One day a toad (蟾蜍) met a monkey. They decided to look for something to eat because they both felt _____. They saw a woman making some cakes in a house when they came to a village. Then they got an idea.

The toad jumped _____ the village well (水井). Hearing something fall into water, the woman quickly ran towards the well. The monkey at once entered the house, took a basket with a big cake and _____ to a hill.

After a while, the toad met the monkey there. The monkey wanted to eat the cake by _____, so he said to the toad, “ Let’s roll (滚) the basket downhill. Whoever gets the basket first can have the cake.” “But that’s unfair. I can’t run as fast as you,” replied the toad. The monkey said, “You must race with me, _____ the whole cake will be mine.”

The toad had no choice but to _____. They pushed the basket downhill and the race started. The monkey ran fast after the basket, but the toad moved _____. Suddenly, the cake fell out of the basket and stopped beside a small tree. The toad _____ under the tree and began to eat the cake.

When the monkey caught the basket, he found it _____. He climbed the hill again and saw the toad eating the cake. He became angry and wanted to take the ______ back. But to the monkey’s surprise, the toad asked him to eat it together.

The monkey regretted (后悔) cheating his friend. He decided he would never do that any more.

1.A.hungry B.ready C.busy

2.A.under B.from C.into D.along

3.A.took out B.looked for C.ran away D.picked up

4.A.themselves B.myself C.ourselves D.himself

5.A.and B.or C.but C.agree D.thank

7.A.quickly B.slowly C.happily D.luckily

8.A.shouted B.planted C.left D.stopped

9.A.empty B.full C.heavy D.light

10.A.basket B.tree C.banana D.cake

Squirrels are getting ready for winter. They are looking for nuts(坚果) and seeds(种子), digging holes in the ground or finding holes in trees. That’s where they store the food they will need during the coming months, when the weather is cold and sometimes snowy.

Squirrels spend a lot of time in trees, which are like restaurants for them. Among their favorite things to eat are nuts and other parts of trees, like tender buds (花苞).

Squirrels may also eat corn, insects and other animals. And, as anyone who has a bird knows, squirrels love bird food!

Squirrels stay active(活跃) all winter, so they need plenty of food to help keep up their energy(能量). Squirrels tend to bury food underground, piece by piece. Some squirrels may gather(收集) food into piles that they put at the base of trees or bury underground.

When they need food, squirrels use their memory and smell to help them find what they buried. Sometimes, you’ll even see them digging through the snow.

Squirrels make nests in trees. Some squirrels spend much of the winter in underground tunnels (地道), where it is warmer.

When spring comes, squirrels change their eating habits to new plant growth, like buds and leaves. Sometimes they forget to dig up all their buried nuts.

That’s why you’ll sometimes find a little tree growing in a place where neither you nor your family planted it. It must have been the squirrels.

1.To get ready for winter, squirrels do all of the following EXCEPT(除了) ______ . leaves to keep warm B.look for nuts and seeds

C.find holes in trees D.dig holes in the ground

2.The underlined part “tend to bury” in Paragraph 4 means ______ .

A.never bury B.seldom bury C.usually bury D.hardly bury

3.According to the passage, we know that______ .

A.squirrels do not eat any other animals

B.squirrels sleep all the time during winter

C.squirrels plant young trees when spring comes

D.squirrels sometimes can't find all of their buried nuts

How could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere in the world?

The sun might be the world's first “clock”, except in the far north, where the Eskimos(爱斯基摩人)live. There, it's dark most of the winter, and light most of the summer. But in most of the world, if you don't have a clock that shows time, you still know that when the sun shines, it's day, and when it's dark, it's night. The sun can not only tell you whether(是否)it's day or night but also it's morning, noon, or afternoon. When the sun is almost directly(恰好)overhead, it's noon.

People who live near the sea learn from the tides. In the daytime, for about six hours, the water rises higher and higher on the beach. And then it goes down and down for about six hours. The same thing happens again at night. There are two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours.

Seamen on a ship know time by looking at the moon and the stars. The whole sky is their clock.

In some places in the world the wind comes up at about the same time every day or changes direction or stops blowing. In these places the wind can be the clock.

A sand clock is an even better clock. If you had fine dry sand in a glass like the one in the picture, you would have what is called an hourglass. The sand in the hourglass goes from the top part to the bottom part in one hour. When the hourglass is turned over, the sand will take another hour to go back again.

1.From the passage we can know there are_____ ways to tell time except the clock and watch.

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.7

2.The Eskimos in the far north can't use the sun for a clock because _______.

A.they know very little about the sun

B.the sun there never goes down in winter's too cold for them to go out to watch the sun has long days during summers and long night during winters

3.The underlined word "tides" in the passage means_______.

A.洋流 B.潮汐 C.海啸 D.波浪

4.Which page of the newspaper may this passage be in?

A.News B.Science C.Advertisement. D.Sports.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Different Ways to Tell Time B.How the Clock Was Invented

C.The Development of the Clock D.A Useful Machine to Tell Time

Daisy was in the bathroom of her flat. She was brushing her teeth and the tap(水龙头) was on. Water was coming into the sink.

"Turn that tap off, " a voice said loudly. Daisy looked round, but saw no one. "Turn that tap off. You're wasting water, " the voice sounded again.

"Who…who are you?" "I'm water. It's not easy for me to get here. Do you know where I'm from?"

"From the tap,of course. "said Daisy.

"Yes, yes, but before that?" the voice said. "24 days ago,I was in a cloud in Jiangxi, enjoying the sights comfortably. Then the cloud dropped me into a stream and I ran down the mountain into the Yangtze River. It carried me to a lake. I stayed there for a few days, and then I travelled a long way and ran into the Huangpu River. Then it was time to get cleaned up. "

"Cleaned up?" Daisy was surprised.

"Yes. I was dirty after my journey so they took me to a water factory. They gave me a cleaning and added a few chemicals(化学品)to me. Then I travelled in the pipes under the streets. I waited there until you called me,and here I am. "

Daisy said,"So this is the end of your journey. "

"No. When you've finished with me, I'll go to a sewage plant(污水处理厂). Then they'll pour me into the river and I'll be back in the sea again. "


"Yes. That' s where I came from in the first place. Remember not to waste me or make me dangerously dirty. I' m precious(珍贵)like gold. See you. "

"Wait a minute. What do you mean by that?" But there was no answer. The water left.

1.How long was the water's journey from a cloud to the tap?


2.How did the water get cleaned up?


3.Do you think water is precious like gold? Why or why not?


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