
Every culture has a recognized (公认的) point when a child becomes an adult, when rules must be followed and tests passed.
In China, although teenagers can get their ID cards at 16, many only see themselves as an adult when they are 18. In the US, where everyone drives, the main step to the freedom of adult life is learning to drive. At 16, American teens take their driving test. When they have their license(证), they drive into the grown-up world.
"Nobody wants to ride the cheese bus to school," said Eleanor Fulham, 17. "It's like you're not cool if you don't have a car," she said.
According to a recent research, 41% of 16 to 19 year olds in the US own cars, up from 23% in 1985. Although, most of these cars are bought by parents, some teens get part-time jobs to help pay.
Not all families can afford cars for their children. In cities with undergrounds and limited(有限的) parking, some teenagers don't want them. But in rich areas outside the city, if there are no undergrounds, and bicycles are more for fun than cars, it is strange for a teenager not to have a car.
But police say 16-year-olds have almost three times more accidents than 18 and 19-year-olds. This has made many parents stop before letting their kids drive. They need to wait until they are more experienced.
Julie Susiana, of Virginia, decided that her son Chad, 15, will wait until he is 17 to apply for his learner's permit (许可)
Chad said he has accepted his parents' decision, although it has caused some laughing from his friends. "They say that I am unlucky," he said. "But I'd rather be alive than driving, and I don't really trust my friends on the road either."
In China as more families get cars, more 18-year-olds learn to drive. Will this become a big step to becoming an adult?
小题1:16-year-old drivers have more accidents possibly because _______.
A.they want to show themselves off
B.they are not experienced drivers
C.older people always drive better
D.they never drive carefully on the road
小题2:Which may NOT be taken into consideration when deciding whether to buy a car?
A.How rich the family is.
B.Whether the kid is old enough.
C.What traffic condition there is around.
D.Whether it's practically needed.
小题3:The passage mainly gives information about _______.
A.an American culture about teenagers' driving
B.a change in the Chinese culture
C.a cultural difference between America and China
D.the relationship between driving and a person's development
小题4:Which may serve as the best title of the article?
A.Cars Helping You to Grow UpB.Driving into the Grown-up World
C.Teenagers' Driving in AmericaD.Recognized Point of Becoming an Adult


小题1:细节理解题。根据They need to wait until they are more experienced.可知16岁的司机因为没有经验,因此容易出车祸。故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据At 16, American teens take their driving test.可知获得驾驶证有年龄限制,因此买车有年龄限制。根据Not all families can afford cars for their children.可知买车要考虑家庭是否有钱买。根据In cities with undergrounds and limited(有限的) parking, some teenagers don't want them.可知买车要考虑他们是否需要。因此ABD三项符合文章的意思,故选C。
小题3:推理判断题。根据At 16, American teens take their driving test. When they have their license(证), they drive into the grown-up world.可知本文介绍的美国青少年,开车,买车的各种文化观点和认识。故选A。
小题4:标题归纳题。根据In the US, where everyone drives, the main step to the freedom of adult life is learning to drive.可知本文主要讲的美国青少年踏入成年人的主要一步就是学会开车。故本文的标题选B。
From March 12 to 17 of each year, hundreds of clowns(小丑)get together in the Bognor Regis town, UK. They all wear tall blue hats and big red noses with colourful faces. The first International Clown Festival was in 1987, UK. All the clowns from all over the world came together to celebrate the great festival in England.

During the festival, people can see clowns from the world. They are together for the world of clown shows. They try their best to please all the people for the festival. In the shows, they have big feet, funny noses and look really funny. They sing and dance in a strange way to make people laugh. All people for the festival can have great fun. Of course, children like this interesting festival best.
Now women can take part in the clown shows , and they are very popular. But in the old days, only men could be clowns.
There are different kinds of clowns like white faces, red faces, street clowns and clowns for children. All these clowns are popular with people.
小题1:All the clowns get together __________ for the International Clown Festival.
A.in LondonB.in a small town,UK
C.all over the worldD.around the whole Europe
小题2:The first International Clown Festival was _____________.
A.in 1987B.in the UKC.both A and BD.in London
小题3:The festival lasts __________________.
A.a monthB.six daysC.seven daysD.five weeks
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The clowns wear in a funny way.
B.The clowns dance in a strange way
C.The clowns try their best to make others laugh
D.Women clowns are not popular with people.
小题5:Which is the best title of the article?
A.The International Clown Festival
B.Men clowns and women clowns
C.Different kinds of strange festival
D.Different kinds of clowns in the festival
Singapore: A Fine City
Singapore welcomes tourists. When you come to visit Singapore, please keep the laws of this country. Here are some points that you must remember.
SMOKING: Cigarette smoking is a danger to health. It is not allowed in lifts, cinemas, theaters, all government offices and on buses. If you break it, you have to pay fines of up to $ 1,000.   LITTER: Singapore is the Garden City of Asia---clean and green. Dropping litter in public places is not allowed. You can be fined up to $ 500 for dropping litter ---even if it only a piece of waste paper or a cigarette end.
EATING OR DRINKING: In Singapore, when you take a subway or a bus, you are not supposed to eat or drink anything, or you'll be fined up to $ 500.
RIDING: When you ride a bike across an underpass(地下通道), please push your bike across the underpass, or you have to pay $ 1,000 for riding your bike.
JAYWALKING*: You must always use the pedestrian(步行者, 徒步的)crossing. You can be fined $ 50 for crossing the street less than 50 meters from a crossing. These laws are also for children who are old enough to be in the street on their own.
小题1:The underlined word "fine" in the passage means ________.
小题2:When you come to visit Singapore,you should remember to ___________.
A.go shoppingB.keep the law of this country
C.go sightseeingD.visit some fantastic sights
小题3:Singapore is a city with _________ according to the passage.
A.cigarettesB.green plantsC.litterD.bikes
小题4:What will happen if you drop a piece of waste paper in Singapore?
A.You have to pick it up.
B.You have to sweep the street.
C.You will be fined up to$500
D.You will be told not to do it again.
Have you ever studied abroad? If you come to Australia as a foreign high school student, you can have a lot of fun there, especially on holidays.
There are many festivals in Australia. The most important one is Christmas. Since it is a long holiday, most foreign students in Australia love to fly back to their home countries to spend the time with their families and friends, but a few students still stay in Australia during the holiday to get part-time jobs. It is quite easy to find a part-time job at Christmas.
Students often take part in another major social activity. They go to the beach to have fun in the sunshine. The summer in Australia is from December to February, so going to the beach in December is very popular among Australians.
Easter in March is another important holiday in the year. It actually combines "Good Friday" and "Easter Monday". Almost every shop closes on Good Friday. And people usually go to see Easter Show.
The Chinese new year is not a public holiday in Australia, so every Chinese student still has to go to school to study and do his or her normal duties.
小题1:                   is the most important festival in Australia.
A.EasterB.ChristmasC.The Spring FestivalD.New Year’s Day
小题2: Most foreign students in Australia often                   during the Christmas holiday.
A.get a part-time job in the restaurants
B.go to the beach to have fun in the sunshine
C.fly back to their homeland to stay with their parents
D.go to school to study
小题3:                 in December is very popular among Australians.
A.Skiing on an iced lake
B.Hiking in the mountains
C.Studying in a school library
D.Going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine
小题4: From the passage we can see that                       .
A.all the foreign students in Australia will go home during Christmas
B.people in Australia usually go to see Easter Show in March.
C.it’s hard to find a part-time job at Christmas
D.Chinese students in an Australian school needn’t go to school when Spring Festival comes
小题5:Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Christmas time in Australia
B.The holidays in Australia
C.Enjoy your visit to Australia
D.Have you ever studied in Australia?
Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June. It is a day to thank fathers. On that day, fathers usually receive greeting gifts and cards. On the cards, children will write, “Thanks, father.” “Best wishes for Father’s Day” and so on. Father’s Day is also a day families get together at home as well as in the restaurants.
Where does the idea for the holiday come from? We should thank an American. In 1909 she wrote letters to some important persons. In her letter she advised to make Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. In June in 1910, people celebrated(庆祝) the first Father’s Day in Washington. People whose parents are dead often decorated(装饰) their graves(坟墓) with flowers on these days. These are days of family fun and creating good feelings and memories(记忆,回忆).
小题1:When is Father’s Day?                     
A. The second Sunday in May.   
B. The third Sunday in June.
C. The third Saturday in June.    
小题2:On Father’s Day           usually receive gifts and cards.
A. fathers   B. mothers    C. father
小题3:Where does the idea for the holiday come from?             
A. China.   B. England.    C. America.   
小题4:When did the people celebrate the first Father’s Day?           
A. In June in 1900.            B. In July in 1910.       C. In June in 1910.
小题5:Which sentence is not TRUE?               
A. On the cards, children will write “Thanks father.”
B. Father’s Day is also a day students get together at school.
C. In 1909 an American wrote letters to some important persons.
People have their own ways of saying things with their own special expressions. Some of these expressions are easy to understand. “As Easy as Falling off a Log (圆木)” is one such expression. It describes a job that does not take much effort. If you ever tried to walk on a falling tree log, you may understand what the expression means. It is easier to fall off the log than to stay on it.
There are several other expressions that mean the same thing. And their meaning is as easy to understand as falling off a log. One is “Easy as Pie.” Nothing is easier than eating a piece of sweet juicy pie, unless it is a piece of cake. “A Piece of Cake” is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do.
Another expression is “As Easy as Shooting Fish in a Barrel (桶)”. Clearly, fish in a barrel will be much easier to shoot than fish in a river. In fact, it would be as easy as falling off a log.
Sometimes, things that come to us easily also leave us just as easily. In fact, there is an expression “Easy Come Easy Go”. Another easy expression is “To Go Easy on a Person”. It means to treat a person kindly or gently, especially in a situation where you might be expected to be angry with him. A wife might ask her husband to go easy on their son, because the boy did not mean to destroy the toy. If you want to borrow some money to fix the car, you should look for a friend who is an “Easy Touch”. An easy touch or a soft touch is someone who is kind and helpful.
And there is one more expression that means do not worry or work too hard. Try to keep away from difficult situations. “Take it easy”, until we meet again.
小题1:Which of the following expressions has the same meaning with “As easy as falling off a log?”
A.Shooting fish in a barrelB.Walking on a falling tree log.
C.Staying on a log D.Shooting fish in a river
小题2:A friend might tell you that his new job was___________.
A.easy come easy goB.as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
C.to take it easy D.to go easy on a person
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.That he goes easy on me means that he is angry with me.
B.He is always helping others, so he is an easy touch.
C.When he asks me to repair his broken bike, I say, “A piece of cake. I can help repair it.”
D.When a girl loses her way, I say, “Take it easy, I will send you home.”
The city of Yangzhou came into being at the Spring and Autumn Period ( about 500 AC ).
As the key transportation link at joint place of the Great Canal(运河)( Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River), Yangzhou has been from the Sui Dynasty (600 AD.) an economically rich city, and then reached its top in the Tang Dynasty. At that time Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in East Asia.
With the improvement of the local economy and easy transportation way, there happened in the history a special local culture, which has an important place in Chinese culture. Many famous men of letters, poets, artists, scholars(学者), statesmen, scientists and national heroes in the history were born in, lived in or had connection with Yangzhou. Li Bai, one of the greatest Chinese poets visited and stayed in Yangzhou several times in his life and one of his famous poems about Yangzhou has been so popular that Chinese of all ages can sing it and has become a symbol of Yangzhou . Zheng Banqiao, a famous Chinese painting painter in the Qing Dynasty heading a group called “Eight Eccentrics”, had strongly influenced Chinese paintings. Wang Zhong and Yuan Yuan and some other scholars formed school of Yangzhou Scholars and achieved great success in the study of classic Chinese and writing. Zhu Ziqing, one of most famous modern Chinese writers and scholars, had always been proud of himself as a native of Yangzhou and thanked the city for being nourished(养育) by its rich culture. Quite a few other names you may come across frequently in the study of Chinese culture and history have connection with Yangzhou . Yangzhou was so attractive and important that many Chinese emperors in history had come specially to visit or check the city. Emperor Suiyang, who ordered to cut the Great Canal so that he could come more easily and quickly, died on his last trip to the city and buried(埋葬) here. Emperor Qianlong had come all the way from the north and visited the city nine times.
小题1:Which of following sentences is NOT right according to this passage?
A.Yangzhou joined the Great Canal (Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River).
B.In the Tang Dynasty Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in Asia.
C.Emperor Suiyang was buried in Yangzhou.
D.Emperor Qianlong visited Yangzhou nine times.
小题2:We can infer(推断)the poem mentioned in this passage by Li Bai is _______.
小题3:Who influenced Chinese paintings a lot according to this passage?
A.Zheng BanqiaoB.Zhu ZiqingC.Wang Zhong D.Li Bai
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Yangzhou:An Economically Rich City
B.Yangzhou:An Easy Transportation City
C.Yangzhou:A Historical Culture City
D.Yangzhou:A Famous Tour City
When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence“How do you do? ” for example, if you look up each word in the dictionary, once at a time, what is your translation(翻译)? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language.
Languages don’t just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. It’s important to master(掌握) the rules for word order in the study of English, too. If the speakers put words in a wrong order, the listener can’t understand the speaker’s sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change. Let’s see the difference between the two pairs of sentences.
“She only likes apples. ” “Only she likes apples. ”
“I have seen the film already. ” “I have already seen the film. ”
When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit of the language and use it as the English speaker does.
小题1:From the passage we know that _______ when we are learning English.
A.we shouldn’t put every word into our own language
B.we should look up every word in the dictionary
C.we need to put every word into our own
D.we must read word by word
小题2:The writer thinks it is _______ in learning English.
A.difficult to understand different sounds
B.possible to remember the word order
C.important to master the rules for word order
D.easy to master the rules for word order
小题3:We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.the meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words
B.the order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence
C.sometimes different order of words has a different meaning
D.if the order of words is different, the meaning of the sentence must be different
小题4:“ She only likes apples. ”___________
A.is the same as “Only she likes apples. ”
B.is different from “Only she likes apples. ”
C.means “She likes fruit except apples. ”
D.means “She doesn’t like apples. ”
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Different Orders, Different Meanings
B.How to speak English
C.How to put English into our Own Language
D.How to learn English
“ABC”and “Banana Persons”
You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called “ABC”? You may like eating bananas. But do you know there are people called “banana persons”? If you don’t know, I will tell you. They are Chinese people like you and me, but they aren’t in China.Why do people call them like that?
“ABC” means American-born Chinese. An “ABC” is a Chinese,
but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people also call them
“banana persons”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So when
a person is a banana, he or she is white (American) inside and yellow (Chinese)
They are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Even
their nationality(国籍) is American. So they think like Americans and do things
like Americans. But they still have Chinese blood(血). Their parents, grandparents
or even great-grandparents were from China.They all have black eyes and black hair.
So they look like us Chinese people. For example, we all know the famous scientist
C.N.Yang. He is an “ABC” and he is a “banana person”. We like him, although(虽然)
his nationality isn’t Chinese.
小题1:What does “ABC” mean?
A.American-born ChineseB.American-born Canadian
C.Australian-born ChineseD.Chinese-born Chinese
小题2:Why do people call an “ABC” a “banana person”?
A.They look like Americans but they think like Chinese.
B.They look like Chinese but they think like Americans.
C.They like to eat bananas.
D.They can speak “ABC” very well.
小题3:Why do ABCs think like Americans?
A. Because they live in America for a long time
B. Because they are born in America.
C.Because they want to be Americans.
D.Both A and B.
小题4:What colour are their eyes and hair?
A.Their eyes and hair are black.
B.Their eyes and hair are yellow.
C.Their eyes and hair are white.
D.Their eyes and hair are black and yellow.
小题5:Which person of the following is a “banana person”?

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