
Once there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by…the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I’m no longer a kid. I wouldn’t play around the tree any more.” the boy replied. “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, I don’t have money. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited, “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help?” “Sorry, I don’t have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was pleased. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you any more. The only thing left is my dying root,” the tree said with tears ①.
“Good! Old tree root is the best place to lean on and rest. Come and sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears ② …
小题1:----Why did the boy pick all the apples on the tree?
----Because __________.
A.he wanted to eat them
B.he needed money to buy toys
C.he liked the tree without apples
D.he wanted to share them with friends
小题2:----When did the boy come back to the apple tree?
----He came back _________.
A.whenever he was happyB.if he missed the apple tree
C.when he was in times of difficultyD.as soon as he was free
小题3:----What did the boy want at last?
----He wanted ___________.
A.to have a house to live inB.nothing except a place to rest
C.the root of the apple treeD.anything that the apple tree had
小题4:----What can we learn from the story?
----We should _________.
A.plant more apple treesB.learn from the boy
C.always stay at homeD.be thankful to our parents
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The phrase “with tears ①” means that the apple tree was sad because the boy asked for too much.
B.The phrase “with tears ②” means that the apple tree was still happy because she could help the boy for the last time.
C.Each time the boy asked the apple tree for help, the tree tried her best to satisfy him.
D.After reading the passage, we can easily think of the old Chinese saying “Parents’ love is universal!”


小题1:细节理解题。问题:为什么这个男孩采摘了树上所有的苹果?分析:男孩的一句话:“I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, I don’t have money. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.”句意:男孩说:我想要玩具。我需要钱去买它们。苹果树说:对不起,我没有钱。但是你能采摘我所有的苹果去卖了它们,那样你就有钱了。因此明确句意为:他需要钱去买玩具。故选B
小题2:细节理解题。问题:这个男孩什么时候返回到苹果树这里?分析通过阅读全文得知,这个小男孩返回到苹果树的这里的原因,想要钱买玩具、盖房子、想去远行等等,都是在他有困难的时候来到这里的。结合选项只有第三项符合。故选 C
小题5:细节理解题。问题:通过短文的描述,下列哪一个是错误的?分析原文:“Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you any more. The only thing left is my dying root,” the tree said with tears .句意:这是苹果树说的一句话:抱歉,我的孩子。我什么都没有了。只有这个老树根了。联系下文,男孩坐在树根上休息,树是高兴的。充分说明,只有男孩能来,苹果树就高兴。故选A
A great way for teens to cool off during the summer is at water parks. If you live near a water park, you might think about getting a season pass. This way you can go as often as you like.
Check to see if there are any water parks around you. Many are indoor facilities. So even if it isn’t warm enough where you live to swim outdoors, you can enjoy swimming in a temperature controlled area.
The prices are usually good. For example, one ticket to Water World, a water park, is only $5.
Some teens like to get a part time job over the summer to make some pocket money. Older teens shouldn’t have much trouble finding jobs.
An idea is to get some teens together to form your own summer job business. You can walk dogs, bring in the newspapers, feed the cats, collect rubbish, water flowers, etc.
Being that it’s summer, many people go on vacation and could use someone to look after their houses while they’re away. You can also think about other jobs you can do for them.
Teens love freedom. Sure you would like to get to such places as the small, movie theaters, the zoo, the beach, picnic, bowling and local amusement park instead of staying home all summer. Then a summer bus pass will be helpful. Check to see if your area has one for you teens.
Such a pass costs only $10 for the whole summer. The price is reasonable(合乎情理的) and also your parents don’t have to always drive.
小题1:Who is the text written for?
小题2:What is NOT mentioned as a part tome job for teens?
A.Washing carsB.Feeding cats
C.Walking dogsD.Watering flowers
小题3:If Sally goes to Water World with two friends, they should pay________.
小题4:A summer bus pass is helpful for teens to ______.
A.find part time jobsB.go out for fun
C.go to summer classesD.do outdoor sports
小题5:What’s the text mainly about?
A.Part time jobsB.A summer pass
C.Water park swimmingD.Things to do in summer
Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before        every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn't smoke and never          . She didn't eat chocolate. She didn't eat sweet and fatty food,       . She weighted herself every day.
One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a        sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,       he looked very happy.
He smiled at her and said," Good morning! Lovely day ,isn't it?"
He had a wide smile        his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.
"Good morning! "replied Alicia. "Yes, it is a lovely day. "
Alicia thought he        very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the         of a happy old age.
"I hope you don't         me asking, "she said, "but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do      I am your age. "
The man in the rocking chair said, "My secret for        ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day. "  "
Alicia was         . She didn't expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did        wrong. She thought he should be         and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe ,she thought, people could live a long happy life       eating well or doing lots of exercise.
"How old are you ?” she asked.
A.lunchB.breakfastC.dinner D.supper
A.exercisedB.drankC.worked D.slept
A.too B.alsoC.either D.still
A.man B.woman C.boy D.girl
A.soB.butC.and D.or
A.in B.with C.at D.on
A.sawB.looked C.listenedD.found
A.whenB.sinceC.though D.for
A.healthB.successC.happiness D.life
A.surprisedB.worriedC.excited D.relaxed
A.somethingB.anythingC.everything D.nothing
A.angryB.serious C.quietD.sick
A.through B.fromC.withoutD.by
You know that eating a suitable diet and getting plenty of exercise help make your body healthy and strong. But did you know that there are ways to make your brain healthier and smarter?
Studies show that when the brains is forced to do something new, it creates new neural (神经元) pathways. The more pathways you have, the faster you can think and the better memory you will have. Wonderful steps towards a smarter brain are as follows:
Choose proper TV programs
Watching an average TV show needs very little brain power and brings the same result as giving no care to physical exercise. Your brain will become weak just as your muscles do,if you watch TV, choose something educational and full of information.
Traveling to a new country forces you to see and do things in a new way, making your brains more active.
Learning a new language
A new language learner usually uses different learning methods. Learning a language sharpens your brain and helps you prevent memory problems in later years.
Master a new subject
Each week, choose an animal, a bird or a fish, and read everything you can about it. Go on learning unitl you become an expert on the subject.
Use your non-dominant hand
If you are right-handed,use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed. Doing familiar things in a new way will cause your brain to create new neural networks.
Read often
As you read, take the time to look up people or places that aren’t familiar. Reading can enlarge your vocabulary if you search for words and expressions that you don’t know.
Calculate while you shop
As you put things in your shopping bag, total everything in your head. See how close you get to the actual total.
Play video games
Studies have found that some video games force you to use critical decision-making skills and can even improve students’ math grades.
So get into the habit of challenging your brain, and make yourself smarter!
小题1:The passage can most probably be found in a _____book.
小题2:.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to _________.
A.the brainB.the study
C.the neural pathwayD.something new
小题3:.According to the passage,there are _____ ways to make your brain smartr besides traveling and reading often.
小题4:.While you are reading, you should _______.
A.read as loudly as possibleB.look up something unfamiliar
C.read as quickly as you canD.read from the beginning to the end
小题5:.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
Playing video games is bad for your study and your health.
Using calculators a lot can make you smarter when you are a child.
Watching something educational on TV needs very little brain power.
Writing with the right hand can make the left-handed smarter.
Everyone needs friends . There is an old saying,“Friends are God`s way of taking care of us.” But how do you ____real friendship and keep it?
The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some good____to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is3__planting a tree. You plant the seed and ____it to make it grow well.
First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good loook. A good friend should be____and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to____complains and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you cannot be____shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.
But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do____you have a fight with your friends? You have to talk to him or her . If he or she doesn`t want to talk, you could write a letter.
There are three steps to make you____friends again.
Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friends has done is wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the____important thing in your life.
A.to findB.findC.findsD.finding
A.just likeB.looking likeC.feeling likeD.just unlike
A.take offB.get ready forC.take care ofD.take up
“Why does the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!”
That’s an old joke in the west, but it came to my mind again when I saw people crossing the road at the intersection of Shaanxi Road and Huaihai Road in Shanghai.
When the traffic light was red, a group of people were waiting for the light to change. Suddenly one man began rushing to the other side of the road. Soon others followed him at the crossing and more people did the same. Just like chickens, they didn’t mind the honking horns(喇叭声) and kept crossing the road in a mess.
Every year several thousand people are either killed or hurt on the roads in Shanghai. And at least one third of them were jaywalking(乱穿马路). Jaywalking is very common in Shanghai. It seems that jaywalkers are not afraid of the danger to themselves.
Traffic laws are to keep people safe. So we should obey them, and have good road-crossing habits. When someone starts to jaywalk, we should stop him, and never follow him. That way we can avoid the traffic accidents.
小题1:The underlined word “intersection” here probably means “       ”.
小题2:The writer saw people      in Shanghai that day.
A.crossing the road in a mess
B.waiting for the green light patiently
C.crossing the road with chickens
D.hurting each other in the street
小题3:How does the writer like what he saw in Shanghai that day?
A.He thinks it’s OK.
B.He thinks it’s wrong.
C.He has no idea of it.
D.He doesn’t mention it
“Who needs a shopping center if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin, a young writer in Shanghai.
Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site(网站), has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
Many Chinese Internet users like Wang Lin have got the fun of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home-use products(产品) are the most popular online.
It was reported that more than 1,260 billion yuan was spent on online shopping in 2012, and about 80% through Taobao.
Taobao means “looking for good things” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD, from flowers to cellphones. You may wonder if it’s safe to shop on the Internet. However, Wang Lin said, “It’s very safe and easy. Unless you receive the things from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the things.”
小题1:. Taobao is                   .
A. Wang Lin’s favorite site            
B. China’s largest online shopping site.
C. young people’s favorite site
小题2:. The most popular products online are            .
A. clothing and home-use things 
B. candies and books    
C. flowers and cellphones
小题3:. In 2012,              was spent on Taobao.
A. over 1,260 billion yuan      
B. 1008 billion yuan    
C. about 252 billion yuan
小题4:. From the passage we know that              .
A. there are more men shopping online than women
B. people can easily look for good things on Taobao
C. if customers are satisfied with the things from Taobao, the shop owner will get the money
小题5:. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. Shopping on Taobao        
B. Chinese Internet Users  
C. A Young Writer
At a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessica’s mother,____worked at the day care centre, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica____ and disappeared. Jessica’s mother cried and ran to her.
The well in the yard was only eight inches across, and a rock always____it.But children had moved the rock.__ __ Jessica fell, she fell right into the well.
Jessica’s mother ran to a phone and called 911 for ____.Men from the fire department arrived. They ____that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well. Then they told Jessica’s parents their____. “We can’t go down into the well”they said,” It’s so small. So we are going to dig a hole ______well.We’ll dig down about 20 feet. Then we’ll dig a tunnel(通道) across to Jessica. When we reach her, we’ll bring her through the tunnel. Then we’ll bring her up through our____.”
The men began to dig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days later, on Friday morning, they were____digging.And Jessica McClure was still in the well.
All over the world people waited for news of Jessica. They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue(营救)on TV.Everyone___ the little girl in the well.
At 8:00 p.m. On Friday, the men____ reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. Jessica was badly injured but she was still____.A doctor at the hospital said, “Jessica is lucky she is very____.She’s not going to remember this very well.”
Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well. But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget____.
After Jessica’s rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, “To Jessica, with love from all of us.”
A.broke B.hidC.coveredD.opened
A.next toB.along withC.far fromD.out of
A.looked after B.worried aboutC.made friends withD.stayed away from
A.immediately B.usuallyC.quicklyD.finally

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