
It's over three years since I began to learn English. I am glad that I am getting on well with it.  I find English very interesting, but quite difficult. When I first started, I thought I had only to remember the new words and learn some grammar. I know little about English idioms(习语). I thought each English word had a word with the same meaning in Chinese. When I learned to say "I see a book on the desk", I thought the English word "see" was just like the Chinese word "kan". So one day when my teacher asked me, "What are you doing?" I answered, "I'm seeing a book." "That's wrong," the teacher said. "You don't see a book. You read a book. You can't use an English word like a Chinese one. Be sure not to make the same mistake again." 
After that I began to pay more attention to the differences between Chinese and English. For example, in English we say a "high mountain", but a "tall man". In Chinese we use the same word "gao" for both. Again in English we say "take part in the sports meeting", "attend a meeting" and "join the army", while in Chinese we can use "can jia" for all the three. It's interesting, isn't it? So to study English doesn't only mean hard work, it can be great fun, too! We not only have to pay attention to pronunciation, grammar, spelling and handwriting, we also have to understand English idioms. We can learn English well only in that way!
But all this is only a beginning and I still have a long way to go. I'll try my best and work even harder than before. I must speak and listen to English more both in and out of class. I must read and write more, too. I must learn English well so that I can work well when I grow up. 
小题1:When I first started learning English, I thought __________.
A.I couldn’t learn it well because it is quite difficult
B.I could learn it well if I had remembered the new words and learned some grammar
C.English is interesting and easy to learn
D.each English word couldn't find a Chinese word with the same meaning
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A.To understand English idioms is a useful way to learn English.
B.To pay attention to pronunciation and grammar helps us learn English well.
C.To read and write more is helpful in learning English.
D.To study English only means working hard.
小题3:Which is the best topic of the passage? 
A.How to study English well
B.The importance of English
C.English idioms
D.Do more reading

小题1: 细节理解题。根据When I first started, I thought I had only to remember the new words and learn some grammar.当我最初开始的时候,我认为我只须记生词和学习一些语法,可知答案选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据We not only have to pay attention to pronunciation, grammar, spelling and handwriting, we also have to understand English idioms. I must read and write more, too. 我们不但要必须注意发音、语法、拼写和书写,也要理解英语习语, So to study English doesn't only mean hard work, 所以学习英语不单纯指的是努力学习,故答案选D。
小题3:细节理解题。When I first started, I thought I had only to remember the new words and learn some grammar.当我最初开始的时候,我认为我只须记生词和学习一些语法 After that I began to pay more attention to the differences between Chinese and English. 之后开始更我多地注意汉语与英语之间的区别, I must speak and listen to English more both in and out of class. I must read and write more, too. 我必须课内外多说、多听英语,我也必须多读多写,可知答案选A。
Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days, but living and dealing with parents can be even tougher.
  If I have learned anything in my 16 years, it is that communication is very important, both when you disagree and when you get along. With any relationship, you need to let other person know how you are feeling. If you are not able to communicate, you drift apart.When you are mad at your parents, or anyone else, not talking to them doesn’t solve anything.
  Communication begins with the concerns (关心) of another. It means that you can’t just come home from school, go up to your room and take no notice to anyone. Even if you just say “Hi”, and see how their day was for five minutes, it is better than nothing.
  If you looked up the word “communication” in a dictionary, it would say “the exchange of ideas, the conveyance (表达)of information, correspondence (通信), means of communication: a letter or a message”. To keep a good relationship, you must keep communication strong. Let people know how you feel, even if it’s just by writing a note.
  When dealing with parents, you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as a parent. If you are trying to make them see something as you see it, tell them that you’ll listen to what they have to say, and ask them politely to listen to you. Shouting or walking away only makes the situation worse.
  Here is an example: one night, Sophie went to a street party with her friends. She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks, but she didn’t feel she could just ask to go home. That would be rude. After all, they had been nice enough to take her along with them. Needless to say, she was late getting home. Her parents were mad at first, but when Sophie explained why she was late, they weren’t as mad and let it go. Communication is the key here. If Sophie’s parents had not been willing to listen, Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.
  Communication isn’t a one-way matter: it goes both ways. Just remember: if you get into a situation like Sophie’s, telling the other person how you feel-------listening is the key to communication.
小题1:In the writer’s view, dealing with parents is __________ than with children.
A.more difficultB.much easier
C.less interestingD.more interesting
小题2:The underlined phrase “ drift apart” in Paragraph 2 means __________.
A.keep up with othersB.move along smoothly
C.distance yourself form othersD.come closer to each other
小题3:The example in Paragraph 6 shows that ___________.
A.Sophie is very polite to her parents  
B.Sophie’s parents are willing to listen to her
C.Sophie did well in explaining her being late
D.communication is the solutionto misunderstanding
小题4:All the following statements are correct except “_______”.
A.Communication is a two-way matter  
B.It is better to say “Hi” to others than say nothing
C.If you don’t agree with others, you’d better let them know
D.When dealing with parents, you only need to listen to them
Light travels at a speed which is about a million times faster than the speed of sound. You can get some idea of this difference by watching the start of a race. If you stand some distance(距离) away from the starter, you can see smoke from his gun before the sound reaches your ears.
This great speed of light produces some strange facts. Sunlight(太阳光) takes about 8 minutes to reach us. If you look at the light of the moon tonight, remember that the light rays left the moon 1.3 seconds before they reached you. The nearest star is so far away that the light that you can see from it tonight started to travel towards you four years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million km. per minute. In some cases, the light from one of tonight’s stars had started on its journey to you before you were born.
Thus, if we want to be honest, we can’t say, “The stars are shining tonight.” We have to say instead, “The stars look pretty. They were shining four years ago, but their light has only just reached the earth.”
小题1:Light speed is ______ sound speed.
A.as fast as
B.a million times slower than
C.about millions of times faster than
D.about a million times faster than
小题2: If you stand 200 meters away from a man who is firing a gun to start a race, you will find out that ______.
A.you can hear the sound before you see the smoke
B.the sound does not travel as fast as light
C.the sound will reach you before the man fires
D.sound travels about a million times faster than light
小题3:Sunlight obviously(显然的) ______ than the light of the moon.
A.has to travel a greater distance
B.moves less quickly
C.travels much more quickly
D.is less powerful
小题4: The scientific way of saying "The stars are shining tonight" should be ______.
A.the stars have been shining all the time
B.the stars seen tonight will shine four years later
C.the stars were shining long ago but seen tonight
D.the starlight seen today could be seen four years ago
The Earth has warmed by about half a degree(0.50℃)over the last 100 years. It could be getting warmer on its own, but many scientists think that people are making the Earth warmer by making a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is important.  Without it, the Earth would not be warm enough for us to live on. But just a little warmer than it is now could cause problems for humans, plants and animals.
Many of the things we do every day can change the Earth’s temperature by sending greenhouse gases into the air. We send greenhouse gases into the air when we watch TV, turn on lights, dry hair, play video games, wash or dry our clothes or drive cars. The rubbish from factories and homes also produces greenhouse gases.
Even a small change in temperature can affect our weather. This can cause changes in the sea levels, the air, flooding, and our fresh water.
The change in the temperature can also cause changes in the living places for animals and plants, endangering many animals.
Global warming is a big problem, and every little bit we do can help. We can save electricity. We can save energy in other ways such as by taking buses or walking rather than driving cars. We can recycle to reduce the rubbish and save natural resources such as trees, oil and metals. We can buy products that don’t do bad to the environment and we can turn to solar energy. Remember the little bit that you do will bring a better world.
小题1: Which of the following does not send greenhouse gases into the air?
A.Watching TV.B.Turning on a light.
C.Driving a car.D.Walking to school.
小题2: In this passage, the scientists are mainly trying to make the readers realize___________ .
A.the greenhouse effect is important
B.humans are making the earth warmer
C.the earth is getting warmer in 100 years
D.the earth could be getting warmer by itself
小题3: Without the greenhouse effect,we would _____________ .
A.be safer B.not be able to live
C.have a cleaner earthD.have a better world
小题4: The writer gives us advice on how to save energy in __________ .
A.Paragraph 2B.Paragraph 3
C.Paragraph 4D.Paragraph 5
小题5: Global warming is a big problem but ___________ .
A.we can't do anything to helpB.we don't need to do anything
C.we can do something to helpD.we can do something to stop it

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