
From March 12 to 17 of each year, hundreds of clowns(小丑)get together in the Bognor Regis town, UK. They all wear tall blue hats and big red noses with colourful faces. The first International Clown Festival was in 1987, UK. All the clowns from all over the world came together to celebrate the great festival in England.

During the festival, people can see clowns from the world. They are together for the world of clown shows. They try their best to please all the people for the festival. In the shows, they have big feet, funny noses and look really funny. They sing and dance in a strange way to make people laugh. All people for the festival can have great fun. Of course, children like this interesting festival best.
Now women can take part in the clown shows , and they are very popular. But in the old days, only men could be clowns.
There are different kinds of clowns like white faces, red faces, street clowns and clowns for children. All these clowns are popular with people.
小题1:All the clowns get together __________ for the International Clown Festival.
A.in LondonB.in a small town,UK
C.all over the worldD.around the whole Europe
小题2:The first International Clown Festival was _____________.
A.in 1987B.in the UKC.both A and BD.in London
小题3:The festival lasts __________________.
A.a monthB.six daysC.seven daysD.five weeks
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The clowns wear in a funny way.
B.The clowns dance in a strange way
C.The clowns try their best to make others laugh
D.Women clowns are not popular with people.
小题5:Which is the best title of the article?
A.The International Clown Festival
B.Men clowns and women clowns
C.Different kinds of strange festival
D.Different kinds of clowns in the festival


试题解析:本文大意:每年的3月12日至17日,成百上千的小丑们聚集到英国的Bognor Regis镇,来自世界各地的所有小丑们聚集到一起在英国庆祝节日,他们都身戴着蓝帽子五颜六色的脸上有个大红鼻子。第一届国际小丑节1987年在英国。现在女小丑能参加小丑表演,她们非常受欢迎,但在过去,只有男人能当小丑。有各种小丑像白脸的、红脸的,街道上的小丑和为孩子表演的小丑,所有这些小丑都受欢迎。
小题1:细节理解题。根据The first International Clown Festival was in 1987, UK. All the clowns from all over the world came together to celebrate the great festival in England.第一届国际小丑节1987年在英国,来自世界各地的所有小丑们聚集到一起在英国庆祝节日,可知答案选B
小题2:细节理解题。根据The first International Clown Festival was in 1987, UK. 第一届国际小丑节1987年在英国,可知答案选C
小题3:细节理解题。根据From March 12 to 17 of each year每年的3月12日至17日,可知答案选B
小题4:细节理解题。根据Now women can take part in the clown shows , and they are very popular.现在女小丑能参加小丑表演,她们非常受欢迎, 可知答案选D
小题5:标题归纳题。根据From March 12 to 17 of each year, hundreds of clowns(小丑)get together in the Bognor Regis town, UK. All the clowns from all over the world came together to celebrate the great festival in England.每年的3月12日至17日,成百上千的小丑们聚集到英国的Bognor Regis镇,来自世界各地的所有小丑们聚集到一起在英国庆祝节日,可知答案选A
Akuapem is in the eastern part of Ghana. The sun there shines all the time. The local people are very friendly and hospitable(好客的). Now let’s have a look at how Akuapem people receive a visitor.
A visitor is often welcomed warmly in a family of Akuapem. After the visitor is welcomed into the house, he is offered a seat and water at the very beginning, because the host assumes that the visitor must have come from a very long journey and need water. If there is a group of visitors, the host will greet the visitors from right to left. And the host shakes only with his right hand, because Akuapem people think the left hand is not clean.
Next, the visitor is asked how his journey was and why he has come. While the conversation is going on, the wife and the children, especially girls, are preparing food for the visitor. The visitor can choose his favorite food. After the visitor finishes eating, the host and the visitor go on with their conversation. Usually this is short one because the visitor is getting ready to say goodbye.
When the visitor is leaving, he is often given some food. He is also accompanied(陪伴) by one of the children to the nearest station. The child who accompanies the visitor will not come back home until the visitor leaves safely.
Whether he is a close friend or just a stranger, this is always how friendly Akuapem people receive a visitor.
小题1:The underlined word “assumes” here probably means “   ”.
A.thinksB.remembers .C.disagreesD.follows
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE to the passage?
A.The host talks little with the visitor.
B.The child accompanies the visitor to the gate of the house.
C.The host offers the visitor a seat only.
D.The visitor takes some food with him when he leaves.
小题3: From the passage we know that Akuapem people are         .
Men have always wondered about the earth they live on and about the ①_____ above them.
When early men looked at the night sky, they asked themselves a lot of questions. They looked at the moon, and wondered what this strange bright object in the sky was. They did not understand why it changed its shape from night to night. They looked at the stars and planets. They also wondered why some of them changed their positions, while others did not.
他们也思考地球的形状。 Most early people believed the earth was flat.
In different parts of the world, there were different ideas about the universe. The ancient Greeks were the first people to study the universe(宇宙) more scientifically. In the sixth century BC Pythagoras put forward the idea that the world was round. However, he could not explain why people at the bottom of the world did not fall off.
It was not until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that scientists found the answers to some important questions. ④With the help of Galileo’s telescope, people could see the sky more clearly, and find the positions of the stars and planets. Finally in 1665, Isaac Newton explained to the world what gravity (重力) was and people at last understood why they did not fall off the earth.
小题1:在文中①处填写一个单词,使得句意完整、上下文通顺。___________________ ( 1分)
______________________________________________________________(shape) (2分)
_________________________________________________________________________ (2分)
Galileo’s telescope made ________ __________ for people to see the sky more clearly, and to find the positions of the stars and planets.
Every culture has a recognized (公认的) point when a child becomes an adult, when rules must be followed and tests passed.
In China, although teenagers can get their ID cards at 16, many only see themselves as an adult when they are 18. In the US, where everyone drives, the main step to the freedom of adult life is learning to drive. At 16, American teens take their driving test. When they have their license(证), they drive into the grown-up world.
"Nobody wants to ride the cheese bus to school," said Eleanor Fulham, 17. "It's like you're not cool if you don't have a car," she said.
According to a recent research, 41% of 16 to 19 year olds in the US own cars, up from 23% in 1985. Although, most of these cars are bought by parents, some teens get part-time jobs to help pay.
Not all families can afford cars for their children. In cities with undergrounds and limited(有限的) parking, some teenagers don't want them. But in rich areas outside the city, if there are no undergrounds, and bicycles are more for fun than cars, it is strange for a teenager not to have a car.
But police say 16-year-olds have almost three times more accidents than 18 and 19-year-olds. This has made many parents stop before letting their kids drive. They need to wait until they are more experienced.
Julie Susiana, of Virginia, decided that her son Chad, 15, will wait until he is 17 to apply for his learner's permit (许可)
Chad said he has accepted his parents' decision, although it has caused some laughing from his friends. "They say that I am unlucky," he said. "But I'd rather be alive than driving, and I don't really trust my friends on the road either."
In China as more families get cars, more 18-year-olds learn to drive. Will this become a big step to becoming an adult?
小题1:16-year-old drivers have more accidents possibly because _______.
A.they want to show themselves off
B.they are not experienced drivers
C.older people always drive better
D.they never drive carefully on the road
小题2:Which may NOT be taken into consideration when deciding whether to buy a car?
A.How rich the family is.
B.Whether the kid is old enough.
C.What traffic condition there is around.
D.Whether it's practically needed.
小题3:The passage mainly gives information about _______.
A.an American culture about teenagers' driving
B.a change in the Chinese culture
C.a cultural difference between America and China
D.the relationship between driving and a person's development
小题4:Which may serve as the best title of the article?
A.Cars Helping You to Grow UpB.Driving into the Grown-up World
C.Teenagers' Driving in AmericaD.Recognized Point of Becoming an Adult

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