
“Everything happens for the best.” Whenever I faced disappointment, my mother would say this to me.
After I graduated form college in 1932, I decided to find a job in radio as a sports announcer(广播员). I went to Chicago and knocked at the door of every station. But unluckily, I was refused every time.
At one station, a kind lady told me that big stations wouldn’t hire(雇佣) a person without any experience and suggested that I try my luck at smaller stations. Following her advice, I went back to Dixon, where I had grown up. There were no such jobs in Dixon, and my father said a newly-opened store wanted a local athlete to work for it. I wanted this job, but I was refused again.
“Everything happens for the best,” Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.
As I left his office, I felt so frustrated. “How can I become a sports announcer if I can’t get a job in a radio station?” I asked aloud.
While I was waiting for the elevator, I heard someone calling. It was MacArthur. “What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he asked me to have a try. He was pleased with my performance, and he offered me a chance to work there.
On my way home, I thought of my mother’s words: “If you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn’t have happened if without the failure before.”
小题1:Why couldn’t the writer find a job at big radio stations?
A.Because he never graduated from college.
B.Because he didn’t work hard in college.
C.Because he didn’t have much experience.
D.Because he didn’t know about sports.
小题2:Which of the following is the correct order of events?
a. The writer got a job as a sports announcer at a radio station.
b. The writer was refused when he wanted jobs in Chicago.
c. The writer graduated from college.
d. The writer went back to his hometown to look for a job.
小题3: Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The writer’s parents didn’t want him to be a sports announcer.
B.There were no radio announcer jobs in the writer’s hometown.
C.The writer became uninterested in being a sports announcer.
D.The writer got a job as a sports announcer in Dixon at last.
小题4: According to the last paragraph, what did the writer’s mom want to tell him?
A.He shouldn’t be a sports announcer.
B.Disappointment leads to failure.
C.He should be proud of himself.
D.Everything will be OK if he keeps trying.


小题1:根据a kind lady told me that big stations wouldn’t hire(雇佣) a person without any experience可知选C。
小题3:根据I went back to Dixon, where I had grown up. There were no such jobs in Dixon,可知选项B描述与短文一致,故选B。
I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job. I also think my work is important. I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn’t have much to offer.
I then found myself a job, looking after two little girls. It wasn’t too bad at first. But the problems began when I agreed to live in. I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening. We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she’d give me time off the next. But unluckily, it didn’t often work out. I was getting very tired. Because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.
One Sunday, I was in the park with the children, and met Megan who used to go to school with me. I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书)if I wanted to work with children. I didn’t think I would be accepted because I didn’t take many exams in school. She asked me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course. I had to leave my job with the family, and got work helping out at a kindergarten.
Now I’ve got a full-time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. I wish I had known earlier that I could have a success, even if I am not top of the class at school.
小题1:What do you think of the writer when she was a student?
A.An excellent studentB.A hardworking student
C.A bad studentD.A lazy student
小题2:What is the writer’s first job?
A.A cleanerB.A babysitterC.An assistantD.A teacher
小题3: When staying with the two girls’ family,the writer ________.
A.was paid for extra work
B.often worked long hours
C.got much help from her boss
D.took a day off every other week
小题4: Why did the writer leave her first job?
A.She found a full-time job.
B.She was fed up with children.
C.She decided to attend a part-time course.
D.She needed a rest after working extra hours.
小题5:What has the writer learned from her own experiences?
A.Less successful students can still have a success.
B.Qualifications are necessary for a job.
C.Hard work makes an excellent student.
D.One must choose the job she like.

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone’s eyes are different. So in the future you won’t have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You’ll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.
The eye-recognition(眼睛识别 program has already been tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon this technology(技术) will take the place of all other ways of finding out who people are.
However, scientists are also working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger.
Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes don’t change as you get older, and don’t get dirty like hands or fingers, and even twins have different eyes. So the eye-recognition program can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. However, some other programs may only be 51% correct at present. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.
In the future your computer will be looking you in the eye. So smile!
小题1:Where has the eye-recognition program already been tested in a few countries? In_______.
A.shops and banksB.shops and schools
C.banks and schoolsD.schools and hospitals
小题2: How does the eye-recognition program work?
A.You look at the machine and type a number.
B.You need to speak and then look.
C.The machine looks at your face.
D.You look at the machine.
小题3: We already have machines that can tell who you are from ________.
A.your eyes or your smell
B.your voice or the mark made by your finger
C.your face or your voice
D.your face or your hand
小题4: Which of the following doesn’t belong to the advantages of the eye-recognition program?
A.Your eyes don’t change as you get older.
B.Eyes don’t get dirty like hands or fingers.
C.Everyone’s eyes are different, even twins have different eyes.
D.We can’t see anything without eyes.
小题5: What problem could there be with the eye-recognition program?
A.Some eyes are the same.B.Eyes can change.
C.It is not always correct.D.Eyes can get dirty like hands.
  We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information and so on. In recent years a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There’s no real word for it yet, so we’ll call it e-talk. People don’t like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms. Acronyms are often used in chat rooms. Some of them are
BTW (by the way)        BRB (be right back)
LOL (laughing out loud)    IMO (in my opinion)
People also use many abbreviations(缩写). They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations are:
Info(information)       puter (computer)
Pie(picture)           sec (second)
We usually don’t see people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keywords to draw “feeling”, such as:
:-)(happy)    :-p(joking)   :-( (sad)    :-0 (surprised)
These days, many forums(论坛) have picture feelings. For example,

(sad)      (happy)
There are even whole new words, like“newbie’s”(someone who is new on a chat board or forum).
It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbie’s have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.
小题1:What does the underlined word “acronyms” mean?
小题2:Why do people type acronyms?
A.To show their feelings.
B.Because people can type them quickly.
C.In this way newbie’s won’t understand them.
D.To make people use Internet
小题3:What does “BTW, my puter is not working well. :- ( ” mean ?
A.The person is angry at somebody.
B.The person is happy about getting a new computer
C.The person is sad that his computer is having problems.
D.The person is joking that his computer is having problems.
小题4:E-talk will probably _______.
A.keep changing
B.be easy by people on the telephone
C.be used by people on the telephone
D.make life easier
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.E-talk LanguageB.Picture Feelings
C.How to Use AbbreviationsD.use the Internet

Do you like drinking Coke? As a symbol of American culture, Coca-Cola is liked by many people, especially young people all around the world. But from now on, perhaps it will be hard for students in the US to get it on campus. A new agreement will end almost all sales of high-sugar fizzy drinks in US schools. The agreement allows only unsweetened juice, low-fat milk and water in primary and middle school vending machines(自动售货机)and cafeterias. Former American president Bill Clinton helped the American Heart Association and the beverage industry(饮料业) to come up with the agreement. He suffered from a weight problem and has had a heart operation since leaving the White House. He takes the agreement as “a bold step forward in the struggle to help 35 million young people lead healthier lives”.
Rising childhood obesity(肥胖)has become a big problem in America. A federal report noted that obesity has tripled among teenagers in the past 25 years. It called for new limits on the marketing of junk food to children. Soda is a particular target because of its caloric content and popularity among children.
Britain has already taken similar steps to fight obesity. A recent study shows that people in the UK are much healthier than the people in the US. However, it’s better late than never. Now American schools are trying to make new rules to guide the students to choose healthy drinks. American schools say goodbye to Coca-Cola.
小题1:What kind of beverage is NOT allowed to sell on campus?
A.High-sugar fizzy drinks.B.Unsweetened juice.
C.Low-fat milk.D.Water.
小题2:What does the underlined word “tripled” in the second paragraph mean?
A.Became as much.B.Became twice as much.
C.Became three times as much.D.Became four times as much.
小题3:What is the writer’s attitude(态度)towards limits on junk food?
小题4:Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A.Coca-Cola causes students’ obesity.
B.Coca-Cola makes people unhealthier.
C.Coca-Cola isn’t very popular in the world.
D.Coca-Cola is bad for our body.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Say “Goodbye” to Coca-Cola
B.The Junk Coca-Cola
C.Coca-Cola in China
D.Coca-Cola in the World

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