





A.①②④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③





材料一 哲学对于普通人来说,越来越遥不可及。这些稀奇古怪的宇宙论不能符合人的需求,并且与人的基本经验背道而驰。……对苏格拉底来说,哲学的宗旨并不是提出关于宇宙的深奥理论,而是要让人学会如何生活。世界上为什么会有如此之多的罪恶呢?那是因为人们缺乏关于生活和道德的理念。如果他们承认其深刻的无知,就更能懂得如何行事。


材料二 古代希腊思想家的每个学派,亚里士多德学派、柏拉图学派,等等,都在文艺复兴那个时候找到它的信徒……在14至15世纪,对人体、天文、地理以及自然世界其他领域的研究普遍得到了加强。……数学和数学方法受到普遍重视,并逐渐与自然科学研究结合起来……一些有远见的哲学家及时地汲取了新科学的成果,在此基础上提出了具有自然哲学倾向的新哲学体系,成为近代哲学的先驱。


材料三 法国哲学家是真正的哲学家,他们提出了最根本的哲学问题:关于生命的意义,关于上帝、人性、善与恶。同时,他们不满足于只是少数教授和学者们的抽象争论和象牙塔里的沉思,他们希望影响大众,说服大众。他们热情地承担了改良社会和人性的责任……最有名的、在许多方面都最具代表性的哲学家是弗朗索瓦·玛瑞·阿鲁埃,他以伏尔泰的笔名闻名于世。在他漫长的生涯里,写了七十多部有趣的著作,他一生都在极力反对法律的不公正,以及法律面前阶级的不平等。






I went to Arizona earlier this month to see what the college of the future might look like. What I found is an exciting new era of higher education that will help more students get a great, personalized education at an affordable price.

This future may not always include the lecture halls, dormitories, and other features of the traditional college experience. Instead, the colleges I visited are experimenting with ways for students to get their degrees online, allowing them to take courses any place and at any time.

These colleges without walls,” as they are sometimes called, are at the forefront of the effort to broaden access to higher education, especially for low-income students with full-time jobs and families. During my visit, I heard encouraging stories of students who were taking advantage of these flexible learning models to pursue degrees that could put them on paths to new careers.

One of those students was Shawn Lee. He had a compelling story: After dropping out of college decades ago, he found himself in a series of low-paying, often back-breaking jobs. He recently decided to get his degree when he had his first child and wanted to start building a better life.

Tucked away in an industrial park in Tempe, Rio Salado didn’t look much like a traditional institute of higher education. There were no students running to class. Just a couple of glass-faced office buildings. The college had just 22 full-time faculty serving 60,000 students, with more than half of them attending classes online.

Several students I met during my visit said they liked learning online. “I’ve taken college classes in a big auditorium with herds of people. There was no personal connection,” one student said. “Now I can reach my teacher with the click of a mouse.”

After several days’ visit, I left Arizona feeling quite optimistic about what the future holds for higher education.

1What does “colleges without walls” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Colleges that have no walls around.

B. Colleges that students attend online .

C. Colleges that can be entered freely.

D. Colleges that give students more freedom.

2 What made Shawn Lee return to attend college again ?

A. That he has nothing to do.

B. That he couldn’t find a job.

C. That the cost of the college is low.

D. That he wanted to find a better job.

3How did the writer feel after the visit ?

A. Hopeful. B. Dissatisfied.

C. Disappointed. D. Upset.

4What is the writer’s purpose by writing this passage?

A. To explain what “colleges without walls” are.

B. To advertise the colleges.

C. To encourage people to attend higher education.

D. To introduce a new model of education.


材料一 本来意义上的社会主义和共产主义体系,如圣西门、傅立叶、欧文等人的体系,是在无产阶级同资产阶级之间的斗争尚未发展的最初阶段出现的……这些体系的发明家们虽然曾经看出阶级的对立……但是他们没有看出无产阶级所特有的任何政治运动。


材料二 1825年,英国爆发了第一次周期性经济危机……大批失业和挨饿的工人陷入绝望的地步,以致发生公开的暴动……数以千计的人群涌到赛克斯公司的工厂,冲进室内,捣毁了所有的织布机……同样在普雷斯顿、罗契台尔也发生了类似的捣毁织布机的风潮。


材料三 恩格斯第一个指出,无产阶级不只是一个受苦的阶级……战斗中的无产阶级是能够自己帮助自己的。工人阶级的政治运动必然会使工人认识到,除了社会主义,他们没有别的出路。另一方面,社会主义只有成为工人阶级政治斗争的目标时,才会成为一种力量。这就是恩格斯的关于《英国工人阶级状况》的一书的基本思想。





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