
There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole in a wall. One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole. As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose. “Cheese!” the mouse said happily to himself. “I’ll go and get it now and have it for breakfast.”
But then he remembered his parents’ words. His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”
So the young mouse waited quietly. Then he heard a quiet “Miaow” and he knew the cat was there. He stayed in the hole and said to himself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned to wait.”
The next day, he looked out again. He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again. He could see the cheese. It was only a few centimetres away. But he sat still and waited quietly. This time he did not hear any cat’s noise. Instead he heard a very quiet “Woof, woof.”
“It’s a dog!” he thought. “If the dog is there, the cat won’t be there. I expect the dog has chased the cat away, so I’m safe.” The mouse ran out of the hole and started eating the cheese. He did not see the cat, which caught him and ate him.
When the cat finished her meal, she said to herself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”
小题1:Who told the mouse to wait before going for a piece of cheese?
A.The cat. B.The dog. C.The cat’s parents.D.The mouse’s parents.
小题2: How did the young mouse know the cat was there?
A.He heard the cat.B.He saw the cat.C.He smelt the cat.D.He knew the cat.
小题3:What was the cat’s meal?
A.The mouse’s parents. B.The cheese.C.The young mouse.D.The fish.
小题4:Which language did the cat learn as a second language?
A.English.B.Chinese.C.Dog language.D.Mouse language.
小题5:Which of the following sentences is Not True according to the passage?
A.The young mouse lived in a hole in a wall.
B.The next day the mouse didn’t hear any cat’s noise.
C.The cat pretended to be a dog by making the noise “woof”.
D.The mouse’s parents told their daughter to wait before going for a piece of cheese.


小题1:细节理解题。根据His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”他的父母是非常聪明的老鼠,经常告诉他:“在去吃一块奶酪之前总要等一等”,可知答案选D
小题2:细节理解题。根据Then he heard a quiet “Miaow” and he knew the cat was there.然后他听到一声安静的“喵”,他知道猫在那儿,可知答案选A
小题3:细节理解题。根据When the cat finished her meal, she said to herself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”当猫吃完饭,她自言自语道:“很高兴听我父母的话学了一门外语。”可知答案选C
小题4:细节理解题。根据 Instead he heard a very quiet “Woof, woof.”“It’s a dog!” he thought.他听到的而是一声安静的“汪汪”,“是狗!”可知答案选C.
小题5:推理判断题。根据His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”他的父母是非常聪明的老鼠,经常告诉他:“在去吃一块奶酪之前总要等一等”,可知答案选D
Do you think of your parents? “Yes, of course,” you may answer, “I buy a present for my mother on       . And I give my father a present on Father’s Day,      . Then what about the other days of a year? Always       to think of your parents, not just on some important days. I have a friend who       alone, because her parents live another city. One day I went to see her. We had a nice chat. Then she wanted to make a       . She dialed (拨号) the number, but then she put the phone       . After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again. “Hi, mom…” Later I asked, “Why did you dial the number       ?” She smiled, “My parents are old. They can’t get close to the telephone       . I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them       time to answer the call.” My friend is a good girl. She is always        her parents. You also want to be a good child, right? So why not learn from her?
A.Father’s DayB.Mother’s DayC.Teachers’ Day D.Children’s Day
A.as wellB.alsoC.eitherD.yet
A.liveB.livesC.lived D.living
A.onceB.twiceC.several timesD.many times
A.lessB.littleC.enoughD.a lot
A.thinking aboutB.laughing atC.picking upD.looking for
Linda Evans was my best friend—like the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time—like my wedding (婚礼) and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address (地址) Unknown. ” I had no idea how to find Linda.
Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share (分享) happiness of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.
One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman — Linda’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but J still wrote to her.
She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother. ”
Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure: We won’t lose each other again!
小题1:The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans _______.
A.at the age of 13
B.before she got married
C.after they moved to new homes
D.before the writer’s family moved away
小题2:They didn’t often write to each other because they _______.
A.got married
B.had little time to do so
C.didn’t like writing letters
D.could see each other on special time
小题3:The writer was happy when she _______.
A.read the newspaper
B.heard Linda’s voice on the phone
C.met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda
D.wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman
小题4:They haven’t kept in touch _______.
A.for about 40 years
B.for about 27 years
C.since they got married
D.since the writer’s family moved away
Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters.One Sunday,Mrs. White said to her husband,“The children don’t have any lessons today,and you’re free too.There’s a new funfair(游乐场)in the park.Let’s all go there to play.
Her husband said,“1 want to finish some work today. “oh, forget it.Go there and make our children happy.That’s the most important work” Mrs. White said.
So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the funfair.Mr. White was forty-five years old.
but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another,and ate lost of sweets. One of the children said to her mother,“Dad is just like a small child,isn’t he, Mom?” Mrs. White didn’t want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered, He is even worse than a small child,Mary,because he might spend more money than a small child.
小题1:There were ________ children in the White family·
小题2:One Sunday,Mr. and Mrs. White wanted to go to _______ with their children.
A.schoolB.workC.a funfairD.a shop
小题3:Mr..White liked the place so much that he_______.
A.bought lots of sweetsB.followed his wife all the time
C.hurried from one thing to anotherD.asked a lot of questions
小题4:From the story we know Mrs. White________ when Mary asked her the question.
A.was still excited to play              B. was a little angry with Mr. White
C.looked for Mr..White everywhere     C. are a lot of sweets
小题5:Of all his family members,_________ enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.
A.Mr..WhiteB.Mrs. WhiteC.MaryD.the boys
Do you often communicate with your parents? Some parents are always comparing their   with themselves when they were young or with other people when they were children.
"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I    what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals (目标). You are always at the bottom (最后) of your class     you have no goals."
The man's son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father many times. "And when your mother was your age, " the young man's father     , " she had a good job and she     lots of money. You don't even have a part-time job .You earn nothing. " The man's son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too. "
And when your     brother was your age, "the young man's father said, "he studied hard. But you just waste your time."
And the man's son still said nothing.
Finally, the young man's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."
This time the son     stay silent. "
And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, father," he said, "He was the President of     United States.     are you?"
His father had no answer     this.
Are your parents always comparing you with others? And what's your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?
A.know B.knew C.will know D.have known
A.although B.or C.and D.but
A.went away B.went over C.went up D.went on
A.won B.made C.received D.gave
A.old B.young C.older D.elder
A.can B.can't C.could D.couldn't
A.a B.an C.the D./
A.What B.How C.Where D.Who
A.to B.with C.of D.on
A Lesson from the Elder
Grandfather was an elder Cherokee Native American who had a wrinkled, nut brown face and kind dark eyes. His grandson often came in the evening to sit on his knee and asked the many questions that children would ask.
One day the grandson came to his grandfather with a look of anger on his face and the following story. “Father and I went to the store today and because I helped him, he bought me a present---a jack-knife. I went outside to wait for father and to admire my new knife in the sunlight. Some town boys came by and saw me. They surrounded me and started saying bad things. They called me dirty and stupid and said that I should not have such a fine knife. The largest of these boys pushed me back and I fell over one of the other boys. I dropped my knife and one of them picked it up and they all ran away laughing. I hate them. I hate them all."
The elder Cherokee, with eyes that had seen too much, lifted his grandson's face so his eyes looked into the boy's face. Grandfather said, "Let me tell you a story. I, too, at times, have felt a great hate for those who have taken so much with no sorrow for what they do. But hate wears you down and does not hurt your enemy. It is like drinking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times. It is as if two wolves are inside me.... It is a terrible fight.
One wolf is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. It will only fight when it is right to do so and in the right way. This wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, modesty, kindness, friendship, sympathy, generosity, truth, and faith.
The other wolf is full of anger. The least thing will set off his fiercest temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so much. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing. This wolf represents fear, envy, greed, self-pity, guilt, lies, false pride and superiority.
Sometimes, it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me for both of them try to control my spirit. This same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person too.”
The boy looked into his grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied.... "The one you feed."
小题1:The boy was angry because __________.
A. he was not satisfied with his present
his back was badly injured in a fight
he had waited for his father for too long
his jack-knife had been taken away by some boys
小题2:How does the good wolf do things in the story?
A.He never fights against others.
B.He tries to get on well with others.
C.It is hard for him to live with other wolves.
D.Sometimes he had a terrible fight because some one hit him.
小题3:We can learn from the third paragraph that _________.
A. “hate” is healthy
B.“hate” hurts oneself
C. “hate” is complicated
D. “hate” harms one’s enemies
小题4:What did Grandfather mean by saying "The one you feed" in the last paragraph?
A.We should feed the two wolves equally.
B.Living in harmony with others is important.
C.Our feelings should be expressed at the right time.
D.The choices we make determine who we will become.

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