“John, you have no school today. Let’s do some cleaning in the house.” John’s mom_______that morning.

Then they began to clean the house. They didn’t stop___________everything was tidy. Suddenly, John’s mom pointed to Grandpa’s chair and said, “That old chair has got to go. We’ll buy Grandpa a new one.” It was ___________. The chair was ugly. So John agreed.

As they were trying to move the chair, Grandpa came in. He ___________ their way. “Oh, no! You can’t take my chair away.” “Dad, we’ll buy you a new one.” John’s mom said. “No, I don’t want a new one”. Grandpa tried to push his chair back into _____________. John’s mom had to give up. Grandpa sat into his chair and closed his eyes.

“Grandpa, why don’t you let us throw away the chair?” John asked.

“You don’t understand, John. I sat in this chair with your grandma when I asked her to  ___________me. It was so long ago. But when I sit in this chair and close my eyes, I feel she is near.” “It’s  _______________ . How could grandpa remember such a thing many years ago. In fact, he forgot almost_______.” John thought.

“And the night you father was born, they placed the___________ baby into my arms. I sat in this chair for hours, and I had never been____________ ”. A smile now ______________across his old face.

“I think I’m going to understand.” John said.

“Many years later,” Grandpa’s voice ________, “the doctor called and told me your grandma was about to depart with this world, and I was lost without her in the following year. But this chair gave me __________and warmth.”

“I’m sorry, Grandpa. ”John looked at Grandpa and said,

“This is not just an old chair. You’ve______________ a lot together.” That night, John told his mom all about the chair. They realized how much the chair meant to grandpa.

When they look at the chair the next day, they found the room would be very__________without the old chair.

1.A.ordered B.suggested C.requested D.mentioned

2.A.when B.before C.unless D.until

3.A.true B.real C.common D.special

4.A.discover B.blocked C.lined D.covered

5.A.space B.room C.place D.seat

6.A.marry B.greet C.choose D.prefer

7.A.moving B.amazing C.unexpected D.believable

8.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

9.A.low B.heavy C.huge D.tiny

10.A.happier B.sadder C.stronger D.healthier

11.A.went B.came C.ran D.spread

12.A.appeared B.broke C.returned D.raised

13.A.safety B.heat C.comfort D.treat

14.A.looked back to B.looked through C.gone back to D.gone through

15.A.fascinating B.wonderful C.dark D.crowded

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