
Erhu, guzheng, suona and pipa are traditional Chinese instruments (乐器). They have something in common: Great Chinese musicians can play very beautiful music with them. These instruments can help to bring out the best in them, too. Chinese people love them a lot. But what about Americans? 答案让很多人感到惊讶。

In August 2018, a group of Chinese and American students gave a concert (音乐会) of traditional Chinese music at Harvard University in Massachusetts, the United States. The young musicians are between 13 and 22 years old. They are all talented in music. This is their first concert and people there had a good time.

“I didn’t know that they were students. I lost myself in the music, I feel like I was a happy bird when they are playing. This is a great concert!” said Donald Westmore.

“I have a thing about China. So I wouldn’t miss anything about China because I know how special it is. I love the concert very much.” said Linda Schwab Edmundson.

每个人有了一个成功的开始。” Jingdong Cai said happily, the conductor(指挥家)of the music group.







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