When spring comes and the flowers begin to bloom(开花), the bees come out of the hives(蜂房) very early in the morning. 小题1:
The bee has a long tongue which goes into the flower to suck(吸) up the juice.
小题2: When the bee flies out to work in the morning to look for flowers, it may go to places very far from its hive, but it never loses its way. When the rain comes down, the bee will hide in some little hole in a wall, or perhaps among the leaves of a tree, or inside a large flower.
Bees gather not only the juice but also the pollen(花粉) from inside the flowers.
小题4: They also use pollen to make wax(蜂蜡).
小题5: We may also thank it for many useful things which are made of wax.
The bee has a long tongue which goes into the flower to suck(吸) up the juice.
小题2: When the bee flies out to work in the morning to look for flowers, it may go to places very far from its hive, but it never loses its way. When the rain comes down, the bee will hide in some little hole in a wall, or perhaps among the leaves of a tree, or inside a large flower.
Bees gather not only the juice but also the pollen(花粉) from inside the flowers.
小题4: They also use pollen to make wax(蜂蜡).
小题5: We may also thank it for many useful things which are made of wax.

小题1:联系上下文,蜜蜂早上从蜂房出来,用长长的嘴巴吸食花丛中花蜜。故应选C, They fly away to get the sweet juice of the flowers.。
小题2:根据文章描述,蜜蜂在花丛中吸食花蜜后,把它带回蜂房,并制作成蜂蜜。故应选E,Then it carries the juice to the hive, and turns it into honey。
小题3:。联系上文可知,这里指的是下雨的时候蜜蜂就躲起来,太阳出来了,它就会飞回蜂房。故选D,When the sun is out again, it will fly home。
小题4:联系上文可知,这里讲述的是花粉的用途,蜜蜂不仅把花粉带回蜂房给小蜜蜂食用,还用花粉制作成蜂蜡。故选A,They carry the pollen home to make food for the young bees。
小题5:联系下文,这里指的是人类应该对辛勤的小蜜蜂制作蜂蜜表示感谢,故选B,Therefore honey is not the only thing for which we have to thank the busy little bee.。
