Clouds are made of small drops of water or tiny pieces of ice. The water and ice in clouds come from the Earth ’s surface,especially from lakes,rivers,and oceans. Water on the surface is heated. It changes into a gas called water vapor(水蒸气). Water vapor goes up into the air.

The higher up you go,the colder the air gets. When water vapor gets cold,it changes back into drops of water. If it gets cold enough,the water changes to ice. When the drops of water and bits of ice are so small,you see the water and ice in the sky as clouds. Scientists who study weather divide clouds into three families. Three families are called high clouds,middle clouds,and low clouds.

High clouds are made of bits of ice. High clouds can be 5 miles or more above the Earth’s surface. Rain and snow do not fall from these clouds.

Middle clouds are made of drops of water. They form about 2 to 4 miles up in the sky. You can see through them,but you can’ t see the Sun and the Moon clearly because of them.

Low clouds are made of drops of water. Most low clouds are less than a mile high. Rain or snow usually falls from these clouds.

1.Where do the water and ice in clouds come from?

The water and ice in clouds come from____________.

2.When does the water vapor change back into drops of water?

When water vapor____________,it changes back into drops of water.

3.Why can’ t you see the sun and the moon clearly?

You can’t see the sun and the moon clearly because of _____________.

4.What does “It” refer to in the first paragraph?

It refers to______________.

5.Where does the rain or snow usually fall from?

Rain or snow usually falls from________________.

I believed I had perfect life. Because I was about to _________ my high school, and on my way to college, I had great friends and a loving family. There was nothing _________. But I spoke too soon.

It was at around 9:25 am that I heard the news that would change my life forever. My brother Zach had been in a car accident. He fought for five days before he __________. That day, I became an only child. I felt desperately _________.

After Zach’s death, I found relief in __________. I ate, then I slept, and then I ate again. I couldn’t cry. I could hardly feel anything, and I was numb. I stopped building relationships for fear they would end just as __________ as Zach. Also, I became nervous about any potentially risky situations — driving late at night — but I couldn’t express this fear of life __________ I wanted to be strong for my parents. I saw my parents’ pain __________ than mine on account of losing their son. I didn’t want them to __________ me. I also experienced a lot of __________ , because I was angry about why the sadness had happened to me, and I never escaped from this emotion.

Now, it has been nearly five years since Zach’s death. I don’t ____________ life anymore; I face it bravely. I __________ my friendships and began socializing(交友;交际)more. I even __________ Zach’s story with people around me. Although my new friends have never met him, they know about Zach.

One lesson I learn from losing my brother is never to be _________ to say “I love you.” I love my brother, but it is too late to express it loudly. The last time I remember telling my brother I loved him was when he was dying. Don’t make this _________ like me.

1.A.celebrate B.finish C.appreciate D.develop

2.A.explaining B.reaching C.competing D.missing

3.A.took away B.gave away C.passed away D.flew away

4.A.lonely B.different C.available D.relaxed

5.A.exercise C.sleeping D.heart

6.A.finally B.suddenly C.actually D.especially B.if C.unless D.because

8.A.better B.worse C.less D.fewer

9.A.think about B.come about about D.worry about

10.A.embarrassment B.anger C.unhappiness D.power

11.A.dream B.choose C.fear D.leave

12.A.produced B.rebuilt C.praised D.invited

13.A.interview B.advertise C.share D.perform

14.A.real B.nervous C.upset D.afraid

15.A.mistake B.explanation C.decision D.comment

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