

all sorts of relate to in favour of be based on turn to drop out search for at ones command

【1】 He wished to forget everything his childhood .

【2】 As one of the best school libraries, it provides books, magazines and relevant materials.

【3】 John studies hard, and he has a large English vocabulary .

【4】 At the meeting Tom spoke my plan.

【5】 Students who of school have trouble finding jobs.

【6】 Whenever I need help or get into trouble, I would my parents for advice.

【7】 His theory careful research, which makes us convinced.

【8】 The rescue team the baby trapped in the fire everywhere, and they finally found him.


【解析】【1】related to 【2】 all sorts of

【3】at his command 【4】 in favour of

【5】drop out 【6】 turn to

【7】is based on 【8】 searched for




【1】—Do you consider ________worthwhile for them to have made that experiment?

Of course. After all, it has paid off.

2Can you think of some women who have made great________(achievement)for our country?

3It is said that the young man managed to lead ________happy life.

4If you want to go to the party with me, you should behave________ (good).

5The girls parents are both ill so she has ________ (support )a large family by selling newspapers.

6Tom and Jack are arguing________ their friend________ a math problem.

7The conductor blew his whistle and the train slowly________(move) off.

8He made an (inspire)speech at the meeting and the inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.

9Id prefer________(reserve)my judgment until I know all the facts.

【10Only if you eat the correct foods________(you)be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

【11Today,as the world's urban population explodes,and cities become more ________ (crowd) than ever.

【12He's more of a talker than a doer,which is why he ________ (achieve) nothing so far.

【13I was ________ (inspire) while watching a television program showing how sleds might have helped with pyramid construction.

【14Personally,I don't think it worthwhile for them ________ (spend)all the savings on this trip.

【题目】Newspapers are an important source (来源) of information. Many people begin their days by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes,however,they don’t have the time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page,at other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to glance at the headlines. There are newspapers to satisfy every reader. In big cities there are many types with several different editions every day. In small towns there are few newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. In some areas the paper is printed weekly.

Most papers have several editions,especially on Sundays when the editions are larger than usual. There are,besides the front page with the most important news,the sports news,the society page,the amusement section,a business page and so on.

【1】People read newspapers to ________.

A.learn as much knowledge as they want

B.learn about the most important news

C.get some information

D.learn about whatever they want

2The underlined word “glance” means ________.

A.look carefully

B.look quickly

C.look slowly

D.read word to word

3Reading the headlines, people can know ________.

A.what the articles are about

B.the most important news

C.what is going on in the world

D.the sports, the society

4If you want to know what’s on in the cinema, you’d better read ________.

A.the business page

B.the amusement section

C.the society page

D.the sports section


A nerve-zapping(电击神经) headset caused people to get rid of fat in a small preliminary study. Six people who had received the stimulation(刺激) lost on average about 8 percent of the fat on their trunks in four months, scientists reported at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

The headset stimulated the vestibular nerve(前庭神经), which runs just behind the ears. That nerve sends signals to the hypothalamus, a brain structure thought to control the bodys fat storage. By stimulating the nerve with an electrical current, the technique shifts the body away from storing fat toward burning it.

Six overweight and obese people received the treatment, consisting of up to four one-hour-long sessions of stimulation a week. Because it activated the vestibular system, the stimulation created the sensation of gently rocking on a boat or floating in a pool, said the study’s co-author Jason McKeown of the University of California, San Diego.

After four months, body scans measured the trunk fat for the six people receiving the treatment and three people who received unreal stimulation. All six in the treatment group lost some trunk fat, despite not having changed their activity or diet. In contrast, those in the unreal group gained some fat. Researchers suspect that changes in the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within human cells are behind the difference. "The results were a lot better than we thought they’d be," McKeown said.

Earlier studies found that vestibular nerve stimulation causes mice to drop fat and pack on muscle, resulting in what McKeown called Schwarzenegger mice. Though small, the current study suggests that the approach has promise in people. McKeown and his colleagues have started a company based on the technology and plan to test it further.

【1】 What is an electrical current used for?

A. Causing the body to burn its fat.

B. Controlling the body’s storage of fat.

C. Seeing if the headset will be affected.

D. Speeding the process of one’s digesting.

【2】Whats the probable reason for the different results in participants?

A. The length of stimulation they received.

B. The type of stimulation they received.

C. The difference in their vestibular system.

D. The way chemicals process in their body.

【3】Which is true about McKeowns current findings?

A. They have a kind of practical value.

B. They go against those of earlier tests on mice.

C. They were widely recognized at the meeting.

D. They have been tested by McKeown’s company.

【4】What can be the best title of the text?

A. The science of zapping fat

B. A new trial of weight loss

C. Zapping certain nerves leads to fat loss

D. Exercise for weight loss and get fit

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