
近日,由新型冠状病毒肺炎( novel coronavirus pneumonia)引发的疫情备受关注。84岁高龄的钟南山院士(academician)挂帅出征专家组组长,奋战抗疫一线。2003年SARS爆发,当时67岁的钟南山临危受命,被称为“抗击非典第一人”。当他再一次出现在全国人民的视线前,很多人难以相信,眼前这位精神矍铄、思维敏捷、看着不过60出头的钟院士,已是一位耄耋之年的老人。请根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。

要点:1.Why does he influence you best?

2.What can you learn from him?




In the spring of 2020,the novel coronavirus pneumonia was widely spread in China. People all over China and even the world were very concerned about the situation. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


A boy was growing in the orphanage(孤儿院). He often______the question to the or-phanage Dean(院长) sadly, “Such unwanted children like me, why on earth do they live in the world?”The Dean always smiled and______replied.

One day,the Dean brought a stone to the boy and said,“Sell the stone in______market tomorrow. No matter how much money people pay, you’ll never sell it.”The next day, the boy held the stone and squatted(蹲) in the corner of the market. To______surprise,many people found him and were interested in the stone in his hand. The price was higher and higher,but the boy didn’t sell it. When he was back to the orphanage, he reported that to the Dean______.The Dean smiled. Then the Dean asked the boy to take the stone to the gold mar-ket. In the gold market, someone gave ten times______price than it was yesterday. Still the boy didn’t sell it.

In the end,the Dean asked the boy______the stone to the diamond display market. As a result,the value of the stone went up over 10 times again. ______ the boy didn’t sell it. Soon it was spread as“a rare treasure”.The boy was so surprised and asked the Dean______. This time, the Dean didn’t smile. He said to the boy seriously,“The value of life is like this stone. In different situations it will have different______. As long as we value ourselves,the life is valuable. In fact,the value of life depends on your attitude.”

1.A.asked B.asks C.will ask D.has asked

2.A.often B.sometimes C.never D.usually

3.A.a B.an C./ D.the

4.A.he B.his C.him D.himself

5.A.excited B.excitedly C.tired D.tiredly

6.A.high B.higher C.lower D.lowest

7.A.taken B.takes C.taking D.to take

8.A.But B.And C.Or D.So

9.A.how B.when C.what D.why

10.A.meaning B.meanings C.accident D.accidents

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