
【题目】词汇(本题共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


1I hope to spend my summer holiday in _________(法国).

2The ____________(布告通知)says :"We are going to have a meeting .”

3In the library , we should keep _________(安静).

4That factory is full of ______________(机器).

5Turn left , and to the east of the Monkeys’ Forest, you’ll see _________ (长颈鹿)。

B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6If you take the first ________________(turn) on the right, you will get into Gulou Street.

7Mary’s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.

8Our teachers are all _________________(friend) to us.

9The weather is so nice . Why not _____________(row) a boat on the lake?

10Who_______________(fix) your computer now? An engineer is.








小题7will give



小题10is fixing





小题3句意:在图书馆里,我们应该保持安静。Keep+形容词,故用形容词quiet 安静的

小题4句意:这个工厂装满了机器。be full of 充满,装满,因为机器是可数名词,所以用复数形式machines



小题7句意:玛丽的生日是在下周一,她的妈妈将给她一个礼物。根据前面的时间状语next week,这里应该用一般将来时,故用will give

小题8句意:我们的老师对我们都很友好。这里是短语be friendly to sb对某人友好,故用friendly

小题9句意:天气是很好的,为什么不去湖上划船呢?why not +动词原形,故用动词原形row

小题10句意:现在谁在修你的电脑?一个工程师。根据now可知这里应该用现在进行时,故用is fixing


【题目】Where is love ? How can we meet love? A little girl wants to ___________ love . She knows it is a long _________ to find love, so she takes food and drinks with her and goes out.

When she passes three streets, she sees an old man ___ in a chair and watching some trees . He looks very _______ . The little girl gives him a bag of cake. He takes it and ______ at her. The smile is beautiful. She wants to _______ it again, so she gives the old man a cake again. He smiles again. The little girl is very happy. They sit,eat and smile there all the afternoon , but they say nothing . When it gets ______, the girl decides to leave. But before she goes away , she turns around , runs back to the old man and gives him a hug(拥抱) . The man smiles happily. When the girl opens the door of her house, her mother is ________ when she sees her smiling face . “I have lunch with love . He has a beautiful smile .” At the same time , at the old man’s house , his son is also surprised at his father’s happiness and asks why . “I ____ a cake with love .” he says, “she is very ________ .

1A. give B. show C. find D. like

2A. road B. way C. time D. life

3A. sitting B. smiling C. lying(躺) D. standing

4A. tired B. poor C. hungry D. happy

5A. laughs B. points(指) C. looks D. smiles

6A. watch B. hear C. see D. feel

7A. cold B. hot C. dark D. late

8A. moved(感动) B. excited C. surprised D. interested

9A. do B. buy C. make D. eat

10A. old B. nice C. short D. new

【题目】Five years ago, Rachel Lopez graduated from college with a degree in history. Today she works for a large software company. Now twenty-seven, Rachel takes classes twice a week after work. She is learning to use the computer program PowerPoint. “I enjoyed college, but my job doesn’t use information I learned when I was doing my degree,” Rachel says,” This course is helping me to do my job better. In the future, I might go back to school and got an MBA.

In the past, when students graduated from college and got a job, they usually stopped studying. Today, lifelong learning is becoming more common. In the United Stated, people can return to school in their late twenties, thirties, or older to get a higher degree, such as a master’s or Ph. D. Like Rachel many more are taking training courses to improve their workplace skills. With many classes now available through the Internet, it is easier for people to get degrees or training by distance learning.

Mayumi Hosoya, who is forty, teaches Japanese at a community college in New York. “Next term, I’ll be teaching some of my classes using the Internet. This is new for me,” says Mayumi, “At the moment, I am taking a course to learn how to teach this way. At the same time, Mayumi’s seventy-year-old mother and father are taking a distance learning course in Art History. “We love the subject,” says Mayumi’s father, ”and now we can study with people from all over the world. I never thought learning could be this much fun.

1The reading is maily about_____.

A.Rachel Lopezs studying and working experience.

B.the education in the United States

C.peoples life in New York.

D.lifelong learning becoming more common.

【2】Rachel is sure that _____

A. getting an MBA is necessary for her job

B. colleague studies didn’t prepare her well for her job

C. it’s not clever to get a master’s or Ph. D. in later thirties.

D. students needn’t to study when they get a job

【3】The underlined words ‘distance learning’ in the reading means___

A. studying in community college

B. learning for higher degrees

C. studying away from classroom.

D. learning in the workplaces

【4】Mayumi’s parents are taking a course ____.

A. the using of the Internet B. the workplace skills

C. Japanese teaching D. Art History

【5】We know from the reading that ___.

A. many people go to school to take teaching courses

B. Rachel graduated when she was twenty

C. Mayumi’s teaching how to use the Internet now

D. many students stopped studying when looking for jobs

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