
【题目】In America it is common for children as young as four to participate in organized activities. Piano and ballet lessons, scouts meetings, soccer and softball practices surround their normal school schedules. However, one person is very important in the logistics of how these children are able to get from swimming practice to French lessons: The Soccer Mom. The Soccer Mom is a very important stereotype in American suburban life. The phrase Soccer Mom was first created in 1995 and broadly refers to a married middle-class woman who lives in the suburbs, works outside the home and has school age children. Much of her time is spent managing her children's schedules and transporting them to sporting events and other activities. The image of the Soccer Mom conjures a busy woman who drives a minivan large enough to contain her children, their friends and their sporting equipment. Once they arrive at the sporting event or other activity, the Soccer Mom will stay to watch, serving granola bars and juice to their children after their game or activity is finished.

In America, the roles of mother and of career woman demand opposite responsibilities from a woman. The role of a career woman is to work hard and climb the corporate ladder, while the role of mother often asks women to put her family's interests ahead of her own. The Soccer Mom attempts to straddle this divide, at once balancing her children and their activities with her own life outside her family. The Soccer Mom becomes overburdened with the weight of responsibilities. A 1999 poll states that being stressed out is one of the most frequently mentioned characteristics of a Soccer Mona. Yet without Soccer Moms, who would fill the responsibilities of getting children to where they needed to be?

【1】 The best title for this passage is "_____".

A. The Hectic Lifestyle of Suburban Children

B. The American Family

C. Minivans the Realm of the Soccer Mom

D. Soccer Moms in American Society

【2】 The main role of Soccer Moms is _____.

A. transporting their children

B. buying things for their children

C. pushing their children to achieve

D. a successful career

【3】 Why are American mothers stressed out?

A. Because they are very career centered.

B. Because they work and have children.

C. Because they push their children to achieve.

D. Because their husbands are lazy.

【4】 What is a frequently mentioned characteristic of Soccer Moms?

A. Overburdened.

B. Working outside the home.

C. Having young children.

D. Bringing juice to soccer games.

【5】 What does "Climbing the corporate ladder" mean?

A. Working.

B. Having a career as a woman.

C. Advancing your career.

D. Working in a ladder factory.






【解析】【1】 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了美国社会中Soccer Moms的来历以及她们每天忙碌的生活。

【2】细节理解题。根据第一段中的Much of her time is spent managing her children's schedules and transporting them to sporting events and other activities.可知,A项正确。

【3】 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“……a married middle-class woman who lives in the suburbs, works outside the home and has school age children.可知,这些美国母亲既要工作又要养育孩子,所以她们压力很大。

【4】 细节理解题。根据第二段中的The Soccer Mom becomes overburdened with the weight of responsibilities.可知,A项正确。

【5】 句意理解题。根据第三段可知,在美国,从职业女性的角度说,她要努力工作以求晋升,然而母亲的角色又要求她要把家庭利益置于个人利益之上。故C项正确。










A诈赵而其璧 胁:勒索

B大王弗予城,而赵璧 绐:欺骗

C令秦王怒而相如于市 僇:通“戮”,杀

D若其劲渑池,廉颇 柔:使……怀柔


A蔺相如完璧,人皆称之 视廉将军孰与秦王

B人璧秦弗予城 毕礼归之

C一璧故而失信于天下 则请立太子为王,绝秦望

D劲渑池 而余亦悔随之而不得极夫游之乐也


入璧而秦弗予城 秦出城而璧归

璧入而城弗予 大王弗予城,而绐赵璧

臣请就死于国,以明大王之失信 使舍人怀而逃之

A①②③ B②③④ C④⑤⑥ D①③④
















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