
When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess in the school play.
For weeks my mother had helped me   1  my lines. But once on stage, every word   2   from my head. Then my teacher told me she had written a narrator's (旁白) part for the play, and asked me to change   3  . Though I didn't tell my mother what had happened that day, she  4 my unhappiness  and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.
It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions(蒲公英)popping(炸开)through the grass in bunches, I watched my   5  carelessly bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I am going to dig up all these weeds(杂草),” she said. “From now on, we’ll have   6 roses in this garden.”
“But I like dandelions,”I said.“All flowers are   7  —even dandelions!”
My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?”she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is   8  of people, too,”she added.
When I   9  that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.
 “  10   you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.
Over the next few weeks, with her continuous   11  , I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give  12  to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took the flower home, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed.
A.practiceB.writeC.train D.read
A.touched B.heard C.reached D.sensed
A.perfectB.beautifulC.natural D.lively
A.Or B.So C.AndD.But
A.talkingB.management C.helpingD.encouragement


小题2:词义辨析。A. 离开;B. 发展;C. 消失;D.失败,不及格;结合语境可知这些句子从我的脑海里面消失了。故选C。
小题8:词义辨析。A.善良的;B. 相同的;C.真实的;D.聪明的。结合语境可知句意为:那也是人真实的一面。故选C。
小题10:连词辨析。A. 否则,或者;B.因此;C. 和,并且;D. 但是。联系上下文可知前后是转折关系,但是你会成为一名漂亮的解说员。故选D。
小题12:代词辨析。A. 那个;B.这个;C. 它;D. 他们;结合语境可知此处指的是老师手里的一朵蒲公英,故指示代词用this,选B。
In April, 2013, I visited Yangzhou.
Ge Garden is very beautiful and peaceful. The ticket has a map on the back of it that I didn’t noticed until I had already left. But to be honest, I don’t think that map is very useful because it isn’t very clear an tailed. In my opinion, it’s better to improve it. Compared with He Garden, the map on the back of the ticket for He Garden is much clearer, more detailed and more useful. However, in the room that has the picture of the family members, there is only Chinese, no English, so my advice is to add English in interesting places. I got lost in the Slender West Lake. I spent about 30 minutes just trying to get out of one area. I think they need more signs posted along the trails. I like the Slender West Lake best, as she is so pretty! The ladies that were sweeping were very sweet. They always smiled at me and said hello, so it was nice.
Taking a taxi is the most efficient(有效率的) and quickest way to get around Yangzhou. I didn’t have a problem getting to the places which I’d like to go to while using a taxi. The driver was very friendly. The fare isn’t too high, either. But I didn’t enjoy taking the bus. The bus ride to the Mastixia Bay (茱萸湾公园) took long although I only had to pay one yuan. It was also hard finding where Bus 32 was. I tried asking some people in English but they couldn’t understand me, so I had to ask in simple Chinese that I only know buy that still didn’t work. I spent about one hour walking around the city to look for Bus 32. The tricycle(三轮车) was nice, but it was a little too expensive for a small distance. Maybe I was ripped off by the guy who rode for me, but it was an enjoyable ride. I felt like I was part of the garden city more.
Over all I am satisfied with Yangzhou and will recommend it to others.
小题1:How many places of interest are mentioned in the passage?
小题2:The underlined phrase “ripped off” in Paragraph 3 may mean “________”.
小题3:Which of the following I NOT the writher’s advice?
A.English should be added in interesting places.
B.Everyone in Yangzhou should speak English.
C.The Slender West Lake needs more signs along the trails.
D.The maps on the tickets for Ge Garden need improving.
小题4:We can infer(推断) the passage may be written by ___________.
A.a foreign visitorB.a lady sweeping in the park
C.a taxi driverD.a guy riding a tricycle
A boy carefully took his blind father to a seat in a noodle restaurant.
He called   1   for two bowls of beef noodles. When the restaurant owner was going to   2   the food, the boy suddenly whispered to him,“Only one bowl with   3  , the other without ---just plain noodles.”
In fact, the boy had a light purse and couldn’t afford   4  bowls of beef noodles. He called loudly just to let his   5  know.
When the noodles were sent to them, the father wasn’t in a hurry. He used his chopsticks to search in his bowls, trying to   6   a piece of beef. As soon as he succeeded in finding one, he picked it out   7  put it into his son’s bowl, saying kindly, “Eat some more. Have enough   8  so that you can study well.”
The boy accepted silently(默默地) and then quietly put the beef   9  to his father’s bowl.
When the restaurant owner saw this, he was   10 , then he asked a waiter to bring   11  some dishes from the kitchen. The boy thought   12  the waiter took the dishes to a wrong table, but the owner came up explaining with a smile, “Today is my restaurant’s anniversary(周年庆). The dishes are  13 .”
After the father and son left, the waiter   14  the bowls from the table and found some coins 15  one of them. The sum is just the price of the dishes.
A.angryB.afraid C.movedD.nervous
Zhao Hua is a student from a university. He has led a group of university student volunteers since last year. They help children at a primary school with their studies and daily lives.
"When I was a small child," Zhao said, "I knew March 5th was a day for people to learn from Lei Feng and help others, but I didn't know the real meaning of the spirit(精神) of Lei Feng. Now when I see the smiling faces of the kids I have helped, I deeply understand Lei Feng. Helping others makes me happy.,'
Lei Feng (1940-1962) is one of the best-known soldiers in Chinese history. He lost his parents when he was very young. His neighbors brought him up. He died in an accident at the age of 22. He did many good deeds in his short life. For example, he gave his own money to the parents of another soldier, and bought a ticket for a woman he didn't know without telling her his name.
On March 5th, 1963, Chairman Mao called on people to "Learn from Lei Feng" and made the day "Lei Feng Day".
Today almost 50 years has passed since Lei Feng's death. Some people say that the spirit of Lei Feng is out. There have been many reports about the coldness(冷漠)of people towards strangers. This has made many Chinese people think deeply about themselves.
Many people think We need to promote(提倡) that spirit again. The important thing is that we must be ready to help others and make it a habit.
小题1:Which day is "Lei Feng Day"?
A.May 3rdB.May 5thC.March 3rdD.March 5th
小题2:Who brought Lei Feng up?
A.His parentsB.Chairman MaoC.His neighborsD.Soldiers
小题3: The underlined phrase "good deeds" means __ in Chinese.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A, Lei Feng gave his money to another soldier's parents.
B. Lei Feng bought a ticket for a woman and he told his name to her.
C, Lei Feng always helped others.      "
D. We should learn from Lei Feng,
小题5:What's the best title(标题) of this passage?
A.Lei Feng Spirit
B.Lei Feng's Death
C.Lei Feng's Good Neighbors
D.University Student Volunteers
One morning, a student was walking with his teacher when they saw a pair of old shoes by the roadside (路边). They thought the shoes might belong  1  a poor man. In fact, the   2  of the shoes was working nearby.
The student wanted to hide (藏) the shoes and see   3  the man would do   4  he couldn’t find them. But the teacher   5  him and said, “ Let’s   6  a coin ( 硬币) in each of the shoes, and watch what he will do.”
The student did so, and then they hid nearby.
The man soon came back to get his  7 , he felt something hard in them. He found the two coins.
Surprise came to his   8 . He looked at the coins for a minute, and then  9 but nobody was there.
He then knelt down (跪下) , looked up to the sky and said   10  aloud, in which he spoke of his  11  wife and children without food.
The student was deeply moved (感动的), with tears in his eyes, “ Dear   12  ,” he said, “You have taught me   13  lesson which I’ll never  14 . I finally understand now: It’s more blessed (神圣的) to   15  than to receive.”
A.stopped B.helpedC.allowedD.agreed
A.looked aroundB.looked afterC.looked likeD.looked at
Do your parents ever say, “act like a lady” or “be a gentleman” to you? But in the eyes of today’s teenagers, what should a lady or a gentleman be like? Let’s take a look.
What is a gentleman? The girls have their ideas:
Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman doesn’t always get angry. He wants others to be well and happy. He is always ready to help. There is a boy in my class and I think he is a gentleman. If I don’t do well in the English exam, he will say, “You will do better next time.” That makes me feel happy.
Chen Tingting of Shenzhen: A gentleman always says, “Ladies first” When students clean up the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There are no gentlemen in my class. When there is something to eat, the boys in my class always get them before girls !
What is a lady? Boys tell us what they think a lady is:
Wu Yifan of Dalian: A lady is quiet and kind, but she’s not shy(害羞) and she can talk about her ideas in front of others. To me, Dong Jie, a film star, is a lady. She is pretty and she kind. She does a lot for others.
Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just beautiful but clever. She never says bad words. She is quiet and kind to others. I don’t think there is a lady in my class. Most of the girls are “wild beauties”, I think.
小题1: A gentleman doesn’t ________.
A.care about others’ feeling
B.always say “ladies first”
C.do the heavy work
D.get angry easily
小题2: What does Huang Xiaoyu think a gentleman will do if she doesn’t do well in the English exam?
A.He will say “You’ll do better next time”
B.He will get angry
C.He will say “You’re so careless.”
D.He will laugh at her
小题3:Why does Wu Yifan think Dong Jie is a lady?
A.Because she is quiet.
B.Because she likes expressing(表现) herself
C.Because she is pretty and kind.
D.Because she is very shy.
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.Wang Lichao thinks pretty-looking is enough for a lady.
B.Huang Xiaoyu thinks there is a gentleman in his class
C.Chen Tingting thinks there is a gentleman in his class
D.Wu Yufan thinks a lady can’t talk about her ideas in front of others.
小题5: What does the underlined words “wild beauties” mean in this passage?
A.Beautiful and kind girls
B.Pretty- looking but rude girls
C.Gentle and shy girls
D.Clever girls
Mrs. Yuan is a writer. She’s  1   and often helps the poor person. It was very cold one snowy morning. On the way to her office, she saw an old man   2  on the ground. She came to him and help him to  3  and bought some porridge and bread for him. The old man ate up the food quickly and  4  her very much. Then she asked. “Where do you live, Grandpa?”
“I have no  5 , madam,” said the old man. “ I have to sleep outside  6 .”
“How old are you?” “Ninety-two.” Mrs Yuan became   7  and went on asking, “Why not live in the old people’s house?” “  8  I have a son,” said the old man. “they’ve  9  admitted(接纳) a person who has children.”
“Do you have any children?”
“Yes,” answered the old man. “I have a son.”
“Where is your son, then?”
“He has no children,   10  the old people’s house admitted him.”
“It’s unfair!” said Mrs. Yuan. She overcame several difficulties and at last helped him to live in the old people’s house.
A.stand upB.look upC.sit upD.get up
A.thankedB.hatedC.likedD.looked at
A.at noonB.at nightC.every day D.in the morning
 “BANG!” the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and I on the other side.
We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” stormed father. With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.The street lights were shining, causing rather sad-feeling. I walked around aimlessly.
A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree.
But now … I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. He always put his opinions of behavior on me. Whenever I do something wrong, he never admits(容许) it. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.
I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on.
I thought to myself: “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?”
In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were useless. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.      
All the lights were off except father’s.
Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any moments of regret. However, after an argument he has the habit of tucking me underneath the covers (掖被子) while I am sleeping.
This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.
The light was still on. “Am I wrong?” I whispered, maybe… With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my face. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all. Love—it’s second to none!
小题1:Decide which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage.
a. I opened the door and entered the house.
b. Sadly I ran out into the street.
c. I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.
d. I thought of my father’s kindness towards me.
e. I walked about in the street without any aim.
小题2:What made the writer think of his childhood?
A.The sight of the street lights.
B.The sight of the empty street.
C.The sight of a father with a child in his arms.
D.The sight of light in his own house.
小题3:What can we infer about the reason why the father often shouts at his son?
A.The father is getting older and older.
B.The son has more fashionable opinions than his father.
C.They usually disagree with each other.
D.The father has got used to being a leader for long.
小题4:What conclusion(结论)can be drawn after reading the passage?
A.The father treats his son in an unfair way.
B.The father is actually kind to his son.
C.The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son.
D.The father is always finding mistakes with his son.
小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. The Generation GapB.ASleepless Summer Night
C.An Iron DoorinsideD.Father’s Love

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