
【题目】Where is love ? How can we meet love? A little girl wants to ___________ love . She knows it is a long _________ to find love, so she takes food and drinks with her and goes out.

When she passes three streets, she sees an old man ___ in a chair and watching some trees . He looks very _______ . The little girl gives him a bag of cake. He takes it and ______ at her. The smile is beautiful. She wants to _______ it again, so she gives the old man a cake again. He smiles again. The little girl is very happy. They sit,eat and smile there all the afternoon , but they say nothing . When it gets ______, the girl decides to leave. But before she goes away , she turns around , runs back to the old man and gives him a hug(拥抱) . The man smiles happily. When the girl opens the door of her house, her mother is ________ when she sees her smiling face . “I have lunch with love . He has a beautiful smile .” At the same time , at the old man’s house , his son is also surprised at his father’s happiness and asks why . “I ____ a cake with love .” he says, “she is very ________ .

1A. give B. show C. find D. like

2A. road B. way C. time D. life

3A. sitting B. smiling C. lying(躺) D. standing

4A. tired B. poor C. hungry D. happy

5A. laughs B. points(指) C. looks D. smiles

6A. watch B. hear C. see D. feel

7A. cold B. hot C. dark D. late

8A. moved(感动) B. excited C. surprised D. interested

9A. do B. buy C. make D. eat

10A. old B. nice C. short D. new














小题1C考查动词及语境的理解。A. give给; B. show展示; C. find发现; D. like喜欢。联系原文:一个小女孩要找到爱。根据下文to find love 可知小女孩是要寻找爱。故选C

小题2B考查名词及语境的理解。A. road 路; B. way 方法,道路; C. time时间; D. life生活。联系原文:她知道寻找到爱的路程会很长。因为空格前有long修饰,根据句意这里指的是找到爱不容易。故选B

小题3A考查动词及语境的理解。A. sitting坐; B. smiling 微笑; C. lying躺 D. standing站着。联系原文:当她走过了三条街,她看见一位老人坐在椅子上,看着树。根据in a chair 可知老人坐在椅子上。故选A

小题4C考查形容词及语境的理解。A. tired 累的; B. poor贫穷的; C. hungry饥饿的; D. happy高兴的。联系原文:他看起来很饿。根据The little girl gives him a bag of cake.可知老人感觉到饿了。故选C

小题5D考查动词及语境的理解。A. laughs 笑; B. points指 C. looks看起来; D. smiles微笑。联系原文:他吃了蛋糕并且对她笑。根据The smile is beautiful 可知老人笑了。故选D

小题6C考查动词及语境的理解。A. watch 看; B. hear 听见; C. see看见; D. feel感觉。联系原文:她想要再次看见微笑。根据He smiles again.可知老人笑了,这正是小女孩想要看见的。故选C

小题7C考查形容词及语境的理解。A. cold 冷的; B. hot 热的; C. dark 黑暗的; D. late晚的。联系原文:当天快要黑了,小女孩决定要离开。空格前有get,可知这里指天色渐渐黑了。故选C

小题8C考查形容词及语境的理解。A. moved感动B. excited 兴奋的; C. surprised 吃惊的; D. interested感兴趣的。联系原文:当她的妈妈看见她微笑着的脸,她的妈妈很吃惊。根据上文小女孩要到别处去寻找爱,所以平时她在家里看不到爱,所以很少微笑,妈妈看到她笑了,感觉很吃惊。故选C

小题9D考查动词及语境的理解。A. do 做; B. buy 买; C. make制造; D. eat吃。联系原文:我吃了一个有爱的蛋糕。根据They sit,eat and smile there all the afternoon 可知吃的是蛋糕。故选D

小题10B考查形容词及语境的理解。A. old老的; B. nice 好的; C. short 短的; D. new新的。联系原文:她是很好的。根据上文可知这个女孩看见这位老人饿的时候主动给老人蛋糕吃,所以老人感觉这个小女孩很好。故选B


【题目】Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t rest on your laurels”? “Laurels” means the achievements you have already got. The saying means that you shouldn’t be so happy with your achievements(成就)that you’ll no longer try to improve.

As to this saying, Mike Perham has set us a good example. Born in 1992 in Hertfordshire, England, Mike was just 14 when he became the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). You might think the achievements are good enough, but Mike doesn’t think so. At the age of 17,he became the youngest person to sail all by himself around the world on a nine-month voyage(航海). Mike is now 19, and he is still trying his best to break the records and push himself further. For his next try, he plans to fly around the world on his own, making him the first person of all ages to both sail and fly around the world.

Mike wants his achievements to encourage young people to realize their dreams. Since his achievements, he has travelled widely, speaking at schools and youth clubs in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia on the theme of “Live the Dream”.

Amazing Facts:

Mike started sailing when he was seven.

His trans-Atlantic crossing began at Gibraltar and ended in Antigua.

His round-the-world yacht(游艇) was called TotallyMoney.com.

Title: Don’t Rest on Your Laurels

Passage outline

Supporting details

The meaning of the saying

“Don’t rest on your laurels" means that you shouldn’t stop 【1】only because of your achievements.

Amazing facts

At the age of 7, Mike started sailing.

At the age of 14,sailing across the Atlantic Ocean made

Mike become the 2 one who set a record.

At the age of 17, Mike had a nine-month voyage of sailing 3 around the world.

Present situation

Mike is 19 now. He is trying his best to break the records. His 4 to fly round the world by himself will make him the first person to both sail and fly.

The 5 of Mike’s achievements

Mike’s speeches give young people courage(勇气) to realize their dreams.

【题目】Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane totake off(起飞)and it is often late. You can’t open the windows. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes you hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway station are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

1Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A. Because it’s fast.

B. Because you can go around in the plane.

C. Because it’s safe.

D. Because it’s cheap.

2Which is NOT the good thing about the train?

A. It is safe.

B. It takes a little more time.

C. You can open the windows.

D. You can walk around in the train.

3If you want to take a lot of things with you, what should you take to go out?

A. A bus. B. A train. C. A car. D. A plane.

4Which of the following is the bad thing about a car?

A. You can start your journey when you want.

B. You needn’t go to a railway station or a bus stop.

C. You can take many things with you in a car.

D. There are too many cars on the road.

5What does the writer think of the plane, train and car?

A. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and out of the airport.

B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.

C. He likes to take a car because he has a car.

D. He likes to take a plane because it is fast.

【题目】 Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage(损害;毁坏). They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. And this “chemical rain” destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the country’s trees had been damaged by the year 1986.

Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a serious accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud flew across the whole Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illness caused by this accident.

In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured (受伤的). Many of the injured lost their sight.

【1】Air pollution comes from _____.

①.factories ②.power stations ③.cars

A. ①②③ B. ①② C.③

【2】According to the passage, which sentence is TRUE?

A.“Chemical rain” is good for the trees.

B. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations are very safe.

C.“Chemical rain” is bad for our environment.

【3】In Germany, how many trees had been damaged by 1986?

A.A quarter. B.A half. C. Three quarters.

【4】What was the result of the accident that happened in Russia in 1986?

A. Over 125,000 people were killed.

B. Many people couldn’t walk.

C. Many people lost theirsight.

【5】From the sentence “Many of the injured lost their sight.” we can know _____.

A. the gas covered the town of Bhopal at that time was dangerous

B. slowly the injured could see everything

C. many of the injured couldn’t hear anything

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