Tom is a college student. He________an apartment with Jim, Peter and Alan, and a dog named Max. Their schedules(日程安排)are very different,________they don't have meals together. Each boy buys his own food.

Tom usually plans his________for a week. And then he buys all the food in the supermarket. Jim, Peter and Alan don't plan ahead. They often eat fast food. Four boys get on well, but here is a________-snacks (零食). Jim, Peter and Alan often eat Tom's snacks. Tom doesn't like that.

One day, Tom bought one of his favorite snacks—chocolate pudding(布丁). He knew the other boys________liked it, so he put the pudding in a paper bag and wrote a note on it: Tom's snack. Do not________! Then he put it in the refrigerator (冰箱).

The next day, Tom opened the refrigerator. The bag was gone! He felt very________Minutes later he found the empty(空的)bag in Max's dog plate! He knew Max________open the refrigerator.

Tom went to Jim's room. "Jim, what happened to my snack in the bag?" he asked.

"Did you________Alan or Peter? "asked Jim.

"Not yet," said Tom. "But I found the empty bag in Max's dog plate."

"Well, chocolate pudding is his favorite, "Jim said. "Ah-ha! "said Tom. "So________ate it! "

1.A.finds B.shares C.lives D.buys

2.A.if C.while D.because

3.A.clothes B.subjects C.trips D.meals

4.A.problem B.reason C.rule D.habit

5.A.both B.even C.also D.still

6.A.worry B.taste C.mind D.serve

7.A.angry B.afraid C.hungry D.tired

8.A.mustn't B.shouldn't C.needn't D.couldn't B.believe C.ask D.hear

10.A.he B.we D.they

It's a hot summer night. Rachel, "Grandma says quietly. "Get up. I have something to show you. Come with me. "Then hand in hand, they walk out of the house.

Today, Rachel and her parents drove two hours from New York City to send her big sister, Claire, to sleep away camp(野营). Then they drove another four hours to Grandma's house in this quiet countryside.

Outside, it is dark. Grandma turns on a flashlight(手电筒)and starts walking.

"Where are we going? "Rachel asks, a little worried.

"You'll see, says Grandma. Then they walk to the forest.

Rachel sees some yellow lights and asks," What are they?"

"Fireflies(萤火),"says Grandma.

They follow the lights. Then, suddenly, they arrive at a clearing(林中空地), and Grandma turns off her flashlight. Fireflies are everywhere. The forest shimmers as if it's full of stars.

"They' re talking to one another," Grandma says. "They talk with light."

"What are they saying? "Rachel asks.

"I really don't know," Grandma says. "It's a secret language. Spend enough time with them, and maybe you'll find it out."

For a long while, Rachel watches the lights. She imagines(想象)she and her sister are two of the fireflies. They are telling each other secrets.

Walking back to Grandma's house, Rachel isn't sleepy at all. "Grandma" Rachel asks.


"Can we do this tomorrow too? "

Grandma gives Rachel a big smile.

1.Claire doesn't go to Grandma's house because she ______ .

A.gets up too late B.hates such a long trip busy with her homework at a summer camp

2.Grandma turns off her flashlight when ______ .

A.she sees Rachel B.she leaves her house

C.she gets to a clearing D.she walks into the forest

3.The underlined word "shimmers" means" _______ "in Chinese.

A.闪烁 B.燃烧 C.颤动 D.起伏

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Rachel had a really scary night.

B.Rachel understood the language of fireflies

C.Rachel fell in love with the forest with fireflies.

D.Rachel's grandma taught her science about fireflies.

An earthquake may happen at any time all over the world. It's best for us to know what to do before the earthquake and how to do during the earthquake. These information will help you.

Prepare your earthquake bag.

Before the earthquake, at any time, please collect seven things and put these things into an earthquake bag and keep it near you: water, food, medicine, mobile phone, torch(手电筒), washing things, money and so on.

Sit, hide(躲藏)and hold.

When the earthquake happens, if you are indoor, sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to the wall. Don't be afraid to remember to protect your head and neck with your arms at once. Hide yourself beside something like a table, a bed and so on. Hold the furniture(家具). You won't move away. Don't try to run out of the house.

Never do these things.

During the earthquake, if you are outdoor, don't run back into the house, don't stand close to the buildings because they may fall on you. Don't stand under the trees or signs. You had better stand in an open space.

1.What should we know before and during the earthquake?_______

A.When and where to go. B.How and where to hide.

C.Where and how to go. D.What and how to do.

2.If we are indoor, what should we hold during the earthquake?

A.An earthquake bag. B.A sign. C.A furniture. D.A door.

3.If you are outdoor, you'd better ______ during the earthquake.

A.sit on a road B.stand in an open space

C.stand near a river D.sit in your car

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Keeping Safe in the Earthquakes. B.Different Kinds of Earthquakes.

C.The Useful Earthquake Bag. D.Where to Stay during the Earthquake.

If you have a smartphone(智能手机),the Internet is always with you. You can use the Internet for shopping, learning and chatting with your friends and so on. But the Internet can also be a dangerous place. So, you must be careful.

Keep your personal(个人的)information. First, don' t share too much your personal information on the Internet. For example, don't send your phone number or number of a bank account (账号).Be careful what you say on the Internet. Second, you can't let everyone see your everything. Finally, be careful of new people. Don't believe them exactly (完全地). Some of them are dishonest(不诚实的). They usually use the Internet to try to get money by cheating. The Internet is a good way to meet new people, but be careful. It is important for us to control information.

It is very important for us to be honest. Don't post other people's pictures. Don't hurt others. It's also smart to keep away from fights on the Internet. Don't answer rude(无理的)messages and so on. In this way we can have a better Internet place.

1.When you have a ______ , you can use the Internet at any time.

A.card C.television D.smartphone

2.If you want to control your information well, you shouldn't ______ .

A.share too much B.use your smartphone often

C.believe new people D.close your computer often

3.How many suggestions does the writer make to protect personal information?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

4.To make the Internet a better place, we should ______ .

A.send some pictures B.answer all messages

C.ask everyone for advice an honest person

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