
17."The British government will offer£1,000,000to anyone who can solve the world's biggest problem-whatever it might be,"said Prime Minister(首相) David Cameron at a science conference.In an unusual competition,the Government will ask people to find out the greatest challenge(挑战) today,such as finding a replacement(替代) for oil,producing low cost food or curing AIDS/HIV.When the toughest problem has been decided,the Prime Minister will give away£1,000,000to the person who successfully works out the answer.The competition follows the example of the Longitude Prize started by the government in 1714,which offered£20,000 (worth£6,000,000today) to anyone who could discover how far east or west ships had sailed.Sailors could work out their location north and south,and were able to decide their local time from the sun.However,they needed to know the time at a reference(参照) point in order to find out how far they had travelled east or west.Many people thought the problem was impossible to solve,but the prize was finally won by John Harrison,an ordinary worker.He did this by designing a clock that kept accurate(准确的) time at sea and made it possible for sailors to work out their location.Almost exactly 300years on,Mr Cameron will have a group of scientists collect suggestions and draw up a short list of problems facing the world.He will then start a race to solve the most difficult problem.A government officer said,"We want people to think big:what does the world need and how can we achieve that?We are looking for the next penicillin(青霉素),airplane or World Wide Web.Something that is going to really change what we do and how we live our lives-sending us ahead in the global race."According to Mr Cameron,it is important to"encourage new ideas"and"attract back the best and the brightest"to Britain.
32、The British government promises£1,000,000to any person whoA.
A.can solve the biggest challenge facing the world
B.can find how the next penicillin works on illnesses
C.can think of the most difficult problem in the world
D.can help the Prime Minister run his government better
33、The Longitude Prize is mentioned mainly toD.
A.explain why the government set up the prize in 1714
B.show John Harrison was a great success as an inventor
C.show that the government is very grateful to John Harrison
D.explain what gave Mr Cameron the idea of starting the competition
34、We can infer(推断) from Paragraphs 4and 5 thatD.
A.ships no longer get lost at sea with Harrison's invention
B.clocks on ships kept good time before Harrison's invention
C.sailors found it hard to work out their location north and south
D.the sailing industry was very important in Britain around the 1700s
35、Which of the following is true according to the text?C
A.John Harrison was sure that he would win the prize.
B.The million pound prize will go to a British scientist.
C.The British government pays special attention to the nation's creativity.
D.A replacement for oil is considered as the toughest problem by the scientists.

分析 短文大意:
"英国政府提供1,000,000英镑,给那些能解决世界最大问题的人,不管什么问题都可以."首相戴维卡梅伦在一个科学会议说到.通过一个不寻常的竞争,政府让人们找到今天的最大的挑战.如发现代替石油的燃料,生产成本低的食物或者治疗艾滋病的药.当这些棘手的问题已经被解决了,政府将会奖励解决这些问题的人£1000000奖金.在1714年,英国政府提供20,000英镑的奖金,设立了经度奖,奖励能在海上准确定位的人.水手可以在任何地方工作,并能根据太阳判定他们的当地时间.然而,他们需要在参照点找出他们曾前往东或西.许多人认为这个问题不可能解决,但是最后这笔奖金被一个叫John Harrison的普通工人获得.他通过设计一个在海上能准确知道时间的闹钟,让水手们确定他们所处的位置成为了可能.在几乎三百年时间里,卡梅伦将会组织一组科学家收集建议和制定一个世界面临的问题的短名单.他将通过一场比赛来解决最困难的问题.政府官员说,"我们希望人们认为大:世界需要什么,我们如何才能实现?我们正在寻找下一个青霉素(青霉素),飞机或万维网.这是要真正改变我们做什么和在全球竞争中向我们大踏步的前进.据卡梅伦先生说,重要的是要"鼓励新思路"和"吸引最好的和最聪明的"英国.

解答 32.A.细节理解题.根据The British government will offer£1,000,000 to anyone who can solve the world's biggest problem-whatever it might be.可知,英国政府提供1,000,000英镑,给那些能解决世界最大问题的人,不管什么问题都可以.故选A.
33.D.推理判断题.根据The competition follows the example of the Longitude Prize started by the government in 1714.可知短文中提到了经度奖,这是一个英国政府用来奖励能在海上确定准确方位的人的奖项,是在1714年设立的.现在300年后,受经度奖的影响,Cameron又重新设立奖项,奖励那些能解决世界难题的人.故选D.
34.D.推理判断题.根据Paragraphs 4 and 5,可知,在1714年,英国政府提供20,000英镑的奖金,奖励能在海上准确定位的人.由此我们可见,当时航海业对于英国是多么的重要.故选D.
35.C.推理判断题.根据Many people thought the problem was impossible to solve,but the prize was finally won by John Harrison,an ordinary worker.He did this by designing a clock that kept accurate(准确的) time at sea and made it possible for sailors to work out their location.可知,第一个经度奖被Harrison获得,文章中并没有提到说他就确定自己一定能得到这个奖项,故A不对;根据Almost exactly 300 years on,Mr Cameron will have a group of scientists collect suggestions and draw up a short list of problems facing the world.可知,这个奖项是给那些能破解世界难题的人,不一定是科学家,故B不对;根据such as finding a replacement(替代) for oil,producing low cost food or curing AIDS/HIV.可知,找到石油的替代品只是世界上难题之一,故D表述与文章内容不一致;根据,it is important to"encourage new ideas"and"attract back the best and the brightest"to Britain.可知英国政府奖励百万英镑给那些有创新能力,能解决世界难题的人,故C是正确的.故选C.

点评 这是一篇科普知识类阅读短文.这篇短文讲述的是英国政府在设立经度奖300年后,重新设置了百万奖项,给那些能破解世界难题的人.短文中还给我们讲述了第一届经度奖,以及Cameron重设这一奖项的目的.要做好这类阅读理解题,先要掌握这类文章的特点和结构,真正读懂并理解它.其次,工夫在课外,平时一定要多读科技幻想类文章,比如:太空与海洋、创造与发明、计算机发展、人类未来、动物世界等.长期坚持,既可以增长知识、开阔视野,又可以扩充科技词汇,还能提高解答这种类型试题的能力.

8.Car Free Day encourages drivers to give up their cars for a day to protect the environment.People from around the world get together in the streets to remind the world that we don't have to accept the society full of cars.It was first started by 34cities in France and September 22is Car Free Day.The  first Car Free Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001.The slogan for the day is"If we drive for one less day,we can have one more nice day."
Organized activities are held in many cities on Car Free Day.In Brussels,Car Free Day shall be valid (有效的)for everybody except persons with a special permit (许可证),but they have to slow down to the speed of 30kilometers per hour.The public transportation are encouraged.The streets are open only to walkers,bicycles and buses from 7:00a.m.to 7:00p.m.In Beijing,it asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work.More and more people are joining in the activity.In the first quarter of this year,Beijing only had 52blue sky days,and you may see haze(雾霾) almost every day!We must do more for Car Free Day as a Beijing driver said,"We may not change the weather,but we can choose not to drive."
But we do not want just one day and then a return to"normal"life.We should go on with Car Free Day.
71.Where was Car Free Day started first?[within (不超过)two words]In France.
72.How long should the car drivers not drive in the streets in London on Car Free Day?[within three words]For 12 hours.
73.Who's allowed to drive on Car Free Day in Brussels?[within five words]Persons with a special permit.
74.What does Car Free Day ask Beijingers not to do every month?[within nine words]
( It asks them) not to drive for one day.
75.What's the purpose of Car Free Day?[within seven words].( To encourage people )to protect the environment.( To make air cleaner./To have more blue sky days.).
5."On a spring night,we offer book lovers a desk and a light.You can stay here as long as you want to."This is the slogan (宣传语) of Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing.
Earlier this month,Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24-hour bookstore in the city.It  hopes to encourage more people to read books.
Bookstores are the brain of a city.Although many people can now buy books online,many readers still like the feeling in bookstores.They can touch the books and smell the print.
In China,most cities are home to at least one bookstore.Some have special themes (主题).Popular Holdings (大众书局 ) in Shanghai is a film-themed bookstore.There are film books and posters (海报) inside.Other bookstores have colorful activities.
Eslite Bookstore (诚品书店) in Taiwan has activities like talks with famous writers as wellas  holding gallery shows (画展).People come here not only for reading but also to communicate with others.

41.The best title (标题) to explain the main idea of the text is"B".
A.Buying Books in Bookstores       B.Warm Places for Reading
C.A New Bookstore in China       D.Great Bookstores Online
42.What's special about Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing?C
A.It allows readers to stay there only at night.
B.It offers readers a desk and a light.
C.It is the first 24-hour bookstore in the city.
D.It hopes book lovers will read there.
43.Which of the following can best describe people's feeling in bookstores?B
A.Becoming the brain of the city.
B.Touching the books and smelling the print.
C.Staying inside as long as possible.
D.Buying books online with enjoyment
44.Popular Holdings in Shanghai is one of the bookstores withD.
A.a small gallery            B.colourful activities
C.a special slogan             D.a special theme
45.People come to Eslite Bookstore in Taiwan forA.
A.reading and communicating              B.buying film books and posters
C.encouraging themselves to read             D.getting ready to be famous writers.
12.Many young people use computers,but few of them know how to look after them.Remember the following when you use your computer.
◆Keep your computer in a cool room.Too much or too little heat is bad for computers.Most computers work best at a temperature of 5°C-30°C.
◆Don't let people smoke cigarette(香烟)near your computer.Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problems.
◆Don't eat or drink when you are near your computer.Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.
◆Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes.If you wear glasses,make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer.Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer.
◆Keep your screen clean and don't have it too bright.A dirty screen can hurt your eyes.A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes.

41.According to the passage you should use your computerC.
A.in a small room           B.in a big room
C.in a cool room            D.below 5°C
42.When you work on the computer,you canA.
A.wear glasses                  B.smoke cigarette
C.eat some hamburgers           D.clean the keyboard with water
43.If you want to look after your eyes,you shouldB when you use computers.
A.buy a pair of sunglasses        B.keep your screen clean
C.have your screen very bright    D.keep your screen near your eyes.
2.Different weather makes people feel different.It influences health,intelligence(智力) and feelings.
In August,it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States.People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month.In the Northeast and the Middle West,it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times.People in these states(州) have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.
The weather can also influence intelligence.For example,in a 1983report by scientists,IQ(智商) of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came,but after the strong wind,their IQ was 10% lower.The wind can help people have more intelligence.Very hot weather,on the other hand,can make it lower.Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).
Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings.Winter may be a bad time for thin people.They usually feel cold during these months.They might feel unhappy during cold weather.But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer.At about 18℃,people become stronger.
Low air pressure(气压) may make people forgetful(健忘).People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days.People feel best at a temperature of about 18℃.
Are you feeling sad,tired,forgetful,or unhappy today?It may be the weather's problem.
61.What can cause problems on health?A
A.Hot and wet weather   B.A strong wind   C.Warm weather   D.Low air pressure
62.A report shows that people may have more intelligence whenB comes.
A.rain      B.a strong wind       C.very hot weather      D.low air pressure
63.According to(根据) the writer,fat people may feel bad inD weather.
A.cold      B.cool        C.warm         D.hot
64.The writer wants to tell us thatC.
A.hot and cold weather influences all people in the same way
B.weather influences people's behaviour
C.IQ changes when weather changes
D.people feel good on low pressure days
65.Which is the best title(标题) for this passage?D
A.Hot Weather Causes Health Problems
B.Different Weather Makes People Feel Bad
C.Weather Influences Feelings
D.Weather Influences Health,Intelligence and Feelings.
Taobao,China's largest online shopping site(网上购物网站),has become an important part of Huang Xinhui's life.She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A large number of Chinese Internet users like Huang have found the joys of online shopping.Most online shoppers are students and young workers.More women shop on line than men.Clothing and household products(家用产品) are the most popular on line.
It was reported that more than 300billion(十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year,80% through Taobao.
Taobao means"looking for treasure"in Chinese.People can find almost everything they need on Taobao,from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players.
You may question the security(安全) of online shopping,Huang Xinhui said,"It's very safe and convenient(便利的).If you don't receive the products from the sellers or you are not satisfied with them,the shop owner will not get the money.You can also get your money back if you want to return the products."
41.China's largest online shopping site is Taobao.A
42.Most online popular products are clothing and household ones.A
43.300billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year through Taobao.B
44.People can only find three kinds of things on Taobao.B
45.If you are not satisfied with the products,you can return them.A.

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