Is there anything strange high up in the worlds tallest mountains? If so, is it a big bear? Is it a monkey? Or is it a kind of man? No one knows This mystery has puzzled(迷惑 )the world for years.

In 1887, a mountain climber found large footsteps(脚印) in the snow.They looked like the footsteps of a very large man.But men don' t walk without shoes in the snow.

In 1906, another climber saw many more footsteps.Far off, he saw a very large animal standing on two legs.As he watched, it ran away very quickly.Fifteen years later, a newspaper had new stories about"something".A mountain climber said he had seen the snowman walk slowly in the snow.He said it looked like a very large man.

From then on, more and more people had stories to tell.But not until 1951 did a mountain climber took the pictures of the large footsteps.The pictures showed clearly that the snowman walked on two legs.So it was not a bear or a monkey.Could it be an apeman(猿人)? And the mystery keeps growing.Some day we may find out just what it is that makes the large footsteps.

1.What happened in 1887 according to the passage

A.A mountain climber found a large man. B.A mountain climber found large footsteps.

C.A mountain climber found a terrible bear. D.A mountain climber found a lovely monkey.

2.When were the pictures of the large footsteps taken?

A.In1887 B.In1906 C.In1921 D.In1951

3.It was not a bear or a monkey because walked slowly.

B.the footsteps were big.

C.people still know what made the footsteps.

D.the pictures showed clearly how the snowman walked on two legs.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Snow B.Monkey C.The Large Footsteps D.A Big Bear

Learn how to drive safely in the UK

British roads are the safest in the world一in 2010, only 3. 8 people out of 100, 000 died in road accidents. This number is lower than that in any other country. If you go there, you should try to drive the same way as British people do. This is some advice for visitors who plan to go driving in the UK.

Drive on the left side of the road. In most countries, people drive on the right side. Many visitors have problems because they forget about this difference.

If there is line of cars, don't try to go past other people to get to the front. This is called "jumping the line". If you do this, other people will get angry with you.

Stop at the traffic lights. In the UK, drivers always stop when the light is red, although there aren't any cars or people around.

Don't use your horn(喇叭)too much. If you do, people will think you are not polite. If another driver flashes(闪光)their lights at you, then they are probably trying to tell you that they will wait for you to go first.

If you have an accident, then don't try to bribe(贿赂)the police! If you do, you might finish your visit in prison(监狱).

Learn how to drive safely in the UK

Drive on the left side of the road

Many visitors get into 1. while driving in the UK, because they often forget about the difference.

Don't jump the line

If there is line of cars, you should 2. going east other people to get to the front.

Stop at the traffic lights

3. there aren't any cars or people around, drivers always stop when the light is red.

Don't use your horn too much

If you do, people will think you are 4.


If you bribe the police, you will 5. get into the prison.

A little boy invited his mother to his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. He never thought that she would _______. But she did. He felt worried. ________she was a beautiful woman, there was a scar(伤疤)that covered nearly the whole right side of her face.

At the meeting, the boy was _______to see other people having a good talk with his mother. But he felt sorry for his mother’s face and sat in a chair ______his mother . Just then he heard a talk ______his mother and his teacher.

“How did you get the scar on your _______?” the teacher asked. She replied, “When my son was a baby, his room caught on caught on fire on day. ______was too afraid to go in, so I went in and ran towards his bed. Just then I saw a beam(横梁)coming down and I placed myself over him trying to _______him. I was knocked but luckily, a fireman saved both of us .” She touched the scar.

“This scar will be here forever, but I have never regretted ______I did for my son. You see, he is strong and healthy now.”

Hearing that, the little boy came out running to his ______with tears in his eyes. He hugged(拥抱)her and held her hand tightly(紧紧地)for the rest of the day.

1.A.refuse B.agree C.drop D.make

2.A.Because B.So C.Although D.Therefore

3.A.interesting B.surprised C.disappointed D.confusing

4.A.far from B.close to to D.behind

5.A.with B.among C.between

6.A.face B.arm C.hand D.head

7.A.Nobody B.Everybody C.Somebody D.Anybody

8.A.find B.protect C.stop D.take B.what C.when D.where

10.A.sister B.teacher C.mother D.father

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