
(    )小题1:“     ”can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject.
A.Study Skills for Life    B.Basic Study Guidebook   
C.HOW to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children
(   )小题2:Many pictures in the book“Learning How to Learn”can______.
A.make children read slowly    B.make children understand the book easily
C.make the book boring
(    )小题3:According to the ads, the three books are for     
A.the old    B.parents    C.children

小题1:在第二个表格中有一句What to do if you are tired of a subject.所以当我们厌倦某一学科的话,我们可以看基本学习指导书,故本题选B。
※Live Music - Late Night Jazz  Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He is known play well into the early hours, so don’t want to get much sleep.
PLACE: The Jazz Club            DATES: 15- 23 June
PRICE:¥100-150         TIME: 10p.m.till late!   TEL: 4668736
※Scottish Dancing   Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.
PLACE: Jack Stein’s            DATES: 10-20 May
PRICE: ¥150                 TIME: 7-10p.m.
TEL: 4021877
※Shows- Anhui Museum    There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.
PLACE: Anhui Museum           DATES: 1 Mar - 30 Jun
PRICE: ¥60 (¥30 for students)  TIME: Monday- Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
TEL: 4886888                           Weekends 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
※Hotels     Three-star hotels whose service can make you feel at home.
1 Oct - 31 Dec.
1 Jan - 31 Mar.
1 Apr - 30 Apr.
1 May - 31 May.
1Jun - 30 Sep.
Prices (a night)
¥ 168
¥ 148
¥  188
¥  208
Prices (a night)
¥ 198
¥ 178
¥ 218
¥ 248
TEL: 4686788
TEL: 4686755
小题1:If you want to watch dancing, you can call________.
小题2: You can see the whole of Chinese history at________ in April in Anhui Museum.
A.3 p.m. every day
B.9 p.m. from Monday to Friday
C.7 a.m. at weekends
D.7 p.m. every day
小题3: You can enjoy________ at Jack Stein’s.
A.American jazz
B.Scottish dancing
C.12,000 pieces on show
D.yourself all night
小题4: Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for________ months of the year.
小题5:You have ¥148 and you can________ in May.
A.listen to Jazz
B.watch Scottish dancing
C.go to Anhui Museum
D.stay in Sun Hotel for a night
In many people’s eyes, middle school students are happy and carefree(无忧无虑). But is it the truth? And what     students happy or unhappy?
To find out the answers, Li Jiahui, a student in Pinggu No. 3 Middle School, Beijing, spent six months      students’ sense(感受) of happiness last year. The      girl made a survey with questions such as “Are you feeling happy?” and “What makes you unhappy?”
After studying the answers from 284 students, Li learned that      40% of the students feel unhappy, and the     from studies is the main reason for their unhappiness.
“More than 50% said they were under pressure and 70%      get enough sleep,” Li said. “It shows that middle school students are not so happy      people think. They worry a lot, and they can get angry easily.”
Li also said that over 90% say their happiness has nothing to do with how much money they have. Instead, they      their relationships(关系)with friends, teachers and parents. “Students always feel better when they      well with each other,” Li said.
After her survey, Li listed      tips that may make students happier, such as: Treat(对待) yourself better, be kind and polite to your friends and relatives, and try new things.
A.to studyB.studyingC.studyD.studied
A.15 years oldB.15-years-oldC.15-year-oldD.15-year-olds
A.be carefulB.care aboutC.care forD.take care of
A.get alongB.get upC.get offD.get down
A.anyB.a number ofC.muchD.a lot

Two-year-old hero Ye Chengfeng saved most of his family from a deadly gas leak(泄漏). As his grandfather lay dead, the child woke up his grandmother and saved five other family members from death.
More and more British school kids use their mobile phones to cheat(作弊)in exams. They use them to send messages to get the answers. So far this year, 1,013 students were caught cheating with mobile phones. Teachers are now teaching themselves so they can find the cheats. They also ask the students to hand the phones in before exams.
A new study shows that girl chimps(黑猩猩) are faster to use tools than boys! Experts found that girl chimps in East Africa use sticks to dig in the soil two years earlier than boys do. But they don’t know why. Girls watched their moms work, but the boys climbed trees. Yes, human girls always learn to write and draw first, but boys often run and play balls earlier than girls.
In Germany, doctors have three ways to help kids who are addicted (上瘾的)to the Internet. First, learning art — Kids learn painting or singing; Second, doing sports — Kids do swimming or horse riding. The last one is to go into nature — Kids plant flowers and grow vegetables. Doctors want kids to find other ways to have fun rather than surf the Internet.
小题1:How many family members did 2-year-old Ye Chengfeng save?
小题2:The British teachers are teaching themselves to________.
A.send messages to each other
B.find their students’ cheats in exams
C.stop the students from using their mobile phones
D.ask the students to hand in their phones before exams
小题3:According to the third piece of news, we know ________.
A.chimps are cleverer than monkeys
B.only chimps in East Africa can use tools
C.human boys always learn to write and draw earlier than girls
D.experts don’t know why girl chimps use tools faster than boys
小题4:The German doctors help kids addicted to the Internet so that they can________.
A.go into nature
B.enjoy their school life better
C.become famous painters and singers
D.find some other ways to enjoy themselves
小题5:Choose the best title for each piece of news above from the following six ones:
①Girls learn faster than boys?   ②Phone cheats      ③Little hero
④No cheating!      ⑤Internet cure      ⑥Go into nature

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