
An earthquake may happen at any time all over the world. It's best for us to know what to do before the earthquake and how to do during the earthquake. These information will help you.

Prepare your earthquake bag.

Before the earthquake, at any time, please collect seven things and put these things into an earthquake bag and keep it near you: water, food, medicine, mobile phone, torch(手电筒), washing things, money and so on.

Sit, hide(躲藏)and hold.

When the earthquake happens, if you are indoor, sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to the wall. Don't be afraid to remember to protect your head and neck with your arms at once. Hide yourself beside something like a table, a bed and so on. Hold the furniture(家具). You won't move away. Don't try to run out of the house.

Never do these things.

During the earthquake, if you are outdoor, don't run back into the house, don't stand close to the buildings because they may fall on you. Don't stand under the trees or signs. You had better stand in an open space.

1.What should we know before and during the earthquake?_______

A.When and where to go. B.How and where to hide.

C.Where and how to go. D.What and how to do.

2.If we are indoor, what should we hold during the earthquake?

A.An earthquake bag. B.A sign. C.A furniture. D.A door.

3.If you are outdoor, you'd better ______ during the earthquake.

A.sit on a road B.stand in an open space

C.stand near a river D.sit in your car

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Keeping Safe in the Earthquakes. B.Different Kinds of Earthquakes.

C.The Useful Earthquake Bag. D.Where to Stay during the Earthquake.



We all experience disappointments in life, and they are never easy. When you get disappointed, what do you do? Keep silent? Get angry? Feel depressed? These are natural reactions when you face disappointment. But there are better ways to deal with it.

Coping with disappointment

Disappointment is a real emotion. Take a certain amount of time to feel hurt, sad or upset. Find a parent, friend or mentor and share your disappointment with them. Or write your thoughts and feelings of frustration down on paper.

Look at the Big Picture

A disappointment can seem huge at first, but after you’ve expressed your hurt, look at the big picture. How much will this disappointment really affect you tomorrow, next week or next year? Look for positive activities that will help you get over your disappointment. Perhaps you may enjoy writing in your journal, playing games or running in the park. Do one or more of those things. This will help you overcome the disappointment. Also, write down everything that you’re grateful for. This will help you see the positive things rather than the negative things.

Moving ahead

You’ve been disappointed. That’s in the past. It’s time to move forward, so don’t think about your disappointment. Remember not all disappointments are bad. In fact, you may eventually realize what you wanted is not what you really needed. You may discover you are better off because things didn’t work out as you’d planned. There may be a silver lining in your disappointment. Use the disappointment to reexamine your priorities. Then you may want to make major or minor changes in your life and focus on new goals. That can help you work through your disappointment. Remember, the only true failure is to give up.

1.According to the writer, what is NOT the right way to deal with disappointment?

A.Take all your time to feel hurt, sad or upset.

B.Write your thoughts and feelings down on paper.

C.Write in your journal, play games or run in the park.

D.Move forward, don’t think about your disappointment.

2.When you’ve been disappointed, how can you look at the big picture?

A.Overcome the disappointment. B.Just forget your disappointment.

C.Look for some positive activities. D.Focus on its real effect on your future.

3.Why can moving ahead work when you are disappointed?

A.Because things work out as you’ve planned.

B.Because it makes you reexamine your priorities.

C.Because it helps you realize what you wanted is what you needed.

D.Because it makes no changes in your life and help you focus on new goals.

4.What does the underlined word “negative” mean?

A.积极的 B.消极的 C.低级的 D.乐观的

5.The text is mainly written to explain __________.

A.disappointment is a real emotion

B.the only true failure is to give up

C.the ways to deal with disappointment

D.people all experience disappointment in life


“I’m hot and tired.” said Alice. She was sitting beside the river with her sister. It was the summer holidays and Alice had n1. to do. Her sister was three years older than her and seemed too old to play games. “How boring the holidays are!”thought Alice “Read a book,” said her sister.

“I don’t like reading,” r2.Alice.

“Go for a walk,” suggested her sister.

“It’s too hot,” answered Alice.

“Go to sleep then,” said her sister a3.. “And let me read my book!”

“What’s that? Alice saw something m4. very fast behind a tree. It was a white rabbit with pink eyes.” Wow, imagine a rabbit wearing glasses, “thought Alice.

The rabbit was also wearing black and white checked trousers, a yellow shirt and a red jacket. What terrible clothes!”

“Where is it going i5. those ridiculous (可笑的) clothes? What has it got?” said Alice She f6. the rabbit along a path.

In the wood there were lots of trees. The rabbit stopped at a big oak tree and disappeared! Alice ran after the rabbit. There was a very long tunnel in a hole under the tree. When the tunnel e7., Alice was in a room. There were a lot of mirrors!

Alice looked in the first mirror. “Oh, dear. Is that me?” said Alice, “I’m fat I’m huge!”

She looked at h8. in the second mirror. “Now I’m thin. Thin and tall.” Then she looked in the third mirror. “Now I’m on my head,” said Alice, laughing. In the fourth mirror her body was l9. a big “S”.

When Alice looked for a f10. time in another mirror. She saw a big mouth smiling at her. Then she saw a nose and eyes! It was a cat! But only the head!

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