
I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voice. The look on his face said that one of us did something     .
“Which one of you did this?”
We all looked down at the step. There was child’s handwriting in chalk there. I had a lot of
    . I hoped no one could see it. Would he guess it was me? I was so worried. When he asked me, I lied, “Not me, Dad.” The others denied(否认)it as well. Of course, we all knew that one of       must have done it. But as the youngest and smallest of the three, I just couldn’t find the courage to tell the truth.
To       who had written on the step, Father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil. “I want each of you to     exactly what you see on the step.”
I tried my best to write the words     . I didn’t want Dad to be able to tell it was me.
He       our pieces of paper and looked at them. “Since none of you will admit (承认) to have done it, then I will punish (惩罚) you      and said nothing. The last thing I wanted was for Dad to       me.
“I did it.” My sister said she did something that she didn’t. Father grounded her for a month.
We didn’t talk about that day for many years. Not until we were all older and I knew it was        to finally tell my dad it was really me. I always felt sorry for it. That was the last time I let anyone take the blame (责备) for me.
A.find outB.talk aboutC.think aboutD.look for


小题1:考查形容词及语境理解。hard 难的,硬的; wrong 错误的; special 特别的;true 真实的。结合上句I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voice.可知本句句意:他脸上的表情说明我们中的一个做错了什么。所以选B。
小题2:考查名词及语境理解。surprise 惊奇; happiness 幸福;fear 害怕; joy快乐。根据下句I hoped no one could see it.可推知本句句意:当他问我时,我有很多的恐惧。故选C。
小题3:考查人称代词及语境理解。them 他们; me 我; you 你,你们;us 我们。句意:当然,我们都知道我们当中的一个必须这么做。所填词跟在介词of之后,所以选D。
小题4:考查动词短语及语境理解。find out 找出,发现;talk about 谈论;think about 考虑; look for寻找。结合语境可知父亲给了我们每人一张纸和一支铅笔是想查出谁写的。 所以选A。
小题5:考查动词及语境理解。write 写; read 读; recite背诵;draw画。句意:我希望你们每个人写清楚你看到了什么。 根据前面父亲给了纸和笔可知选A。
小题6:考查副词及语境理解。clearly 清晰地; slowly 慢慢地;differently不同地; carefully仔细地。根据下句I didn’t want Dad to be able to tell it was me.可推知此处是说我尽我所能写不一样的话。所以选C。
小题7:考查动词及语境理解。opened 开;colored 着色; showed 给…看;collected 收集。此处是说父亲收集了我们写过的纸。所以选D。
小题8:考查不定代词及语境理解。only 只,仅仅; all 全都; both 两者都;one 一。句意:然后我会惩罚你们,没有说什么。所以选B。
小题9:考查动词及语境理解。beat 打败; teach 教;punish惩罚; understand 理解。句意:我想要的最后一件事是爸爸来惩罚我。所以选C。
小题10:考查形容词及语境理解。lucky 幸运的; silly 愚蠢的;easy 容易的; safe安全。句意:直到我们都大了,我才知道最后告诉我爸爸是我是安全的。所以选 D。
We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was      of flowers inside!       the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf.
It stood outside a furniture(家具)shop. “Buy it,” she said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof-rack(车顶架). I’ve always wanted        like that.”
What could I do? Ten minutes         I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof-rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy       .
As it was        darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let        through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.
After a time my wife said, “There         a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake(超车)?”
Just at that time a police car did overtake. The two police officers looked at us seriously when they went past.       then, with         kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy        . The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.
“Right, sir,” he said. “Do you need any more help now?”
I didn’t quite understand. “Thanks, officer,” I said. “You’ve         very kind. I live just down the road.”
He was looking at our things: first at the flowers,         at the bookshelf. “Well, well,” he said and laughed. “It’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was      else.”
My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood        the police drove here. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a bookshelf, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.”
Hannah was born and raised in a poor (贫困的)framily. She wore(穿)hand –me –downs(旧东西) from her older sisters.For Christmas she usually got used toys and books .As a chilld ,she wanted to have the beautiful clothes ,cars ,and homes that she often saw on TV and in magazines.
Five years after college,she became a manager.Her dream came true.She had her own company(公司)near Central Park.She took skiing vacations in the winter and travelled by ship in the summer .At the age of 30,Hannah was on top of the world.
Then she had her usual health check-up.Her doctor told her that she had a serious illness.Her doctor guessed that she had less than a year to live.
He advised ,“If you have any once –in –a-life time plans,do them now.”
Hannah spent her last months in her company.She was looked after by hospice (临终安养院)workers.Her family and friends often visited her .The moment before she died ,she opened her eyes and said,“If you have your health,you have everything.”
小题1:What did Hannah often get for Christmas when she was a child?
A.Beautiful cars.B.New magazines.
C.Her sisters’clothes.D.Used toys and books.
小题2:What did Hannah do ?
A.She was a doctor.
B.She was A TV host.
C.She worked for a famous company.
D.She was the manager of her own company.
小题3:Why did the doctor ask Hannah to do some once-in-a-lifetime plans?
A.Because she had a lot of time after vacations.
B.Because she would not live for more than a year.
C.Because she was busy every day .
D.Because she had enough money to do so.
小题4:What is the most importeant thing for people according to Hannah’s last words?
小题5:What did Hannah probably realize(认识到)at last?
A.She should buy lots of beautiful clothes and a big house.
B.She should go to see the famous doctors in foreign countries.
C.She should give her company to her family.
D.When a person loses his health,he kows how important it is.
Long long ago, there was a little girl living in a small poor house on a hill. When she played in her little garden, she could see a beautiful house high on the other hill. This house had golden windows. They were so nice that the little girl dreamed all day, “How fantastic it would be to grow up and live in a house with golden windows!”
When she was old enough to go outside her garden, she asked her mother if she could go for a walk outside the gate. Her mother agreed, telling her to keep close to the house and not to go too far. The day was beautiful and the little girl walked until (直到) she got to the gate of the house with golden windows.
As she looked at the house with golden windows, she was so disappointed (失望的). All the windows were common and very dirty.
So sad that she didn’t go any further and turned, heart broken. As she went back, she was surprised to see a little house with golden windows as the sun shone (照耀) on her own house.
She realized (意识到) that she had been living in the “house with golden windows” all the time. Everything she dreamed was right there under her nose!
小题1:What did the girl dream of?
A.Having a bigger garden.
B.Going outside her garden.
C.Having lots of gold in the house.
D.Living in a house with golden windows.
小题2:Her mother told her ________ when the girl went out.
A.to play in the gardenB.not to go too far
C.to clean the windowsD.not to go outside the garden
小题3: How was the girl feeling when she reached the gate of the house on the other hill?
A.Disappointed B.Interested C.ExcitedD.Angry
小题4:The underlined word “fantastic” in Paragraph 1 means ________.
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The Little Girl’s Home
B.The Golden House on the Hill
C.The Little Girl’s Dream
D.The House with Golden Windows
A young man was getting ready to graduate(毕业)from college. For many months he had admired(欣赏,羡慕) a beautiful sports car in a seller's showroom, and knowing his father could      it, he told him that was all he wanted.
On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how     he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box.    but slightly(轻微地) disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely book.     ,he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you only give me a book?" Then he rushed out of the house,     the book in the study.
He didn't contact(联系) his father for a whole year    one day he saw an old man who looked like his father in the street. He realized he had to go back home and see his father.
When he arrived at his father's house, he was told his father had been in hospital for a week. When he was going to      the hospital, he saw the new book still on the desk, just as he had left it one    before. He opened it and began to turn the pages. Suddenly, a car key _____ from an envelope(信封) behind the book. It had a tag(标签).On the tag was the     of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL.
A.get toB.leave forC.turn toD.arrive
A small boy at summer camp received a bag of cookies in the mail from his mother. He ate a few, and then put the rest under his bed. The next day, after lunch, he went to his tent to get a cookie. The box was gone.
That afternoon a camp leader saw another boy sitting behind a tree. He was eating the stolen cookies! “That young man,” he said to himself, “must be taught not to steal.” 
He returned to the group and found the boy whose cookies had been stolen. “Billy,” he said, “I know who stole your cookies. Will you help me teach him a lesson?”
“Well, yes. But aren’t you going to punish him?” asked the puzzled boy.
“No, that would only make him hate you.” the leader explained. “I want you to call your mother. Ask her to send you another box of cookies.”
The boy did so and soon received another box of cookies. “Now,” said the leader, “the boy who stole your cookies is down by the lake. Go and share your cookies with him.”
“But he’s the thief!”
“I know, but try it—see what will happen.”
Half an hour later, the camp leader saw the two come up the hill, hand in hand. The boy who had stolen the cookies was trying to get the other to accept his toy knife. The other boy was just refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few cookies weren’t that important anyway.
小题1:When Billy first got cookies from his mother, __________.
A.he ate some of them himself
B.he gave some to the camp leader
C.he shared them with another boy
D.he hid them away quickly
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the camp leader’s intension (意图)?
A.To teach the boy not to steal.
B.To punish the boy for stealing.
C.To teach Billy to forgive others.
D.To teach Billy to share with others.
小题3:After that, the boy who stole the cookies might _________.
A.steal againB.hate Billy
C.make friends with BillyD.give Billy a bag of cookies, too

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