









材料一 自西洋文明输入吾国,最初促吾人之觉悟者为学术,相形见绌,举国所知矣;其次为政治,年来政象所证明,以有不克守缺抱残之势。继今以往,国人所怀疑莫决者,当为伦理问题。此而不能觉悟,则前之所谓觉悟者,非彻底之觉悟,盖犹在倘恍迷离之境。吾敢断言曰:伦理的觉悟,为吾人最后觉悟之最后觉悟


材料二 受制于皇帝制度两千年,是这个民族不能逃避的命运。中国现代化进程中遇到的许多问题,比如德先生”“赛先生迟迟不能落脚,比如公民意识、规则意识、宽容意识的缺乏,比如熟人社会,比如守旧症非我症不合作症麻痹症,其根源都可以追溯到三千年前的夏商周时代或者更远的尧舜禹。从这个角度,我们可以更加深刻地理解中国文化转型的艰难。






How to Be a Good Pet Owner

Pet-sitting can be very rewarding and profitable. This is certainly something you should think about doing if you love animals. Here's the information you will need to get started.

1.Give them food and water.

Any living being needs water in order to survive. 1 It’s best to change the water daily to keep it clean.

Give your pet the food meant specifically for that type of pet. It helps even more if it’s the same food it ate before you got it. 2 Do not overfeed or not give it enough food

2. 3

Typically a pet’s habitat should be clean, so it is a good environment for the animal. Clean it at least once a week or any other times if necessary, otherwise the animal will get sick more, feel unhappy, and may even become more aggressive .

3. Socialize with your pet.

Always pay attention to the animal. 4 Some pets suffer separation anxiety when their owners are away. They may chew or scratch up furniture in their anxiety. Try to avoid this.

4. Make sure your pet is healthy.

5 Bad teeth and refusing to play or even eat could mean something is wrong. Try to get your pet to the vet at least once a year! Your pet will thank you for giving it a healthy lifetime.

A. Bathe your pet and keep it clean.

B. Always give your pet the right amount of food.

C. Pets are mainly meant for companionship.

D. You’d better check the water first with your hand.

E. But make sure the water is fresh and clean.

F. Often check for signs of illness.

G. Clean the cage of your pet often enough.

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