
Acts of kindness, big or small, are everywhere if we care to look for them. On December 23,2017, a man put a video on Weibo, not __ it would become popular.___ the video was only seven seconds long, it was watched more than 19 million times in just two days. It showed a young man’s __ act on a subway and he soon became an online star. In the video, the young man is __ with a mobile phone in his hands. On the phone screen, there’s a message in large font (字体). “Please wake me up if you need my __.’’

Plenty of web users were deeply moved by the young man’s act and __ him for his kindness. Chutian Metropolis Daily offered to interview the young man, but he politely___ the invitation. He said he just did what he felt he should do. On Weibo, he wrote he would easily fall asleep when he had ___to do on the subway. He was __ that others might need the seat. So he __ the idea of making a message on his phone screen.

Kindness needs to be passed on. Let’s work together and make such positive (积极地)energy spread further.

1.A.agreeing B.regretting C.remembering D.knowing

2.A.If B.Unless C.Though D.Because

3.A.kind B.careless C.impolite D.terrible

4.A.afraid B.asleep C.awake D.alive

5.A.idea B.advice C.seat D.phone

6.A.asked B.praised C.excused D.punished

7.A.hid B.received C.refused D.sent

8.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something

9.A.sad B.angry C.excited D.worried

10.A.took up B.thought of C.talked about D.turned to


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