 A. backpack B. shoelace C. uniform D. tissue

【12】 A. bandaged B. cleaned C. washed D. wounded

【13】 A. directly B. brilliantly C. elegantly D. cautiously

【14】 A. day B. morning C. afternoon D. fall

【15】 A. face B. pass C. nose D. foot

【16】 A. teacher B. nurse C. classroom D. office

【17】 A. mad B. exhausted C. dissatisfied D. rude

【18】 A. swear B. punish C. evaluate D. forgive

【19】A. until B. before C. if D. unless

【20】 A. squeeze B. seize C. kick D. play










【10】 C

【11】 D


【13】 A


【15】 C

【16】 B

【17】 A

【18】 D

【19】 B

【20】 C

【解析】【1】联系前面I. . . jumped out of the car. 可知:drive away 驾车离开。

【2】联系下句The hallway was so loud. . . 可知。

【3】走廊很吵闹以至于你不能静下心来。properly 适当地;relatively 相对地;ridiculously 笑地,荒谬地;barely 几乎不。

【4】从下句I will tie it. . . 可知:我的鞋带开了。unfitted 不合适的;unbearable 难以忍受的; untied 未系鞋带的;uncomfortable 不舒服的。

【5】从下文可知:正是作者没系鞋带,才导致了尴尬的场面,故选A 项。wrong 错误的;upset 心烦的;vain 徒劳的;sure 确信的。

【6】从下文We werent laughing at you. Jenny told another joke. 可知。

【7】我踩到了鞋带,磕倒了。lie 躺;slide 滑动;fall 跌倒;stand 站立。

【8】我鼻子出血了,血染在了校服上。attach 系上;依恋;stick 粘贴;flash 闪光;get 染上。

【9】从上句可知:我跌倒在地上,所以我起身系上我的鞋带。get up 起身。

【10】联系下文because I didnt say anything to them 可知。

【11】我拿了块卫生纸堵住鼻子。tissue 卫生纸,符合句意;backpack 背包;shoelace 鞋带; uniform校服,均不合句意。

【12】我想找个护士给我清洗干净。clean up 清理干净;因为鼻子只是出血了,清洗一下即可。 bandage 包扎;wash 洗;wound 使受伤。

【13】我径直走过去了,没和他们说一句话。directly 径直地;brilliantly 骄傲地;elegantly 雅地;cautiously 谨慎地。

【14】联系下文During lunch 可知。

【15】联系上文I had a bloody nose 可知。

【16】联系上文asked for a nurses pass 可知。

【17】我要疯了,因为你们都在嘲笑我。mad 疯狂的;exhausted 疲劳的;dissatisfied 不满意的; rude 粗鲁的。

【18】联系下句Yes, we forgive you. 可知。swear 诅咒;punish 惩罚;evaluate 评估,评价。

【19】下次在你假想事情之前,你最好先问问我们。before ……之前。

【20】联系上句play soccer 可知用kick, 因为soccer 前面有the,不用play。



水龙吟 登建康赏心亭



【1】对《水龙吟 登建康赏心亭》词句解说有误的一项是











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