Today we started our new school term. We were very happy to see friends again. But the most exciting of all,the new term is the time to plan new hobbies. It is common in Britain for students to plan new hobbies after the Christmas holidays. Deciding to start something new is a common New Year resolution.

Most schools offer different kinds of hobby classes. Students take them in their free time or after school. You have to pay for some classes and others are free. For example,I once took a free Friday evening gymnastics(体操) class my school offered. But when I wanted to learn how to play the drum,my parents had to pay for the lessons.

The most popular extra classes at my school were piano lessons. We also like playing a role in the drama (戏剧) club. Both classes offered exams students could take. Students with many hobbies sometimes felt more stressed than those without any. But the students with hob-bies left school with many extra skills.

I have not stopped any of the hobbies I began at school. Although sometimes I may feel very tired,there are also some good reasons for me to insist on it. And I have never regretted taking them. My best friend today is someone I met in my gymnastics class. We have the same hobby and we spend time a lot.

1.When a new school term starts,the most exciting thing for students is . see friends again plan new hobbies take different kinds of hobby classes learn how to play the drum

2.When can the writer learn to play the drum in the hobby class?

A.When a new school term starts. B.After the Christmas holidays.

C.In the free time or after school. D.When the school classes begin.

3.The writer has never regretted taking his hobby classes because .

A.they were all free

B.they didn’t offer exams

C.they didn’t make the writer feel more stressed

D.the writer made his best friend in a hobby class

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Different Kinds of Hobbies

B.We Started Our New School Term

C.I Met a Friend in My Gymnastics Class

D.The New Term Is the Time to Plan New Hobbies

The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) has already made tens of thousands of people sick. Where did the virus come from? Scientists say it probably came from bats.

Bats can carry and transmit more than 60 viruses that can infect humans, Live Science noted. They include the world’ s deadliest viruses,such as Ebola and HIV. Due to their strong immune systems (免疫系统),bats are able to host these viruses and not get sick. At the same time,the viruses keep developing inside the bats to create new variants (变体). These variants can then infect new hosts,such as other wild animals.

Pangolins (穿山甲),for example,might be an intermediate host (中间宿主) for NCP,according to a recent study by Chinese scientists. This means that bats might have given the virus to pangolins,with pangolins then spreading it to humans.

Wild animals like snakes,hedgehogs (刺猬) and bamboo rats also carry various viruses. But since they live in the wild,there should be few chances for humans to come into contact with them and get infected—unless the animals are eaten or used to make animal products. When people hunt, buy and eat wild animals, they can introduce viruses to the rest of the population.

But this doesn’t mean that we should kill wild animals. Each species has a role in the eco-system (生态系统) and all of them are important in keeping a natural ecological balance. The lesson we can learn from disease outbreaks is to respect and protect animals and to live in harmony with them instead of hunting,killing,or eating them.

1.Why can bats host many viruses without getting sick?

A.Because these viruses are not deadly.

B.Because the viruses are kept in balance.

C.Because they have strong immune systems.

D.Because they can spread the viruses to other animals.

2.The underlined word“harmony”in the last paragraph probably means .

A.danger B.peace C.pain D.surprise

3.According to the story,what lesson should humans learn?

A.Research more about wild animals. B.Exercise regularly to stay healthy.

C.Stop keeping animals as pets. D.Don’t buy or eat wild animals.

Clouds are made of small drops of water or tiny pieces of ice. The water and ice in clouds come from the Earth ’s surface,especially from lakes,rivers,and oceans. Water on the surface is heated. It changes into a gas called water vapor(水蒸气). Water vapor goes up into the air.

The higher up you go,the colder the air gets. When water vapor gets cold,it changes back into drops of water. If it gets cold enough,the water changes to ice. When the drops of water and bits of ice are so small,you see the water and ice in the sky as clouds. Scientists who study weather divide clouds into three families. Three families are called high clouds,middle clouds,and low clouds.

High clouds are made of bits of ice. High clouds can be 5 miles or more above the Earth’s surface. Rain and snow do not fall from these clouds.

Middle clouds are made of drops of water. They form about 2 to 4 miles up in the sky. You can see through them,but you can’ t see the Sun and the Moon clearly because of them.

Low clouds are made of drops of water. Most low clouds are less than a mile high. Rain or snow usually falls from these clouds.

1.Where do the water and ice in clouds come from?

The water and ice in clouds come from____________.

2.When does the water vapor change back into drops of water?

When water vapor____________,it changes back into drops of water.

3.Why can’ t you see the sun and the moon clearly?

You can’t see the sun and the moon clearly because of _____________.

4.What does “It” refer to in the first paragraph?

It refers to______________.

5.Where does the rain or snow usually fall from?

Rain or snow usually falls from________________.

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