
Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的). We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long           . This is very good, but it doesn’t     a lot, for an effective students must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your study.
When you return             your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more         study better. Psychologists(心理学家)      that learning takes place in this way. Here take English learning      an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems      the same. So you will think you’re learning      and you may give up. This can last for days or every week, yet you needn’t give up. At some point your language study will again take another big     . You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and     . Don’t give up along the way. Learn slowly and you’re sure to get a good result.
A.have foundB.have taughtC.toldD.said
A.to haveB.to makeC.to takeD.to stay


小题1:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我们都知道中国学生通常很努力的学习数小时。根据四个选项的意思A. days 天;B. time 时间; C. hours 小时;D. weeks 周,以及生活常识可知,中国学生一上课就是连续好几节课,也就是好几个小时,故选C。
小题2:考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:这很好,但是帮助不大。根据四个选项的意思A. help 帮助;B. give 给;C .make 使,制作;D. take 带,拿以及句意中国学生连续数小时的学习,效果不大,故选A。
小题3:考查介词及语境的理解。句意:当你回到学习当中的时候,你的头脑会很清醒,你会学得更多学得更好。根据句意,“返回到”英语表达是return to…,故选D。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:心理学家业已发现,学习就是这样产生的。四个选项的意思是A. have found 发现;B. have taught 教学;C. told 告诉;D. said 说,根据句子结构宾语从句“that learning takes place in this way.”用的一般现在时,所以主句不能用过去时,排除C和D,根据句意,故选A。
小题6:考查介词短语及语境的理解。句意:这里把学习英语作为例子。英语中“作为例子”是as an example,故选C。
小题7:考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:然后,你的语言学习似乎停滞不前。四个选项的意思是A. to have 有,使,B. to make 使,C. to take 带,拿;D. to stay 停留,根据选项意思及句意,故选D。
小题8:考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:因此,你就会想你什么也没学到,你就会放弃。根据前句句意,“然后,你的语言学习似乎停滞不前。”,你会认为没有学到东西。A. something 用于肯定句;B.       anything 用于否定句或疑问句;C. nothing 本身是否定词; D. everything 所有东西,根据句意及分析,故选C。
小题9:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在某一点上,你的语言学习将会有另一个大的飞跃。四个选项的意思是A. work 工作; B. jump 跳跃,飞跃;C. walk 散步;D. result 结果。根据句意及选项意思,故选B。
小题10:考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。句意:如果你有有足够的睡眠,营养,休息和锻炼,英语学习可能会很有效,很有趣。四个选项的意思是A. hard 努力;B. common 一般的,普通的;C. interesting 有趣的;D. possible 可能的,根据选项意思及句意,故选C
   A man is going to open a shop selling hats. He wanted a good sign to put over his shop. He wrote:
Makes and Sells Hats
for Ready Money
   The first friend gave him the advice that the word “hatter” wasn’t needed. So John crossed out the word “HATTER” . Then he came to another friend for advice. This friend said that it was not polite to say “for ready money”. So he crossed out “for ready money”. The sign now said:
Makes and Sells Hats
One day a friend was passing his shop. He saw this sign and said that when a man bought a hat, he didn’t care who made it. So John crossed out that word, too.
But when another friend saw “ John Brown Sells Hats”, he said , “ Of course you sell hats. No one thinks you give them away for free.” So, at last the sign read:
小题1: “ For ready money” means ___________________.
A. pay for the hat here when you buy it  
B. if you buy the hat you can pay for it in a few days
C. hats here are only for the people with much money
小题2:How many friends gave John some advice on how to write the sign?
A. Three.                     B. Four.                    C. Two.
小题3:___________________was crossed out first.
A. “ John Brown Sells Hats”        B. “Hatter”              C. “for Ready Money”
小题4: Each friend has___________________thought.
A. no                          B. the same                C. his own
小题5:This story tells us that _____________________.
A. it isn’t possible to please everybody
B. it’s easy to sell hats
C. sellers must please everybody
What’s the best way to remember our happiest moments, like a birthday or festival? I bet you would answer , “Take lots of photos!” Well, here is a great surprise. People who always take photos may actually be harming(伤害) their memory, because they’re not concentrating on the event itself. That’s according to new research by Fairfield University, Connecticut, in the US. They call this the “photo-taking impairment(损害) affect”.
“People so often take out their cameras almost mindlessly to catch a moment, to the point that they are missing what is happening right in front of them,” Henkel and her team decided to perform an experiment. They wanted to find out whether taking photos in a museum weakened(减弱) a visitor’s memory of what they had seen. So they simply told a group to look around the museum, and either take photos of the items on display, or try to remember what they had seen. In addition(另外), the amount(数量) of detail(细节) they remembered was worse than those who didn’t take photos. “These results show how the mind’s eye and the camera’s eye are not the same,” said Henkel.
But don’t put your camera down just yet. Other studies have found that looking back at old photos helps us remember an event, compared to just taking a photo and forgetting about it. So next time you’re thinking of taking a photo, just think: is it better to look at the beauty around you with your own eyes, or behind the eye of the camera?
小题1: When we take photos, we _________.
A.fail to focus on the event itself
B.can’t record the details
C.remember what we have seen
D.are likely to have a poor memory
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true about the experiment?
A.People who didn’t take photos did better in the experiment.
B.They asked a group to try to remember what they had seen.
C.The experiment aimed to learn what people were interested in at the museum.
D.People who took photos in the museum could remember less details.
小题3:According to the passage, we’d better _________.
A.never use our cameras
B.remember an event by heart
C.always remember an event with the help of a camera
D.see everything only with our own eyes
小题4:What do the results of the experiment show us?
A.The mind’s eye and the camera’s eye are not the same.
B.People remember happiest moments by taking photos.
C.Looking back at old photos helps us remember an event.
D.People don’t like taking photos.
小题5:Where can we probably read this passage?
A.The entrance of a museum.
B.A guidebook on how to take good pictures.
C.An instruction of how to use a camera.
D.A scientific report.
There is nothing wrong with being shy. In fact,       happy, successful people are shy. You can try to say goodbye to your shyness. Here’s how to do so.
1. Start Small. At home, practice       and saying hi while looking at yourself in the mirror. Then try this at school with kids you know well. Once that becomes a habit, try doing the same with kids you don’t know as well.
2.        Are Key. Once you         smiling and saying hi, it’s time to start a conversation. All you really have to do is to ask a question or two about a person’s       : What’s your favorite movie? Do you like playing tennis? Just be careful not to ask questions that are too personal __  might be hurtful.
3. Choose Face-to-face Time. Many shy girls say it’s easier for them to talk to people     . In a recent survey, nearly two out of every 10 shy girls said being online has made them even shyer in real life. So       your cell phone, step away from the computer, and put in some face-to-face time with the people in your life.
4. Star in Your Own Life. Looking people in the eye, saying hi with a smile, and starting conversations will probably feel strange at first, but every time you practice your new skills, it will become a little        .
you keep working at it, you will become more comfortable talking to other people.
小题1:A. few                B. some     C. many
小题2:A. crying             B. smiling     C. thinking
小题3:A. Talks             B. Conversations    C. Questions
小题4:A. are used as B. are used to  C. are used for
小题5:A. questions      B. problems C. interests
小题6:A. or B. and  C. but
小题7:A. face to face    B. online   C. at home
小题8:A. put down   B. take down   C. take out
小题9:A. hard   B. easy C. easier
小题10:A. When   B.As long as   C. Unless
The trees have been on the earth for millions of years.  小题1: Disease(疾病) is destroying trees. For example, in the 1970s, many trees in Europe were killed by disease.
小题2: This new danger attacks all the forests and woods of Europe from northern Sweden to southern Italy. First the branches turn yellow and brown. Then the trees’ leaves fall. The roots and the trunk shrink(萎缩). Finally the trees die. In the Black Forest in southern Germany, 75%of the trees have been destroyed or killed.
小题3: Nobody knows exactly, but it is probably air pollution or acid rain(酸雨). Factories, power stations and cars give off tons of smoke with acid into the air. Sunlight turns these into something harmful which fall with rain or snow onto the trees.
What can be done about acid rain? 小题4:
Acid rain doesn’t always fall on the countries which produce the pollution. The wind carries it from one country to another. Badly, the governments don’ t want to spend money on it if it won’ t harm the trees in their own countries.
小题5: The rainforests of Asia and South America are being cut down for firewood and building materials. Something must be done. If the trees die, we will, too.
A.What is killing the trees?
B.But today trees are in great danger.
C.Trees are also killed by people.
D.Now an even greater danger is destroying trees.
E. Why don’t the governments do something to save the trees?
If you’ve tried studying when you’re tired, you know that it can seem very impossible to do well.
A study of sleep in sparrows suggests the relationship between sleep and the ability to learn may be more complicated(复杂) than people knew.
Niels C·Rattenborg, a scientist from Wisconsin-Madison, wanted to find out how the sparrows were able to deal with getting so much less sleep. He and his team brought eight wild birds into a lab and watched them for one year. They invented a game to check how well the birds could learn. In the game, the sparrows had to peck(啄)three buttons (按钮)in a right order to get a food treat. The scientists discovered that the birds’  ability to learn the right button order depended on(依靠)two things: the time of year and the amount of sleep the birds had had.
During the migration(迁徙)season, the sparrows were restless at night and got much less sleep than usual. Even so, they were able to understand how to get the food quickly as if they’d had a regular night of sleep. Outside the migration season, they found the sparrows that got less sleep than usual had much more difficulty learning how to get the food treats than birds that had a regular sleep.
The results show that the sparrows can deal with much less sleep during the migration season than usual. If scientists can find out why, they may learn from sparrows and find ways of helping people deal with getting much less sleep. Until scientists fully understand the relationship between sleep and learning, it’s better to get plenty of sleep when preparing for an exam.
小题1:The passage is mainly about          .
A.sparrows’ migration.
B.sleep lessons from Sparrows.
C.how to get less sleep while studying
D.how sparrows that got less sleep get food treats
小题2:Why can sparrows get much less sleep during the migration season?
A.They eat more.
B.The climate is better
C.They can get food quickly
D.Scientists still don’t know the reason.
小题3:What fact does the passage lead you to believe?
A.We should sleep as little as sparrows do.
B.We should get enough sleep before an exam.
C.When tired, we should try to focus on(聚焦) our study.
D.When tired, we should check how we can sleep less than usual.
Everybody is afraid of something. That’s what more than 1,700 kids told us when we asked them about fears and scary stuff. We gave kids a list of 14 scary things and asked which one frightened them most. Here are the top 5 answers from our survey: ①Scary movies and TV shows; ②Scary dreams; ③Thunderstorms, hurricanes, and other terrible weather; ④War and terrorism*; ⑤Sounds heard at night.
It seems that not everyone is afraid of the same thing. What makes one person scared can be of no big deal for someone else. Plenty of kids said their biggest fear wasn’t on our list.
What is fear?
Fear is a feeling that everyone has — it’s programmed into all of us — and that’s a good thing because fear is there to protect us. We’re born with a sense of fear so we can react to something that could be dangerous. The baby cries, and their mom comes over to comfort him or her, helping the baby feel safe and OK again.
Real vs. Pretend
The best way to get over a fear is to get more information about it. As kids get older, they understand more and start seeing the difference between what is real and unreal. So when William’s imagination leads him to think of witches, he can tell himself, “Wait a minute. They’re only pretend things. I don’t need to worry about them.”
The same goes for the dark. A kid’s imagination can start playing tricks when the lights go out. What’s under my bed? Is that a thief I hear? With the help of a parent, kids can get more comfortable in the dark. Using a nightlight or shining a flashlight under the bed to see that there’s nothing there can help kids fight that fear.

小题1:Which of the following can’t help a kid fight the fear of dark?
A.Using imaginations to think of witches.
B.Their parents coming over to comfort them.
C.Using a nightlight to see there’s nothing under the bed.
D.Shining a flashlight to see there’s nothing under the bed.
小题2:What does the underlined word “pretend” in paragraph 4 mean?
小题3:What is the second paragraph of the passage mainly about?
A.Fourteen scary things kids list.
B.People are afraid of different things.
C.The biggest fear for kids are always the same.
D.The things frighten people are the same as the survey.
小题4:Which is TRUE about the writer’s opinion?
A.Having a sense of fear is not a bad thing.
B.Nothing can help kids to get over a fear.
C.Fear is something we get when we are older.
D.Not all people can react to dangerous things.
Last weekend, our family went to have Christmas dinner in a restaurant. We were the only family with a baby in the restaurant. Suddenly, my baby Erik became excited when we were enjoying our meal. I looked around and saw an old man with old clothes and dirty old shoes. His hair was unwashed. He was smiling at my Erik.
“He might hurt my Erik,” I thought. Everyone in the restaurant looked at us and the old man. Then we decided to leave. The old man sat between the door and us.
As I walked closer to the man, I turned my back. Suddenly, Erik leaned(倾斜) over my arms, reaching with both arms in a baby’s pick-me-up position(姿势). Before I could stop him, Erik had escaped(逃跑) from my arms to the man’s. Soon the very old smelly man and my young baby developed a kind of friendship.
Erik put his little hand on the man’s face, and I saw the old man closed his eyes and tears running down his face. His aged hands held my baby so gently(温柔地). A moment later, the old man opened his eyes, passed me my baby and said, “Thank you, Madam. You’ve given me the best Christmas gift.”
I cried, with my face burning hot. A child saw a soul(灵魂), but a mother saw only a kind of clothes.
小题1: At first, the writer thought the old man was ______ .
小题2: The family decided to leave the restaurant because they ______.
A.had finished the meal already
B.had some important things to do
C.thought the food there was bad
D.worried about their baby’s safety
小题3:We can learn from the passage that Erik _______.
A.showed kindness to the old manB.had seen the old man before
C.was popular in the restaurantD.was hurt by the old man
小题4: Why did the old man thank the writer?
A.Because the writer bought food for him
B.Because the writer said Merry Christmas to him
C.Because staying with the baby made him feel happy
D.Because the writer asked him to play with her baby
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.A special restaurantB.A lovely baby
C.Soul and clothesD.Parents’ influence on babies

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