
The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are a major international sport festival held every four years. The Games are separated into Summer and Winter editions, and new mascots (吉祥物) appear at each Games as colourful and cheerful representations (代表) of the country and culture in which the Games are held.

We finally know the mascots of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. They are two robots with traditional Japanese designs.

The blue and white mascot is for the Olympic Games. It has a strong sense of justice (正义感) and has the power to move around very quickly. The other mascot is for the Paralympic Games. It is pink and white. It also has a special power to talk with stones and the wind and move things with its mind, the BBC reported.

Three sets of mascots were shown to primary school students. They decided the final mascots. More than 205,000 classes helped to select them. It was the first time in Olympic history to ask primary school students to pick the mascots. The mascots will get their names this summer. The winning Mascots will take part in all kinds of events up to and throughout the Tokyo 2020 Games.

1.What are the mascots of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games?

A.Two animals. B.Two robots.

C.Two stones. D.Two students.

2.What can you infer (推断) from the third paragraph?

A.The blue and white mascot is for the Paralympic Games.

B.The pink and white mascot is for the Olympic Games.

C.The pink and white mascot also has a special power.

D.The blue and white mascot has a strong sense of direction.

3.What does the underlined word “select” mean in the fourth paragraph?

A.Describe. B.Pick. C.Watch. D.Touch.

4.Which sentence is TRUE according to the article?

A.Japan will hold the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2022.

B.More than 20,500 classes helped to decide the final mascots.

C.We haven’t known the names of the mascots yet.

D.The pink and white mascot has a sense of a strong sense of justice.

5.Where does the article probably come from?

A.A newspaper. B.A history magazine.

C.A storybook. D.A photo album.



Learn outside the classroom

Every morning in the past week, 18-year-old Shao Menglu has got up at 6.30 am and dressed in a uniform. By 7 am she has been serving the first customer at a mini supermarket in her school.

The Ningbo No.7 High School students work at the supermarket, which is run by students. The supermarket is a project to help students learn how to operate a real business and prepare them for the future work, according to Chen Ping, the teacher in charge of(负责)the programme.

None of the students work full time, as they have classes. Each class has a chance to run the supermarket for a week every term. The students are trained before they start. Shao was trained to operate a cash register(收银机)and count the correct change.

Although the job kept her busy, as she had to concentrate on(集中)not making any mistakes, Shao enjoyed her week, “I had to stand at the counter for up to six hours a day. I checked the bills, gave the things and said ‘Welcome back!’ with a smile,” Shao said, “But the busy life made me feel happy every day. The job also made me feel like an adult and therefore more responsible.”

“Working at the supermarket is a good complement(补充)to classroom learning.” said Zhu Yongjie, 17, who once worked at the supermarket.

1.How old is Shao Menglu?


2.Who runs the supermarket?


3.Why don’t the students work full time?


4.How long does every class have a chance to run the supermarket every term?


5.What do you think of working at the supermarket of the school?(请自拟一句话回答)


Lots of people love to keep pets, but they don’t know how to communicate with their pets. Are you one of the pet keepers? If your answer is “yes”, here are some suggestions for you.

1.Talk with your pet.

Although your pet may not exactly understand your words, he can at least pick up on the tone of your words and your body language when you talk to him. For example, if you speak with him in a stern voice, he might pick up on the fact that you are unhappy with his behavior.

2.Use non-verbal(非语言的) communication.

Your non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is often used in training your pet to do a certain activity. For example, if you are sitting on your horse, you would use your legs and hands to command your horse to turn around. When you teach your dog to sit, you would actually combine verbal and non-verbal communication (hand signals) to give him the ‘sit’ command.

3.Avoid punishing your pet.

Punishing your pet is never a good idea. Punishment can make your pet fearful of you and possibly lose trust and respect that he has for you. What’s more, some pets, like cats, do not necessarily make the connection between your punishment and the behavior you are punishing them for.

1.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “stern” in this passage is probably“________”.

A.和善的 B.严厉的 C.柔和的 D.耐心的

2.You can use your________to command your horse to turn around.

A.legs and hands B.arms and feet C.leg and feet D.arms and hands

3.What can we know from the passage?

A.The writer tells us four suggestions in the passage.

B.The writer doesn’t mention “horse” in the passage.

C.The writer thinks it necessary to punish pets.

D.Your pet cat doesn’t understand why you punish him.

4.In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?

A.Animal World. B.Animal Stories. C.Body Languages. D.Body Parts.

5.The best title of the passage may be “________”.

A.How to Talk with Pets B.How to Take Care of Pets

C.How to Communicate with Pets D.How to Train Dogs and Cats

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