
James is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has a problem.Some older boys are bullying(欺负)him at school.James is very unhappy and he doesn't know what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation.
Don't feel worried.It's not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not alone.Don't feel that you have to hide the problem.You should find a person you can trust,and tell them.It might be your teacher,your parents,or even your friend's parents.After you tell someone,you will get some support and feel some relief(解脱).
Speaking to an adult might make you nervous,but here are other things you can do.Some people express their feelings more easily on paper.Write a letter to someone or keep a diary.Include all the details(细节)about what the bullies do, as well as when and where the bullying happens.You can use it as proof to show what is going on.And it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adult.Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!
Also,don't show you are sad and don't try and fight with the bullies. You could get in trouble yourself. Ignore them and just walk away. The bullies will soon stop.
小题1:What do you think the text is trying to tell us?
A.What to do about being bullied.
B.How to be a good student at school.
C.What to write well in a diary.
D.How to give suggestions to teenagers.
小题2:You'd better go and find a person you can trust and ____.
A.know what happensB.learn from them
C.ask for helpD.make them lonely
小题3: If you remember and follow the suggestions above, ____.
A.nobody will speak to the bullies
B.everybody will feel some relief
C.someone will express their feelings
D.the bullies will soon stop
小题4:What does the underlined word "ignore" mean in the text?
A.take no notice ofB.take care of
C.make full use ofD.get more help from


小题1:主旨大意题 。通读全文可知,作者主要是想告诉人们,被欺负该怎么做,所以选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据You should find a person you can trust,and tell them可知你应该找一个你相信的人并告诉他以求帮助,所以选C。  
小题4:词义猜测题。根据上文Also,don't show you are sad and don't try and fight with the bullies 可推知此句是说不要在意,尽管走开,那么欺负者将很快会停止,所以选A。
I went back to China as soon as school was over at the end of June. And I returned to Canada on August 17th.
It’s      to go back to China this summer, because of the A(H1N1)flu. Everybody seemed to be       . The easiest thing for us to do was to wear masks(口罩)on the plane, as my mom suggested. However, it was not      to wear a mask for ten hours. I decided to put the masks into my bag        wearing them.
Everything seemed OK     the flight. I saw only five people wear masks all the time. When we arrived in Beijing, some      came into the plane and took our temperature. Fortunately,       had a fever. Therefore, I was able to get home on time.
However, everything went wrong after I got home. I became sick, with a sore throat and a fever because I had not     my mom’s words. Luckily, I just had a common       . while I was sick in bed, I thought that if I had listened to my mom at first, I      would have never caught the cold.
It’s always wise to listen to your mom’s suggestions.
A.thanks forB.instead of C.because ofD.except for
A.policemenB.doctors C.engineersD.reporters
A.followed B.heardC.knownD.understood
A.differentlyB.particularly C.usuallyD.probably
Andy was born in China 17 years ago. In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school student, she has found many differences between Chinese and Americans:
About money
Americans like to spend more than they have, so many of them are always in debt(欠债). But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank.
The American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money.
About education
Many American students have less homework to do while many Chinese students have much.Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups.
Many American parents think there is no need to send their children to an expensive school. It’s different in China. Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive schools though their family isn’t rich enough.
About friends
Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents usually enjoy knowing more about their children’s friends in many different ways, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends.
小题1:between Chinese and Americans
Chinese usually have some money in the bank小题2:  they spend less money than they have.
Many Americans usually 小题3:  
money from the banks because they spend more than they have.
Chinese children get money from their 小题4:
Children usually make money by 小题5:
Parents usually do their小题6:    
to send their children to study in expensive schools.
Many parents think it isn’t 小题7:     
to send their children to an expensive schools.
Chinese girls join in 小题8:
Many girls exercise, dance and sing together.
Parents are usually 小题9: in knowing more about their children’s friends.
Most American parents pay 小题10:         
attention to their children’s friends. 
Bob Harris was a weatherman at a small television station. He worked for twenty years and during those twenty years, he felt that his life was boring. Every day, he studied the weather and tried to predict(预报)the next day’s weather. Then, he stood in front of the camera and read his report. Some days it was cloudy, some days it was sunny; sometimes rainy, while sometimes snowy. The weather changed each day, but Bob still felt that his job was always the same. His boss often told him to be happier and smile more in front of the camera, but Bob rarely smiled. He thought that most people did not watch his weather report and his job did not matter much to anyone. One day, he arrived at work and began to study the weather as usual. He noticed that something was different that day.
Everything he studied told him that there was going to be a very big storm very soon, though he was not completely sure. Suddenly, Bob felt excited. He ran to his boss’s office and asked to do a special weather report. The boss agreed and Bob gave a special report that afternoon, warning people of the coming storm. Because of this report, many people were safe during the storm.
Bob realized(意识到) that his job was actually very important.
小题1:Why did Bob feel that his life was boring?
A.Because the weather changed each day.
B.Because he did not want to work for a small television station.
C.Because he did not like to stand in front of the camera.
D.Because he felt that his job was always the same.
小题2:Why did Bob rarely smile when he was in front of the camera?
A.Because he thought that his job did not matter much to anyone.
B.Because he only worked for a small televison station.
C.Because he did not like his boss.
D.Because the weather report was boring.
小题3:Why did Bob ask to do a special weather report?
A.Because he felt excited.
B.Because he wanted to warn people of the coming storm.
C.Because he realized that his job was actually very important.
D.Because he wanted to smile in front of the camera.
小题4:Why did Bob feel excited?
A.Because he wanted to do a special weather report.
B.Because he wanted to ask his boss for more money.
C.Because he knew there was going to be a big storm soon.
D.Because he was going to stand in front of the camera.
小题5:How did Bob realize that his job was actually very important?
A.People were safe from the storm because of his weather report.
B.He got better pay after he did the weather report.
C.People liked him very much.
D.He did a special report every day.
Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond (池子). The king then told his people that one person      each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be      of milk.
After receiving the order(命令), everyone       home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bringing milk, he would just hid a glass of water     put that into the pond instead. Since it was dark       night, no one would notice it, so he quickly went and put the water into the pond and      home.
In the morning, the king went to visit the pond. To his       , the pond was only filled with water! What happened?  Yes! Everyone had the same idea  
     that man. They all thought,“I don’t have to waste my milk. Someone else will do it.”
Dear friends, when you plan to help poor people or people in trouble, do not think that      will take care of it. Instead, it starts with you. If you don’t do it, no one else will, so change yourself and make a       .
小题1:A. at                   B. from                   C. on        
小题2:A. filled               B. empty                  C. full       
小题3:A. get                  B. went                   C. left  
小题4:A. and                  B. then                   C. but      
小题5:A. of                   B. at                     C. on 
小题6:A. left                  B. came                  C. returned
小题7:A. surprise             B. satisfaction             C. joy         
小题8:A. with                 B. to                    C. as      
小题9:A. others               B. the others               C. none       
小题10:A. face                B. mistake                 C. difference
Last week, the manager of an old jeweler's shop received a letter marked "personal". As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till teatime. When he opened it, a $100 note fell. out onto his desk. With the note was a short letter. This is what it said:
Dear sir,
I got engaged (订婚的) forty years ago. Unfortunately at that time there was a lot of unemployment and I lost my job. I was out of work for about six months before I got another one. Of course I was very short of money.
I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring one day. The assistant brought some rings for me to have a look, later she was called away, and then I put one of the rings into my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriend's finger.

So I left the shop without paying for the ring. My wife died a month ago, and the fact that I never paid for her ring has been on my conscience
(让我良心不安) all these years. I always feel guilty about that. At that time the ring cost $ 20, and I think that is about five times- $100 at today's price. Now I am sending you that amount.
Yours truly,
A customer
After reading the letter, the manager said, "Well, well, well, life is full of surprise!"
小题1:The ring that the customer put into his pocket was_______ at that time.
A.$20B.$50 C.$100D.$400
小题2:The underlined word "unemployment" means "_______" in Chinese.
小题3:How long has the customer's wife been dead?
A.A week.B.A month.C.A year.D.Two months.
小题4:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The manager opened the letter by himself.
B.The manager thought life was full of surprise.
C.When the customer's wife knew the fact, she was impatient.
D.The customer always feels sad for not paying for the ring years ago.

We all have dreams. Do you still remember your dream when you were still a middle school student. As teenagers, you may have many dreams. Maybe you wanted to be a scientist, a teacher or a doctor. These dreams can be very big, such as winning a Nobel Prize, or very small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.
If you have a dream, what do you do with it? Do you try to make your dream come true? Andrew Matthews wrote a book called Follow Your Heart. It tells us it’s the biggest challenge(挑战) to make our dreams come true.
There will be many difficulties on the road to your dreams. But you must never give up your dream. Because the biggest difficulty comes from you yourself. 
Everyone can make his/her dream come true. The first thing to do is to remember your dream. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want and keep working hard. Do this step by step and your dream will come true one day.
小题1:Follow Your Heart is the name of           .
A.Andrew Matthews B.a book about hearts
C.a book by Andrew Matthews D.a dream
小题2:Which of the following may be a small dream for teenagers?
A.To be a man like Nobel.
B.To win a Nobel Prize.
C.To be the best student in the class.
D.To be a scientist.
小题3:If you want to make your dream come true, the biggest difficulty is from           .
A.the book B.your school C.your dream D.you yourself
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Different people have the same dream.
B.If you keep on, you can make your dream come true.
C.There are few difficulties on the road to everyone's dream.
D.When you give up your dream, it will come true soon.
When I was a foreign teacher in China, every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China. One day the topic turned to saying “ I love you”. I was shocked to learn that not one of my students has said this to their mothers, nor had their mothers said it to them. “Does your mother love you?” “ Of course,” they answered.
“ How do you know?” was my logical question. They responded that their moms cooked and always told them what they were doing wrong to show their caring. I was stunned. So mom’s cooking and criticizing read out as “I love you”. “Then do you say‘I love you’to her?” They agreed that getting good grades, followed by good jobs would be how they showed their love.
I come from a culture where most people are expressive enough, so I repeated these questions in classes over time. Gradually, I began to get different responses. Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their moms.
One of my favourite stories of change came from a girl. When she came home from university, her mother met her at the door and hugged her. This had never happened before, but her mom said, “ Now that you have gone, I have more time to myself. I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.”
In my family we all say “I love you” a lot. While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth of feelings at that moment, it is almost like a blessing we give each other. Those three words carry a world of meaning, even when said as a greeting, but most especially if they are the last words we say to or hear from those we love.
小题1: Chinese people prefer to show love by __________.
A.saying “I love you”B.cooking
C.getting good gradesD.doing something helpful
小题2: The underlined word “stunned” mean________ in Chinese.
小题3: In paragraph 4, what’s the real meaning of the mom’s hugging?
A.She is meeting her daughter at the door.
B.She loves her daughter and misses her.
C.She is glad that she has more time to herself.
D.She finds it interesting to hug her daughter.
小题4: Which of the following statements is RIGHT?
A.Chinese people never show love to their mothers.
B.Chinese students express love to their mothers by studying hard and trying to get good jobs.
C.In foreign countries people have great depth of feelings to say “I love you”.
D.People from different countries will never understand each other.
小题5: What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Say “I love you” more to your family.
B.Say “I love you” a lot to Chinese people.
C.Say “I love you” as a greeting to others.
D.Say “I love you” without great depth of feelings.

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