
假设你将参加校报举行的Alice in Wonderland 的续写比赛, 请根据所给信息,并适当运用想象,写一篇90字左右的记叙文。

Where will she go next?


What will she hear and see?



Will she meet the rabbit again?


What will happen next?



注意:1.表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译; 2.词数90左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 3.表达中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

After eating the cake, Alice finally got the key and got out of the garden. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Squirrels are getting ready for winter. They are looking for nuts(坚果) and seeds(种子), digging holes in the ground or finding holes in trees. That’s where they store the food they will need during the coming months, when the weather is cold and sometimes snowy.

Squirrels spend a lot of time in trees, which are like restaurants for them. Among their favorite things to eat are nuts and other parts of trees, like tender buds (花苞).

Squirrels may also eat corn, insects and other animals. And, as anyone who has a bird knows, squirrels love bird food!

Squirrels stay active(活跃) all winter, so they need plenty of food to help keep up their energy(能量). Squirrels tend to bury food underground, piece by piece. Some squirrels may gather(收集) food into piles that they put at the base of trees or bury underground.

When they need food, squirrels use their memory and smell to help them find what they buried. Sometimes, you’ll even see them digging through the snow.

Squirrels make nests in trees. Some squirrels spend much of the winter in underground tunnels (地道), where it is warmer.

When spring comes, squirrels change their eating habits to new plant growth, like buds and leaves. Sometimes they forget to dig up all their buried nuts.

That’s why you’ll sometimes find a little tree growing in a place where neither you nor your family planted it. It must have been the squirrels.

1.To get ready for winter, squirrels do all of the following EXCEPT(除了) ______ .

A.store leaves to keep warm B.look for nuts and seeds

C.find holes in trees D.dig holes in the ground

2.The underlined part “tend to bury” in Paragraph 4 means ______ .

A.never bury B.seldom bury C.usually bury D.hardly bury

3.According to the passage, we know that______ .

A.squirrels do not eat any other animals

B.squirrels sleep all the time during winter

C.squirrels plant young trees when spring comes

D.squirrels sometimes can't find all of their buried nuts

As a teenager, you’re trying to learn who you are. You’re going through mental and physical changes. You’re dealing with different kinds of stress and trying to succeed in school.

The good news is that though the teen years are tough, there are skills you can learn to make them a lot easier.

If you’re a teen and trying to manage your feelings better, here are a few skills for you to deal with your feelings.

Name the feeling.

What feeling are you experiencing? For example, are you sad, stressed. Angry, joyful or excited?

Accept what you’re feeling.

Many people worry that their feelings will increase. So they are not willing to accept them, hoping that they’ll just go away. However, that’s impossible. Remind yourself that it’s OK to feel your feelings.

Become familiar with your feelings.

To better understand your feelings, you should pay attention to your feelings all over the day. You may record how you’re feeling in the morning, afternoon and at night on a piece of paper. Next to your feeling, also write down where you notice it in your body.

Express your feelings.

Expressing a feeling is a good way to reduce it. For example, you can express your feelings by crying, exercising, writing about them or talking to someone you trust. Just be sure that whatever activity you choose, it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else.

At different times in your life, you’ll experience different difficulties. But by learning some helpful skills, you’ll be able to live a comfortable life.

1.To Do with Your Feelings

Main idea

◇Though the teen years are tough, you can learn some skills to manage your feelings better.

Skills to 2.you manage your feelings

◇Name the feeling that you are experiencing.

◇Be willing to accept your feelings.

◇Remind yourself not to 3.that the feeling will go away.

◇Pay attention to your feelings the 4.day by recording them.

◇Write down where you notice them in your body.

◇Express your feelings through some activities to reduce them.

◇Don’t hurt anyone whatever activity you choose.


◇Learn some helpful skills, and you can live 5.even though you may have difficulties in your life.

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