
  If you go into the forest with friends,stay with them.If you don’t,you may get lost.If you get lost,this is what you should do.

  Sit down and stay where you are.Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you.You can help them to find you by staying in one place.

  There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you.You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times.Stop.Then shout or whistle three times again.Any signal(信号)given three times is a call for help.Keep up the shouting or whistling,always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal is given twice.It is an answer to a call for help.

  If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a little house—cover up the hole with branches(树枝)with lots of leaves.Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.

  When you need some water,you have to leave your little branch house to look for a stream(小溪).Don’t just walk away.Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to find the way back.

  When you are lost,the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.


If you get lost in the forest,you should________.

[  ]


just cry and shout


walk around the forest and shout


stay in one place to give signals


build a house


How to let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun?You should________.

[  ]


shout that you are lost


keep up either shouting or whistling always three times together


shout or whistle only once


deep silent


When you heard two shouts or two whistles you know that________.

[  ]


the birds are singing


something will happen


something terrible will happen


people will come to help you


When you are lost in the forest but you want to leave your place to get some water,what should you do?

[  ]


Pick up small branches.


Look for a bottle.


Leave marks as you go to a stream in order to find your way back.


Make a hole in the ground.


This article tells you________.

[  ]


what you should do if you are lost in the forest


what you should do if you want to get some water from a stream


how to spend the night in the forest


how to find food and clothes in the forest


  The Indians invented and developed the system of numbers from 1 to 9 and 0. We can use the ten numbers to make any number from the biggest to the smallest.

  However, the ancient Romans invented a different system (系统) of numbers. They used symbols (符号) and replaced them. 1 is “Ⅰ” and 2 is “Ⅱ”. For larger numbers, they invented new symbols—5 is “Ⅴ”, 10 is “Ⅹ”, and so on. But they didn’t have a symbol for zero.

  Here’s a table of the Roman numbers.












  The Romans combined their symbols. In this way, “Ⅶ” means “5+1+1”, or 7. However, they found that “ⅡⅡ” (for 4) and “ⅤⅡⅡ” (for 9) were too confusing, so they thought out another idea.

  If the “Ⅰ” comes after the “Ⅴ”, then you add it (Ⅵ is 6); if the “Ⅰ” comes before the “Ⅴ”, then you subtract (减去) it (Ⅳ is 4). The rule is that you are allowed to add up to three (e.g. Ⅷ is 8), but only subtract one (e.g. XL is 40).

  How to remember the symbols?

  Ⅰis like a finger. In a whole hand, the thumb (拇指) and the little finger make a V. Ten fingers are both hands, so the two Vs make an X..

  Here is a way to remember the other symbols (L, C, D, M):Little Cats Drink Milk.

(  ) 51. How many numbers can we make according to the Indians’ system ?

     A. three: 0, 9, 1   B. ten      C. eleven    D. lots of

(  ) 52. Which number was not in the ancient Roman’s number system?

     A. 1       B. 9      C. 0       D. 5

(  ) 53. What does the underlined word “combined” probably mean in the passage?

     A. 合并     B. 分离     C. 增加     D. 削减

(  ) 54. What does MD mean according to the Romans’ rule of calculating?

     A. 500      B. 1000     C. 1500     D. 2000

(  ) 55 Which sentence is NOT true according to the passage?

     A. “Little Cats Drink Milk” can help us to remember some of the numbers symbols.

     B. The Indians invented the system of numbers from 1 to 9 and 0.

     C. You are not allowed to make a number like “XXL”

     D. The ancient Romans repeated symbols to make any number.



   I used to watch a little girl playing basketball every day from my kitchen window. One day I asked her why she practiced so   1  . She said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is   2   a scholarship(奖学金). I like basketball and I want to be the   3  player in college. My dad told me, “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

She never changed her mind. I watched her through those high years and into senior high school. One day before she graduated from high school, I saw her sitting on the grass

  4  . I asked her what was wrong. She told me that her coach said she was too short to be a good basketball player, so she should stop  5  about going to college. She was heartbroken and it made me feel bad,   6  . Then she smiled and told me her father said that coach was wrong. He did not understand the power of dream.. Her father said to her, “If you   7  want to play for the scholarship of a good college, nothing but you   8  can stop your dream.” He told her again: “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

The next year, she and her team went to a big game. She   9  by a coach of a famous college team and was offered a scholarship to the   10  basketball team of their college. She was to get the college education that she had dreamed of and worked toward for all those years.

“If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” It is true.

1     2     3      4      5    

6     7     8      9      10    


A: too, B: really C: much  D many  E: women’s  F: was seen 

G: dreaming H: to get  I: best  J: yourself  K: sadly L: to dream

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