Afel was only a very small boy when he first saw snow in a picture book. It had lots of ______ of children playing in big white fields. He asked, "Mum, what are those white fields?" His mother laughed, "That's snow, and they are making a snowman!" She tried to ______ what snow was. Afel didn't really understand because there was no real snow where he lived. But he showed great interest.

One day when he was 12, Afel was watching a programme on TV with his uncle. It was full of snow, and there were people flying across the snow. They looked like fantastic birds. They had hats covering all their heads and big goggles over their eyes. And on their feet, they had ______ shoes.

"What are those?" he asked his uncle ______. "Skis," replied his uncle. "And those people are called skiers." At that moment, he decided to be a ______. "What is the programme?" he asked. "The Winter Olympics," said his uncle. "It's like the normal Olympics and they have it every four years."

Afel found out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Beijing, in 2022. "Perfect," he thought. "Enough time for me to become an excellent skier."

"But there's no snow here!" People told him. "Where are you going to ski?" "How will you go to the Olympics?" People asked him. "Our country doesn't even have a skiing team." But Afel didn't ______.

He made himself a pair of skis from two pieces of wood. He tied them to his feet and practiced with two sticks in his hands. He practised again and again until he could move quite quickly across the sand. He tried to fly down the hills like the people on TV, but he couldn't.

"Never mind," he thought. "It's a ______…"

So every night, Afel practises skiing down sand hills. He ______ that he will bring home a medal one day.

1.A.videos C.clothes

2.A.draw C.prepare D.explain

3.A.strange B.strong C.valuable D.comfortable

4.A.politely B.hopefully C.excitedly D.nervously B.winner C.writer D.skier

6.A.refuse B.learn D.complain

7.A.way B.start C.chance D.suggestion

8.A.dreams B.predicts C.proves D.realizes

Lots of people love chocolate. Do you know how to make it? What does a chocolate factory look like? My class had a field trip to a chocolate factory in Toronto.

We visited an old building in ten groups. In the beginning, we put on some special clothes to make sure that we couldn’t dirty the workplace. After preparation(准备), we went to the second floor and walked into the chocolate-making place. The floor was filled with different kinds of machines. Each machine has a different job. There are only two people working on the floor, because machines do most of the work.

In the next room, we learned about the history of chocolate making. There was a picture of the factory 100 years ago. They had more than 1,000 people working there. The factory is very different now. How greatly the technology(技术) is changing our life!

Later, we saw how machines made chocolate. We got a cocoa bean(可可豆), some powdered(粉末的) chocolate and a final chocolate. I opened the cocoa bean and tasted it. It doesn’t taste sweet at all, and it’s like dark chocolate. The best cocoa beans come from South America and Africa. Farmers dry them in the sun. Next, workers cook the beans at a high temperature. Machines took the shells(果壳) off the beans and made the beans into chocolate liquor which looks like water. Then, they put chocolate liquor and sugar together to make dark chocolate. If adding milk, they made milk chocolate. The machine made them smooth like silk.

Finally, we bought some chocolate at a shop in the factory. It was at a very low price. This field trip taught me how important technology is and I also leant a lot of knowledge about chocolate.

1.Why did the writer’s class visit the chocolate factory?

A.Because they were interested in the amazing technology.

B.Because they could get some chocolate at a low price there.

C.Because they wanted to learn something new about chocolate.

2.Where do the best cocoa beans come from?

A.North America. B.Australia. C.Africa.

3.What makes the writer think “How greatly technology is changing our life”?

A.The whole floor only has two machines working.

B.Machines are doing most of the work in this factory.

C.People are making more and more delicious chocolate.

4.The writer thought the field trip was________ .

A.tiring B.unforgettable C.meaningless

5.Which is the RIGHT order about how to make chocolate?

①Cook the beans at a high temperature.

②Dry the cocoa beans in the sun.

③Put chocolate liquor and sugar together.

④ Take the shells off the beans, and made the beans into chocolate liquor.

A.②①④③ B.①②④③ C.②①③④

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