
One day Mother looks at Simon's shoes and says, “L  小题1:   at your shoes. They are very dirty(脏). You must c 小题2:   them.” “ But I cleaned them yesterday,” says the boy. “They are dirty now. You m  小题3:   clean them now.” “I don't want to clean them t  小题4:   . If I clean the pair of shoes today, t  小题5:   will still be dirty tomorrow.” “All right. D  小题6:   do it then.” Simon's mother says.
In the evening, he is very h  小题7:   . He asks his mother to give him s  小题8:   to eat. “You had breakfast in the morning, Simon, and you had l  小题9:   at school.” His mother says. “But I’m hungry a  小题10:   .” “But if I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry again tomorrow.”


小题1:根据上下文可以判断此句的句意为  “看你的鞋,他们都脏了。”所以填look。
小题2:根据上句 They are very dirty(脏),可以判断下句为“你必须清理鞋子”所以填clean。
小题3:根据句子 They are dirty now. 可以判断 西蒙的妈妈是在要求西蒙马上清理鞋子。语气强硬,因此填写must。
小题4:根据下句 If I clean the pair of shoes today, t  小题5:   will still be dirty tomorrow.” 可以判断西蒙不想今天清理。因此填写today。
小题6:根据 All right 可以判断西蒙的妈妈表面同意了西蒙,因此是don’t do it today。
小题7:根据下句 He asks his mother to give him s  小题8:   to eat. 他向他的妈妈要吃的,可以得知是饿了,所以填hungry。
小题8:一些吃的东西,something to eat。动词不定式做定语.
小题9:根据前句You had breakfast in the morning, Simon, 可以判断词句是说西蒙也吃了午饭,所以填写lunch。
寒假中,Wang Wei, Jiang Jian, Hu Peng , Ma Lili, Shao Bing五人分别参与了不同的社会服务工作。阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D、E中找出与五个人相关联的活动项目。
A、Children’s Hospital  
B、The Old People’s Home  
C、City Clean-up
D、The Left-behind Cildren’s Home   
E、Planting trees
Wang Wei: It was a sunny but a little cold morning. I with many people went to hills outside the city.We dug the holes, planted the small trees and watered them well.I hope we can make our environment greener and more beautiful.
Jiang Jian, One Sunday, I went to visit the kids who were not well in hospital. I stayed with them all the morning,playing games,taking walks,or even helping them with homework.While I was with them,time went quickly.
Hu Peng , It was a meaningful and educational trip for me.We family went to a village in the mountains.There we stayed with five children whose parents couldn’t come back home for the festival with them. During the three days,we did many interesting and helpful things.  .
Ma Lili,  One of the most important and meaningful things for me in the winter holiday is to join Cleaning Our City.We cleaned the street,picked up the rubbish and called on more people to help out with our city.
Shao Bing: During the last week, I with my classmates went to see the old people. We bought some fruit ,flowers and something else. We cleaned the house,talked with the old people. Some of us sang and danced ,some read newspapers to them. I am sure it was the most enjoyable time for the old people,and for us,too.
Wang Wei__小题1:__, Jiang Jian_小题2:__, Hu Peng __小题3:__,Ma Lili___小题4:__ Shao Bing _小题5:_
Nowadays more and more people are worrying about their health. But how to keep healthy?Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, it is important to do the following.
First, we should take exercise every day. Plenty of exercise helps us build a strong body and makes us work better. That is why more and more people are becoming active in different kinds of sports and exercises. In morning many people get up early and take exercise. Some practice running while others walk or dance to music. In the afternoon, there are also many people doing sports. Some play basketball or volleyball, others play football or badminton.
Second, have a healthy diet. Over-eat or too little food is very bad for our health. We should not eat too much or too little for every meal. We should eat healthy food, such as all sorts of grain, green vegetable and fruit. 
Third, give up bad habits like smoking and drinking. Because they are also bad for people’s health.
All above are my thoughts about keeping healthy. If we can do as them, we will become healthier and stronger.
                         Information Card
Taking exercise can help us build 小题1:____ and make us work better.
小题2:_____ and drinking are bad habits.
Eating小题3:______________for one meal is bad for our health.
小题4:__________, a healthy diet and good habits are important for health.
The writer gives us 小题5:________ pieces of advice on how to keep healthy.

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