
I’m Alfred. I was born with a problem in my backbone and mobility(行走能力)was a big challenge, but thanks to my teachers and friends, my school life was excellent.
My friends and I used to sit together and have lots of fun. Whenever we got a free period, we used to start shouting or play games. I would take part in all competitions, such as poetry writing, story writing and painting and all activities like Teachers’ Day or anybody’s birthday and had much fun.
My English teacher was very tall. The moment she would enter the class, we would all sit quiet and open the books. She would encourage me by giving me important assignments and also morning news to read during the assembly. She would come down and hear my English debate(辩论), which made me participate in all debate competitions.
The same was true of my biology and science teacher. She was very nice and sweet. She would always give me extra information on the biology project. I could not go to the lab for the practicals (lessons or exams in science, cooking etc. in which you have to do or make something yourself rather than write or read about it), so she would bring the lab down and help me with the biology and science practicals and would give me excellent marks.
My friends made me monitor and the naughty boys listen to me. My friends used to help me with my notes if I was absent. My teachers always gave me important project work and I felt proud when they patted me on the back after I finished it quickly and correctly.
I was never shouted at or made fun of or scolded(批评) by any of my friends and teachers. Today I saw the terrible punishments given to students on television news. I felt very sad.
I really want to express my love and thanks to all my wonderful teachers and friends, without whom my school life would not have been so excellent and unforgettable. I really pray to God that each child in the world is blessed with caring teachers and wants to attend school every day.
小题1:Alfred’s problem in his backbone _________ .
A.made him have fewer friends than others
B.prevented him enjoying an excellent school life
C.left him feeling down all the time in his life
D.made it impossible for him to move freely
小题2:How many Alfred’s teachers are mentioned in the passage?
小题3:Alfred tried to do the following EXCEPT _________.
A.play games during a free period with his friends
B.take part in all competitions and all activities
C.go to the school lab to do the practicals
D.complete his project work quickly and correctly
小题4:The underlined part “patted me on the back” is closest in meaning to “_________”.
A.scolded and hit me B.encouraged and praised me
C.touched my backbone D.made me calm down
小题5:By writing the passage, Alfred aims to __________.
A.tell us how lucky a boy student he was
B.express his thanks to his teachers and friends
C.get understanding and care from more people
D.show us his great school achievements


小题1:根据I was born with a problem in my backbone and mobility(行走能力)was a big challenge,及下文描述,可知阿尔弗雷德自由行走有困难,故选D。
小题3:根据I could not go to the lab for the practicals 及下文描述,可知他不能去实验室,故选C。
It was Friday. Andy Barton was in a bad mood . At six o’clock his __1__ programme, “Travel with us”, was on TV. Andy liked to get home in ___2___ for that. But then, just as he was leaving his office a little earlier , a customer (顾客) rang up with a few complaints for the next fif­teen minutes. “I can ___3__ get home in time if I hurry,” Andy told himself as he___4___out of the office. As he drove off in his car, he ___5___ that he was almost out of petrol(汽油). “I’ll have to stop at Fenton’s”, Andy thought. He ___6___Fenton’s because it was a self-service petrol station. “You do all the work yourself, but you pay___7____for the petrol,” he used to complain. At Fenton’s, the pump (泵) was not working properly and it ___8__ much time to get petrol. So when Andy got home, it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang. “Shall I answer it?” Andy thought. He tried to___9__ his attention on the programme and forget the phone. But it kept ringing and finally he picked it up.
“Mr Barton?”__10__said. “Fenton’s Ga­rage here.”“Fenton’s?” Andy said. “Why, I was at your place only a few minutes ago, getting some petrol. Did I _11_ something behind or what?” “No, you didn’t, Mr Bar­ton.” And the voice went on. “That’s just the __12__ ! You went off without paying for your petrol, you __13___! Now normally, when that happens, we ring up the police. But Luckily I knew you and I know it was a _14__.” “I’m really very sorry,” Andy said. “Oh, that’s all right, Mr Barton. But could you __15__round now and pay for your petrol? And please hurry! We close at half past six!”
A.a littleB.the sameC.a lotD.the bill
A.a womanB.a manC.a recorderD.a voice

For years I wanted a garden.I’d spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice together.
But then we had Matthew, and Marvin, and the twins Alisa and Alan, and then Helen.I was too busy raising them to grow a garden.
Money was not enough.Neither was time.Often when my children were little,
one of them would want something that cost too much, and I’d have to say, “Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.”
Finally, all the children got through high school and college and were off on their own.I started thinking again about a garden.
Then, one spring morning, on Mother’s Day, I was working in my kitchen.Suddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right in my yard.There were things blowing around on it.       Then I put my glasses on—and I couldn’t believe what I saw.
There was a money tree in my yard!
I went outside to look.It was true! There were dollar bills(帐单), one hundred of them, hanging all over that tree.There was also a note among them, “Thank you for your time, Mom.We love you!”
Later, my children bought me tools, ornaments, a sunflower stepping stone and gardening books.A new page started in my life.
That was three years ago.My garden’s now very pretty, just like I wanted.When I go out and take care of my flowers, I don’t seem to miss my children as much as I once did.It feels like they’re right there with me.Now every year when winter comes, I look out of my window and think of the flowers I’ll see next spring in my little garden.I think about what my children did for me, and I get tears in my eyes—every time.
I’m still not sure that money grows on trees.But I know love does!
小题1:How many children did the writer have?
小题2:What did the mother mean when she said “Money doesn’t grow on trees”?
A.She was too busy to plant a money tree at that time.
B.She had to save money so that she could have a garden.
C.It wasn’t easy for her to make money to raise all the children.
D.They didn’t have much money because the mother lost her job.
小题3:The “money tree” appeared in the writer’s yard _________.
A.before her children were born
B.one spring morning when the children were little
C.after the children went to school
D.on a Mother’s Day after the children left her
小题4:The children planted a money tree in their mother’s yard because _________.
A.their mother needed money badly
B.they wanted to show their love to their mother
C.it was time for them to give the money back to her
D.they wanted to live together with their mother forever
I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was  1 and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be   2  but a failure.”
After five years of   3  jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best   4 that could have happened to me. I  5  I wanted to do something positive(积极地) with my life because I wanted to prove to  6  that what people said about me was   7 . Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Let’s face it, you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my  8  and went to college. My first novel   9 while I was at college.
After college I taught during the   10  in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a degree in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of   11  that job to write full time   12  I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself. —Here was a working-class boy who’d   13 school early, now teaching at the university.
My writing career took off when I discovered my own style. Now I’m rich and famous, have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. But what does it mean? I   14  wish all the people that have put me down had  15  “I believe in you. You’ll succeed.”
A.anythingB.somethingC.everything D.nothing
A.low B.poorC.good D.useful
A.support B.happinessC.surprise D.thing
A.agreedB.decidedC.planned D.told
A.me B.themC.herD.it
A.wrongB.right C.stupidD.faulty
A.came onB.came inC.came outD.came back
A.giving inB.giving backC.giving outD.giving up
A.while B.if C.whenD.Or
It was a cold day in December in New York City. A little boy about ten years old was standing in front of a shoe store on Broadway. He was looking through the window, bare footed and shaking with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, "My little boy, what are you looking at?  I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes. " was the boy's reply.
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store. She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of hot water and a towel. The clerk quickly brought them to her. She removed her gloves, knelt down, washed the boy's little feet, and dried them with a towel. By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. The lady put on the socks for the boy, and then bought a pair of shoes for him. She patted him on the head and said, "My little boy, do you feel more comfortable now?"
As the lady turned to go, the boy caught her by the hand suddenly and looked up in her face.
With tears in his eyes, he asked her, "Are you God's wife?  No, I'm a mother," said the lady.
小题1:The story            in New York on a            day in December.
小题2:The little boy ____________ in from of a shoe store and looked forward to _______ a pair of shoes.
小题3:The lady             the little boy by the hand and             the store.
小题4: The lady            the little boy            he felt more comfortable.
小题5: The lady was so             that she was             as "God's wife" by the little boy.
Bill, a thirteen-year-old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man. But his parents told him, “You won’t be a real man until you begin to  1  helping others.”
One morning, his parents gave him some money to  2  some milk for them. Outside a shop he saw a homeless old man who looked very sick. Bill went to him and asked, “ What’s wrong with you?”
The old man answered, “I’m 3 . I haven’t had any food for two days.”
At the thought of his parents’ words, Bill said to the old man, “Let’s go to the 4 .”
When they got there, Bill asked the 5 to bring out bread and coffee to the old man. The old man finished the meal quickly. After the waiter 6 the plate and the cup, the old man said, “Sorry for giving you too much  7 . I’m fine now. I’ll   8 forget your kindness! You are a very good young man”
Bill was 9 when he heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal, the waiter came. Bill and the old man learned  10  that he food was free because it was the birthday of the boss, and they were the first customer that day.
A.think aboutB.depend onC.give upD.go on
A.sent outB.got downC.gave backD.took away
It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.
I was the nurse on duty that day. I didn't think there would be any patients. Just then five bodies   1    at my desk, a pale woman and four small children.
“Are you all sick?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said   2   , lowering her head.
But when they described their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but they didn’t show any    3  of headaches at all. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother  4  of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.
I didn't say anything,  5 I explained that they might wait for a little while before a doctor saw her. She answered, “Take your time; it's warm here.”
I checked the chart after another nurse had finished registering(登记) the family. No 6  —they were homeless. The waiting room was warm.
I looked at the family by the Christmas tree. The littlest one was pointing at the television and saying something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at lights on the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses who felt bored with  7  Christmas, turned to compassion((怜悯) for the family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action. We began to prepare a party for our Christmas  8 . We needed presents. We put together oranges and apples in a basket. We collected from different departments candies, crayons and other things available that could be presents.
   9 , as the family walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old child came running back, gave me a hug and    10 , “Thanks for being our angels today.”
A.set upB.put upC.cheered upD.showed up
A.explainedB.expressed C.complainedD.compared
A.nurses B.doctorsC.guestsD.patients

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