
These days,more and more young people wish to be more beautiful,So they turn to plastic surgery(整形手术)for help.They spend thousands of yuan on these painful surgeries to fix(修整)their nose,to change their eyelids(眼皮)or to take off weight from their stomachs.
In fact,most people are not pleased with the way they look.Even the most beautiful actresses
often wish they could change something about their looks.Should we live our whole lives believing we are ugly? Why can’t we raise our head high and believe that we are as beautiful as others? A smile is beautiful on any face,whether fat,oily or hairy.And a kind heart is much more beautiful than a pretty look.
So,let’s feel grateful(感激的)that we all have beautiful and healthy bodies that do not need surgeries! Today,I call on you to make an easy change:hold your head high! smile and be kind to others.If you do these,you will be full of confidence(自信),beauty, and warmth everywhere you go.
小题1:How can we feel great about ourselves according to the writer?
A.Hold your head up.B.Smile.
C.Be kind.D.A, B and C
小题2:The writer suggests we should believe we are as     as others
小题3:Which is Not true according to the passage?
A.Actresses never worry about their looks.
B.It costs a lot of money to have plastic surgeries.
C.We only need to make a small change to feel beautiful enough.
D.A good look is less important than a kind heart.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段Why can’t we raise our head high and believe that we are as beautiful as others? A smile is beautiful on any face,whether fat,oily or hairy.And a kind heart is much more beautiful than a pretty look.描述,可知抬起头相信自己,微笑,和善良都是美的表现,故选D。
小题2:推理判断题。根据第二段Why can’t we raise our head high and believe that we are as beautiful as others?可知作者希望我们能够自信我们和其他人一样美,故选C
小题3:推理判断题。根据第二段Even the most beautiful actresses often wish they could change something about their looks.描述可知甚至最漂亮的演员也希望在容貌方面有所改变。故选A
Sports, drama, and all kinds of organizations keep students busy during high school. Where do they get the money to do these things? Not everyone gets it from parents. Most have to work for at least some of the money to pay for these activities. Some adults question if high school students should have jobs. I say yes, they undoubtedly should.
Some people worry that teens with after-school jobs will have difficulty finding time for schoolwork. Actually, having a job helps teens make better use of their time. Many jobs take only a couple of hours on weeknights. According to an article, 86 percent of high school students have an after-school, weekend or summer job and students who work between 10 and 20 hours per week during the school year get higher grades than those who do not work at all. Instead of considering working after school a hindrance, it should be looked at as real-world education.
Other people think that work adds too much stress(压力), which may be somewhat true, but whether having a job or not, there is always stress. Better to learn how to deal with busy schedules(日程表)in a controlled environment like high school than to be out on your own and alone in the future, experiencing stress for the first time. I personally would be worried about the teenager who has to become independent without having any experience of working.
The biggest reason teens should work is that it is a healthy way of making money. There are many things teens need to pay for and they cannot do it if they don’t have a job. Not all parents can pay for these activities. My dad told me, “Having a job is a good way to save up for things you are going to need or want to do. You get a lot more out of things if you pay for them yourself.” The sooner kids make money, the sooner they can learn how to use money wisely. If they are not allowed to work in high school, they may have a hard time in the future. Teens should, without a doubt, be allowed to work on school nights.
小题1:The word “hindrance” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.
A.something that encourages teens to study
B.something that helps teens improve study
C.something that prevents teens from studying
D.something that makes teens lose interest in study
小题2:What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Teens are too busy with study to work at high school.
B.Teens experience stress for the first time at high school.
C.Teens are worried about being independent in the future.
D.Teens who work will deal with stress better in the future.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Working makes teens get lower grades.
B.Working teaches teens to spend money more wisely.
C.Working helps teens to get on better with their parents.
D.Working stops teens from taking part in after-school activities.
小题4:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.What money means to teens.
B.Why teens should work after school.
C.Whether parents should help teens find jobs.
D.How teens get money for after-school activities.
China’s Manned Space Program
Shenzhou V
Time: October 15th, 2003
Main events:
Chinese spaceman Yang Liwei was sent up into space. He went around the earth 14 times in his one-day flight. China became the third country to succeed in manned space flight.
Shenzhou Ⅵ
Time: October 12th, 2005
Main events:
Chinese spacemen Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng were both sent up into space. On October 17th, the two Chinese space heroes safely returned to the earth.
Shenzhou Ⅶ
Time: September 25th, 2008
Main events:
Chinese spacemen Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng were sent up into space. Zhai Zhigang made our country's first spacewalk. This spacewalk took 20 minutes.
Shenzhou Ⅹ
Time: June 11th, 2013
Main events:
Chinese spacemen Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and the second spacewoman Wang Yaping were sent up into space and connected with the space station Tiangong I. Wang Yaping gave a space lesson about micro-gravity (微重力) to all Chinese teenagers. This space lesson lasted 40 minutes.
小题1:According to the article, the Chinese spaceman traveling in space twice is ____________.
A.Yang LiweiB.Fei JunlongC.Nie HaishengD.Zhai Zhigang
小题2:Shenzhou V went around the earth in space _____________.
A.OnceB.4 timesC.5 timesD.14 times
小题3:Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng stayed in space for _____________.
A.1 dayB.4 daysC.5 daysD.14 days
小题4:Zhai Zhigang made our country’s first spacewalk in _____________.
小题5:The space lesson about micro-gravity to all Chinese teenagers lasted _____________.
A.one dayB.three daysC.15 minutesD.40 minutes
Now some women are spending a weekend at Mother's Camp. There, husbands and children are not allowed. Why would a woman want to take a vacation without her family?
Some women say they need time to be alone.

At Mother's Camp a woman has room to herself. She can sleep, read or watch TV, and no one will bother her. No children will ask, "Mom, what's for dinner?" No husband will say, "Oh, dear, I can't find any clean socks." In fact almost 50% of women in the United States work outside the home. Many of them work full-time and then come home to a second job  -  taking care of their homes and families. These working women say one of their biggest problems is housework.
In the United States, working wives do about 75% of the housework. Many of their husbands say they want to help. But then they burn the rice or they can't find the pans. They ask so many questions that their wives decide it is easier to do the job themselves.
Some women go to Mother's Camp just to get a break from housework. For two days they don't cook, they don't clean, and they don't look after their children and husbands. What do they do? They enjoy warm, sunny weather, walking, swimming or boating in a clear blue lake and sing songs around the campfire. They relax away from home. They have a really wonderful vacation at Mother's Camp !
小题1:Why would some mothers like to be alone?
A.Because they have too many friends.
B.Because they can't get along well with others.
C.Because they are too busy to relax themselves.
D.Because they have no time to do some shopping.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true about Mother's Camp?
A.There are no husbands or children.B.Women spend two days with their families.
C.Women can sleep, read or watch TV.D.Women enjoy walking, swimming or boating.
小题3:                  is one of the biggest problems for working wives in the United States.
A.Doing chores at homeB.Working outside the house
C.When to take a vacationD.Looking after their children
小题4:From this passage we can see              in the United States.
A.almost all the women work outside the home
B.husbands do as much housework as their wives at home
C.women hate to stay at home with their husbands and children
D.working wives do so much housework that they want to get a rest
小题5:What is the best title(标题 ) for this passage?
A.How busy working mothers are.
B.How to buy special gifts for mothers.
C.Mothers relax away from home.
D.Spending a vacation with mothers.
April Fool’s Day is on April 1st. On this day, strange things may happen. Our friends will play jokes(开玩笑)on us and try to fool us. 
People don’t know the origin (起源) of April Fool’s Day clearly. Some say April Fool’s Day began many years ago in France. Long ago in France, the old New Year’s festival was celebrated from March 25th to April 1st and ended with exchange (交换)of presents. Later the King changed the New Year to January 1st. some people still celebrated the New year in April. They were called April Fish and were given presents as a joke.
But in many countries, April Fool’s Day is not celebrated on April 1st but on other days. In Mexico( 墨西哥), April Fool’s Day is on the 28th of December. In ancient Rome (古罗马), the day was on the 25th of March. In India, the day is on the 31st of March. In America, the day is mostly decided by young people and jokes who want to make fun of other people. But it is important to remember that your friends and you will be both happy. One must remember the difference between a good joke and a bad one.
小题1:When is April Fool’s Day in France now?
A.April 1stB.March 25thC.December 28thD.March 31st
小题2:What do people do on April Fool’s Day?
A.Give presents to friends.B.Play jokes on friends.
C.exchange presents.D.Do nothing special.
小题3:Is April Fool’s Day in Mexico on the twenty – fifth day in March?
A.Yes, it isn’t.B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, it is.D.Sorry, we don’t know.
小题4:People know the origin of April Fool’s Day clearly, don’t they?
A.Yes, they do.B.No, they do.C.Yes, they don’t.D.No, they don’t.
小题5: Which sentence is right?
A April Fool’s Day is on the same day all over the world.
B In America , young people can’t decide the day when they want to play a joke.
C New Year’s Day is from March 25th to April 1st now.
D Please remember to play a good joke on April Fool’s Day.
Raising pets is a popular online game among teenagers. "More than 20 of my classmates have adopted(领养)pets online, while last year the number was just 10,” said Wang Hui,a middle school student from Beijing, who also raises pets online.
If you go to some websites, you can adopt virtual(虚拟的)pets like penguins, chickens, dogs and elephants. You can feed,wash, talk to and play with your pet.
Dai Yingshuang of Shanghai raises pets on KaixinOOl. com. The 15-year-old girl said it is great fun. She thinks that she has also learned how to take care of others.
If one doesn't feed and care for the pet, it becomes unhappy and unhealthy. So raising an online pet means spending a lot of time online.
This makes many parents worried. They fear there will be bad influence in the children's studies.
Dai said that she usually asks her uncle to take care of her pet, while she is at school.
Wang Zhaotong, from Anhui,has been raising a penguin on QQ. com since last year. The 14-year-old girl takes good care of the penguin.
She said her parents knew about the penguin and think it's Okay. If the students can keep the balance between studying and playing, it's not bad for them to “raise” pets online.
小题1:According to the passage, over of the students in Wang Hui's class have adopted pets online this year.
小题2:What does Dai Yingshuang think of raising pets online?
A.It's not interesting at all. B.It wastes time.
C.It's not good for her study. D.It is great fun.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Raising an online pet doesn't mean spending a lot of time online.
B.If one doesn't feed the pet, it becomes unhappy and unhealthy.
C.Raising pets online makes many parents worried.
D.The writer thinks it doesn't matter if the students keep the balance between studying and playing.
小题4:How many examples are mentioned in the passage?
小题5:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Raising pets online is popular among teenagers.
B.It's bad to raise pets online.
C.How to raise pets online.
D.It's good to adopt pets online.
The World Cup has been on for some days in South Africa.It’s said that more than 2.2 billion peoplep are watching the World Cup.People fly their national flags, wear football shirts and talk about the exerciting games. Also different people have their own ways to enjoy games.
Adam, a football fan, likes going to the bar to watch the games with his friends. They can chat and drink during some of the less important games. Sometimes he meets many foreigners in the bar.They like to sing songs happily, or even dance when a player scores a goal.
Ivan a university student, enjoys watching online. He says it’s hard to get together with friends on weekdays, so watching online is a really a good way to enjoy the World Cup.
A girl called janet often watches the games at home with her family. She said,“In the bar, you always meet people who support different     teams, so it can  be embarrasing.” She thinks the most important thing is that she feels comfortable while watching at home. She can      sit any way she likes.
The World Cup makkes people excited and relaxed. No matter in what way you watch it, just enjoy soccer,just enjoy yourself.
Judge the following sentences true(T) or false(F)
小题1:It’s said that over 2.2 billion people are watching the World Cup.
小题2:Adam likes watching the games with his friends in the bar.
小题3:It’s a good way for Ivan to watch the World Cup online.
小题4:Janet often watches the games at home alone.
小题5:All the people enjoy the World Cup in the same way.
Today some people call Amsterdam the “City of Bicycles” because it is a city which is flat and convenient (方便的) for bicycles.
In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans      an idea. They believed that it would be better for everybody if the city only allows (允许) bicycles to go in the streets in the city centre. They were    that this would help to save energy, reduce pollution and provide free public transport. The group painted hundreds of bicycles       and placed them in public places around Amsterdam for people to use.      could take them and use them for short journeys, whether he was a local or a foreigner. Whenever someone finished a journey, they would    the bike there for someone else to use. The problem was that it didn't work because     took all the bicycles within weeks!
    more than thirty years later, the “white bike” is back in town---this time with a computer chip (芯片) to  its      very move! To take a bicycle, you have to put a special card inside. The new “white bike” is not white any more but is an unusual       with bright colors. The bikes are parked at special parking places and people who want to use them have to take them to another place that has enough room.
There is already less traffic in central Amsterdam, because both locals and tourists are      the white bikes every day. Thanks to the good ideas of lots of people, like the cycling fans in the 1960s, many people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets without cars for many years.
A.blackB.brownC.blue D.white
A.AnyoneB.EveryoneC.No oneD.Someone
A.HoweverB.InsteadC.Therefore D.Though
A.designB.idea C.size D.experiment

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