










Dear Peter,

I’m glad to hear from you. Actually, I spend most of my spare time reading.

I have been in love with reading since I was young, and reading has become an important part of my life. The small size and the light weight of reading materials make it very convenient for me to put them into my handbag so that I can read whenever and wherever I go.

I usually get lost in reading, through which I can explore the beauty of the world and enjoy much fun. Besides, by reading, the wisdom of great authors can broaden my horizons and help me become a learned man. How do you spend your spare time? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




Be Your Own Best Friend

Why would you want to become your own best friend? There are a number of benefits of creating your own support system from within rather than relying on your partner, friends or family to be there for you when you’re suffering. We all have it in us to give ourselves what we need, without seeking it from outside. ____1____ Here’s how to become your own best friend.

1. Be nice to yourself.

The first step in becoming a friend to yourself is to treat yourself like you would treat a friend. ____2____ Start by accepting your good qualities, talents and abilities and begin to appreciate yourself.

2. Imagine how you would support a friend in the same situation.

Think about a loved one, a friend, a family member, or someone dear to you and imagine that they are in the same situation you are facing. ____3____ Then consider how to best offer help and advice to them. Allow yourself to feel supported, and give yourself what you need.

Write down the words that you would say to your greatest friend and then say them gently to yourself.

3. ____4____

Following the theme of considering how you would help a dear friend, you need to start taking your own advice and putting your own needs first. Do you need a day off from work? ____5____

Whatever it is that you need, allow yourself to put it at the top of the list rather than the bottom. Use these methods to become your own best friend and start being there for yourself!

A. A long hot bath?

B. Honor your needs.

C. Believe in yourself.

D. Help them first and then they will help you.

E. That means that you need to stop being doubtful of yourself.

F. Think about how they’re struggling, suffering with this problem.

G. Isn’t it far better to know how to support yourself in times of need?


Starting a New Job? Here are some practical tips on what you should do on your first day at the office.

Show up early. Arriving five to ten minutes early gives you time to settle in. 1 To make sure you can arrive early, give yourself extra time to get ready in the morning and to travel to your destination. If possible, consider practicing the full commute(上下班路程) to work during rush hour to get used to the route.

Be enthusiastic, but not overbearing (专横的). It can be difficult to find the right balance between making an effect in your new role and breaking the balance of the delicate office atmosphere. You don’t want to walk in and make a strong impression. 2 Experts suggest that you try to balance energy and enthusiasm with modesty on your first day in a new role.

3 It might seem difficult not to draw comparisons between your new job and the one you just left. 4 While you might think you’re adding value when you talk about your old job, it can seem like you’re pining for it. Instead of drawing comparisons, only mention similarities with your previous role in support of your new one.

Take plenty of notes. It’s a great idea to bring a small notebook and pen with you on your first day for taking down notes. 5 You’re likely to face data overload on your first day. So taking notes is a great way to keep on top of things. Plus, making notes by hand can lead to a better memory for information.

A. Be positive and show interest.

B. Avoid mentioning your old job.

C. But you should definitely resist the urge.

D. Yet don’t come so early that you seem too eager.

E. But you don’t want to fade into the background either.

F. Don’t be shy about recording information that will be useful to you later.

G. So ask questions, take notes, and appear engaged while offering your own ideas.



Mandela, South African freedom fighter, was put in prison on a lonely island for 27 years. In those years he was 1 treated though already reaching his 2 age. The rocky island, which is covered with snakes, seals and other 3 , is 7 miles 4 from the capital. In the daytime, Mandela had to work on a stone pit, 5 big stones into small pieces or go to the sea, 6 kelp(海带) out of the cold seawater. Being a major criminal, he was specially 7 by three men, who were always finding faults in what he did and then 8 him.

1991 saw Mandela’s release(释放)from 9 . One of his touching moments happened on his ceremony of his coming into 10 . As elected President of South Africa, he first introduced the political 11 from all over the world. He said he was pleased to meet them at his introduction into Presidency. But, to his greatest __12__, the three guards also attended the ceremony. He 13 them to rise from their seats so as to be introduced to everybody 14 . Being old, he slowly stood up from his seat and 15 to the three very men. A tongue-tied silence occupied the hall. Being so 16 , Mandela made all the whites, who cruelly treated him for many years, 17 to death. His behavior won him universal admiration.

Later, he explained to his friends that he was bad-tempered when he was young. It was 18 /span>that he learned to control himself and was able to 19 from the hard years. "When I stepped out of prison and threw myself into 20 , I was aware that if I can’t leave hatred and sorrow behind in the prison, I remain imprisoned."

【1】A. badly B. well C. equally D. seriously

【2】A. own B. old C. high D. certain

【3】A. plants B. stones C. insects D. animals

【4】A. far B. along C. away D. off

【5】A. picking B. digging C. putting D. breaking

【6】A. collecting B. producing C. discovering D. planting

【7】A. served B. guarded C. treated D. cured

【8】A. punished B. killed C. hated D. fired

【9】A. sentence B. election C. prison D. office

【10】A. palace B. room C. get-together D. power

【11】A. opinions B. leaders C. demands D. differences

【12】A. surprise B. anger C. joy D. disappointment

【13】A. let B. demanded C. ordered D. requested

【14】 A. around B. nearby C. present D. faraway

【15】 A. saluted B. greeted C. apologized D. talked

【16】A. experienced B. broad-minded C. generous D. open-minded

【17】A. pitiful B. painful C. delighted D. shamed

【18】A. at war B. at church C. in prison D. in school

【19】A. fight B. survive C. make D. spend

【20】A. freedom B. life C. work D. politics



Snow is a subject of great interest to weather experts. 1 One reason is that heavy amounts of snow fall in surprisingly small areas. Another reason is that a small change in temperature can mean the difference between snow and rain.

Just what is snow, anyway? Snow is a form of frozen water. 2 These crystals grow from water droplets in cold clouds. They usually grow around dust particles(颗粒). All snow crystals have six sides, but they grow in different shapes. The shape depends mainly on the temperature and water levels in the air.

3 About two and one-half centimeters of rain has as much water as 15 centimeters of wet snow. About 76 centimeters of dry snow equals the water in two and one-half centimeters of rain.

Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from winter weather. Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals. 4

Snow can also influence the movement of sound waves. When there is fresh, soft snow on the ground, the surface of the snow absorbs, or takes in, sound waves. 5 Then, the snows surface will help to send back sound waves. Under these conditions, sounds may seem clearer and may travel farther.

A. Snow contains much less water than rain.

B. Much of the water the world uses comes from snow.

C. It contains groups of ice particles called snow crystals.

D. It is difficult to predict where, when or how much snow will fall.

E. Because theair has trouble moving, the movement of heat is limited.

F. Under some conditions, these particles may grow larger and form solid pieces of ice.

G. However, snow can become hard and flat as it grows older or if there have been strong winds.

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