
Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters.One Sunday,Mrs. White said to her husband,“The children don’t have any lessons today,and you’re free too.There’s a new funfair(游乐场)in the park.Let’s all go there to play.
Her husband said,“1 want to finish some work today. “oh, forget it.Go there and make our children happy.That’s the most important work” Mrs. White said.
So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the funfair.Mr. White was forty-five years old.
but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another,and ate lost of sweets. One of the children said to her mother,“Dad is just like a small child,isn’t he, Mom?” Mrs. White didn’t want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered, He is even worse than a small child,Mary,because he might spend more money than a small child.
小题1:There were ________ children in the White family·
小题2:One Sunday,Mr. and Mrs. White wanted to go to _______ with their children.
A.schoolB.workC.a funfairD.a shop
小题3:Mr..White liked the place so much that he_______.
A.bought lots of sweetsB.followed his wife all the time
C.hurried from one thing to anotherD.asked a lot of questions
小题4:From the story we know Mrs. White________ when Mary asked her the question.
A.was still excited to play              B. was a little angry with Mr. White
C.looked for Mr..White everywhere     C. are a lot of sweets
小题5:Of all his family members,_________ enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.
A.Mr..WhiteB.Mrs. WhiteC.MaryD.the boys


小题1:D 细节理解题。根据第一段提到Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters他们有两个儿子三个女儿所以是一共五个孩子。因此选D项。
小题2:C 细节理解题。根据第一段提到The children don’t have any lessons today,and you’re free too.There’s a new funfair(游乐场)in the park.Let’s all go there to play孩子没有课,你也有空,让我们去那玩吧,所以选C项。.
小题3:C 细节理解题。根据第三段提到he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another,and ate lost of sweets.他比孩子更喜欢游乐场,玩了一个又一个,吃了很多甜食。所以选C项。
小题4:B 细节推断题。根据最后一段提到He is even worse than a small child,Mary,because he might spend more money than a small child.他比孩子还糟糕,因为他花的钱比孩子还多,所以表示妻子对他有点生气,所以选B项。
小题5:A 细节推断题。根据最后一段中提到he enjoyed the funfair more than his children可知他比孩子还喜欢,所以最喜欢的是怀特先生 ,所以选A 项。
There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole in a wall. One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole. As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose. “Cheese!” the mouse said happily to himself. “I’ll go and get it now and have it for breakfast.”
But then he remembered his parents’ words. His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”
So the young mouse waited quietly. Then he heard a quiet “Miaow” and he knew the cat was there. He stayed in the hole and said to himself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned to wait.”
The next day, he looked out again. He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again. He could see the cheese. It was only a few centimetres away. But he sat still and waited quietly. This time he did not hear any cat’s noise. Instead he heard a very quiet “Woof, woof.”
“It’s a dog!” he thought. “If the dog is there, the cat won’t be there. I expect the dog has chased the cat away, so I’m safe.” The mouse ran out of the hole and started eating the cheese. He did not see the cat, which caught him and ate him.
When the cat finished her meal, she said to herself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”
小题1:Who told the mouse to wait before going for a piece of cheese?
A.The cat. B.The dog. C.The cat’s parents.D.The mouse’s parents.
小题2: How did the young mouse know the cat was there?
A.He heard the cat.B.He saw the cat.C.He smelt the cat.D.He knew the cat.
小题3:What was the cat’s meal?
A.The mouse’s parents. B.The cheese.C.The young mouse.D.The fish.
小题4:Which language did the cat learn as a second language?
A.English.B.Chinese.C.Dog language.D.Mouse language.
小题5:Which of the following sentences is Not True according to the passage?
A.The young mouse lived in a hole in a wall.
B.The next day the mouse didn’t hear any cat’s noise.
C.The cat pretended to be a dog by making the noise “woof”.
D.The mouse’s parents told their daughter to wait before going for a piece of cheese.
We were doing the best to control the fire of the burning garage (车库). Outside, I heard the sounds of cats crying. I couldn’t stop—I would have to look for the cats after the fire was put out.
It took a long time to finally bring the big fire under control. No one inside was hurt. At that point I was free to find out where the cat noises were from. There was still a lot of smoke and heat coming from the building. I followed the meowing to the sidewalk in front of the garage. There, crying and huddled (挤作一团) together, were five frightened kittens (小猫). They must have been inside the building, as their fur was badly hurt.
I wanted to find the mother cat. It was clear that she had gone into the burning garage and carried out all her babies, one by one—unbelievable.
We finally found her. Her paws and face were blackened, and her fur was burned all over. You could even see her reddened skin under the burned fur. She could hardly move. I picked her up, and she relaxed in my arms as much as her pain would allow. I decided to save this brave little cat and her family.
The vet told me they would watch the kittens and their mother for the night, but they weren’t confident about the mother’s chances.
About a week later, I found out she was going to live. We named her Scarlet because of her reddened skin.
I was happy to see Scarlet get together with the kittens again. She touched each of them, nose to nose. She had been in danger for five times and it had paid off. All of her babies had survived.
As a fireman, I see heroic acts every day. But what Scarlet showed me that day was the kind of bravery that can only come from a mother’s love.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?
A.The writer went to look for the cats as soon as he heard them crying.
B.The firefighters put out the fire quickly and no one was hurt.
C.The writer didn’t find the cats until the smoke and heat were gone.
D.The mother cat moved all her babies out of the fire to a safe place.
小题2:Why did the writer decide to save the cats?
A.Because he was amazed at the mother cat’s courage.
B.Because the cats attracted many people’s attention.
C.Because he didn’t want to see any living things die.
D.Because it had taken him much time and effort to save them.
小题3:The writer talks about the cat’s story to show that ________________.
A.animals should be taken good care of
B.mother’s love can be great and brave
C.it is meaningful to help others
D.a cat always has nine lives
It was May 5. It was Mary’s birthday. She came home, and saw a card on the table. It said, “There’s a present for you, Mary. Go and look for it in your room.” Mary ran to her room. Her parents were watching her. They were smiling. On her bed she saw a new red box. She thought, “What’s in the box?” She opened it. There was nothing but a card in it. Mary took it out and read.
“Dear Mary, I’m your present. My first letter is in the word ‘book’, but not in ‘look’. My second letter is in ‘ink’, but not in ‘thank’. You can find my third letter in both ‘ink’ and ‘book’. And my last letter is in ‘she’, but not in ‘ship’. What am I?”
Mary thought hard. B-I-K-E! She smiled and said, “Aha, I know, Mom. But where is it?” Her mother said, “Look at the back of the card.” Mary turned it over and read, “Come and look for me in the garden.”
Mary hurried to the garden. There under a big tree she found her present—a nice new bike!
“Happy birthday, Mary!” her parents said.
“Thank you, Mom and Dad.”
小题1:Mary’s birthday was on                .
A.March the fifteenth
B.May the fifth
C.March the fifth
D.May the fifteenth
小题2:Mary’s birthday present was                  .    
A.a beautiful card
B.a beautiful box
C.a beautiful bike
D.a comfortable bed
小题3: The first card was on the table. The second card was          .
A.on the bedB.on the desk
C.in the boxD.in a book
小题4: Mary’s present was              .  
A.on the back of the cardB.on her bed
C.in her roomD.in the garden
小题5: Mary’s parents were                  .
A.very kind and funny
B.very poor
C.very rich
D.very young
To Make Everybody Happy
Peter’s uncle lives in the country. Once in summer, Peter goes to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they go for a walk or for a drive in the car and pass somebody, his uncle waves to the passer-by. Peter is surprised and says, “Uncle Georage, you seem to know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?”
“I don’t know all these people.” answers his uncle. “Then why do you wave to them?” “Well, Peter ,” says his uncle “When I wave to someone who knows me, he is pleased. He goes on his journey with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone who doesn’t know me , he is surprised and says to himself, ‘ Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?’ So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter.So.I.make.everybody.happy.
小题1: Peter goes to the country_______.
A.for his winter holidays
B.to see his sick uhcle
C.to spend summer with his uncle
D.because he gets into trouble
小题2:When they pass somebody at any time,________.
A.George will stop and say hello to everybody
B.Peter’s uncle waves to the passer-by
C.Peter waves to the pass-by
D.Geoge introduces the person to Peter
小题3:Peter ________ when he sees uncle waves to everybody passing by.
A.always asks his uncle “Who is that man?”
B.is very happy
C.is not surprised at all
D.is very surprised
小题4:Georage tells peter________.
A.he knows all the people
B.he does not know all the people
C.he only knows one of them
D.he doesn’t know any one of the people
小题5:George waves to every passer – by________.
A.to make everybody happy
B.to make Peter happy
C.only to make joke
D.to make himself happy

During all this time I never stopped thinking about escape. When I traveled across to the other side of the island, I could see the other islands, and I said to myself, “Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.”
So I decided to make myself a boat. I cut down a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it. It was hard work, but about six months later, I had a very fine canoe (独木舟). Next, I had to get it down to the sea. How silly I was! Why didn’t I think before I began work? Of course, the canoe was too heavy. I couldn’t move it! I pulled and pushed and tried everything, but it didn’t move. I was very unhappy for a long time after that.
That happened in my fourth year on the island. In my sixth year I did make myself a smaller canoe, but I did not try to escape in it. The boat was too small for a long journey, and I did not want to die at sea. The island was my home now, not my prison, and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also built myself a second house there, and so I had two homes.
My life was still busy from morning to night. There were always things to do or to make. I learnt to make new clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals. They looked very strange, it is true, but they kept me dry in the rain.
I kept food and tools at both my houses, and also wild goats. There were many goats on the island, and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learnt to take food from me, and soon I had goats’ milk to drink every day. I also worked hard in my corn fields. And so many years went by.
小题1:The purpose of making a canoe on the island was to _____________.
A.escape in it
B.get to the other side of the island
C.use it for food
D.go around the island
小题2:To survive, the writer _____________.
A.kept goats for milk
B.made clothes from animal skins
C.worked in the cornfields
D.did all the above
小题3:Why didn’t the writer use his first canoe?
A.Because it was too small for a long journey.
B.Because it was too heavy to get down to the sea.
C.Because there was something wrong with it.
D.Because the writer was busy building a second house.
小题4:From the story, we can learn that _____________.
A.the writer tried to make his stay comfortable on the island
B.the writer had nothing to do on the wild island
C.the writer tried to escape in the second canoe, but failed
D.the writer was in prison on the island, losing his freedom
Hundreds of years ago in a small town, a moneylender lent a lot of money to a poor man. The moneylender , who was old and ugly, _____ the poor man’s beautiful daughter. So he came up with an idea. He said the poor man didn’t need to return the money to him _____ he could marry his daughter. Both the man and his daughter were________.
The moneylender then told them that he would put a small _______ stone and a small white stone into an empty bag. The girl would have to ______ one. If she took the black stone , she would become the moneylender’s _______ and her father’s debt would be let go. If she picked the white stone, she didn’t need to marry him and her father’s debt would______ be let go. Her father would be put into prison if she refused to pick a stone.
As they talked, the moneylender picked up two stones. As he did that, the girl______that he had put two black stones in the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her stone from the bag.
The girl thought for a while and then had an idea. She put her hand into the bag and took out a stone. ______ looking at it, she let it fall onto the path where it ______ became lost among all the other stones. “ Oh how______ I was!” She said, “But never ______. If  you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to _______ which stone I picked.” This ______ tells: Sometimes we can think about things in a _______way. Most difficult problems do have an solution.
A.On .B.AboutC.ForD.Without
Mo Yan, a well-known Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature(文学) in 2012. He was also the first Chinese writer who got this prize in history. When he was interviewed, he said he was only a normal person who could tell stories. He especially thanked his mother. He thought his mother had a strong influence on him.
Mo Yan was born in a poor family in China’s rural area. When he was young, he was a little bit shy because he thought he wasn’t good-looking. His classmates often played jokes on his look. That made him very upset. His mother encouraged him to face the fact bravely. She told him not to look down on himself. She said it didn’t matter if a person didn’t have a good look and it was important to work hard and never give up. She hoped that his son would be a useful person in society.
Mo Yan didn’t let her mother down. He worked hard at writing. He wrote many famous novels, such as Hong Gao Liang(《红高粱》)and Wa(《娃》). His success tells us a truth,“Nobody can beat you unless you beat yourself.”Hold on to your dream and your dream will come true in the end.
小题1:When did Mo Yan win the Nobel Prize?
A.In 2010.B.Last year.C.In 2013.D.Last month.
小题2:Mo Yan was the first Chinese _________ in history.
A.to be interviewed about the Nobel Prize for Literature
B.to be a normal person who could tell stores
C.to win the Nobel Prize for literature
D.to be influenced strongly by his mother
小题3:Why did Mo Yan feel upset when he was a little boy?
A.Because he was poor.
B.Because he couldn’t tell stories.
C.Because his classmates often laughed at his look.
D.Because he didn’t work hard.
小题4:What is the most important for a person according to the article?
A.Working hard.B.Money.C.A good job.D.A good look.
小题5:What can we learn from the story?
A.Mo Yan’s classmates were friendly to him.
B.Mo Yan was born in a rich family.
C.Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for peace.
D.Mo Yan’s mother helped him a lot.

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