
要求:1、思路清晰,结构合理,语句通顺。  2、字数不少于60个单词。
Nancy’s school
Bus Stop
Book shop
                                   (Paul’s home)
How to get to my home

One possible version:
Dear Nancy,
Please go through the Bridge Street from your school and then you will find a bus stop on your right. Then turn right and go through the Centre Street. When you reach the first corner, turn left. The third house is my home. Thank you for coming!

【亮点说明】本文要点齐全、行文连贯、层次清楚。体现了题目的要求。正确运用相关的词语和句式。如:go through, and then, turn left.等。短文用了一些连词如:when及and等,提醒学生注意积累一些短语及句式。
Writing a thank-you letter can be a great way to express (表达)thanks  for a favor (帮助;恩惠) someone did for you. Consider these following steps when writing your letter, which will help make your thank-you letter more meaningful (有意义的) and sincere(真诚的).
Before you start, buy some special stationery, such as nice paper or blank cards. The stationery doesn’t have to be expensive, since even one-dollar card can be very nice. And you must decide whether you prefer to type your letter or write it by yourself. Handwriting has a more personal feeling, while a printed(打印的) thank-you letter looks more professional (专业的).
Now, you can start writing. You should express your purpose(目的)  from the beginning. Start your letter by thanking the person for the gift or service he or she provided. Then you should explain how you plan to use the gift or service, or explain how the gift or service has already been used. What’s more, you can also express your feelings on the gift or service by saying that “It was a wonderful birthday present…” It also helps to mention a personal feeling such as “I was just so happy with the party.” In the end, you should mention that you want to see or talk to the person again soon. For close relatives and friends, you can also tell them how much you miss them and express regret(遗憾) that their visit was short.
Sign your thank-you letter personally and with a heart. Try “Love”, “Yours truly”, or “Take care” instead (代替) of “Sincerely” as it is more for business.
In this way, you will always maintain (维持) a pleasant relationship(关系) with your friends and relatives.
Title: How to Write a   小题1:  Letter
To write a  小题2: and sincere letter to show your thanks.
Suggestions  (建议)
Before    小题3:  
Buy some stationery that is nice and  小题4:   .
Decide whether to type the letter or to write it by   小题5: .
The text of the letter:
At the beginning of the letter, 小题6: your thanks to the person providing the gift or service.
Introduce how the gift or service is   小题7:  for you.
Express your personal feelings about it if needed.
Mention that you are looking forward to their next  __小题8:   .
“Sincerely” is not proper because it is usually used in  小题9: letters.
Your relationship with others will stay   小题10:  .
How important is music? When they are asked this question, students and parents usually answer that music is nice, but not very important. It is often considered only as fun, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is shortsighted(短视的). In fact, music education is necessary and important for all students.
Music tells us who we are. Music shows people’s thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. just as Mozart music is a lifestyle, rock music is also a lifestyle.
Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way. Science explains how the sun rises and sets. Music studies the emotive(情感的) meanings. We need every possible way to discover and respond(回应) to our world because no one way can get it all.
Music is a form of thought, as powerful as science. It is a way we human beings “talk” to each other. Through the language we express our feelings, our discoveries, our ideas and our hopes so that they can be shared with others. When we do not let our children receive good music education, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. Science does not tell us what it means to be human. Music does.
So music education is much more necessary than people generally realize.
小题1:__________________________ is of great importance
Shortsighted opinion: Music is only a way of fun, not the top choice for education.
Truth: music education is important for all students.
Main Body
A way to tell who we are
Music not only shows the social environment it came form but also expresses people’s 小题2: _____________________.
A way to know the world
We need discover and respond to our world because 小题3: ___________.
Science explains how nature goes.
Music studies the 小题4:_________ of man and nature.
A way to communicate with each other
We use music to share our feelings, discoveries, ideas and hopes with others.
Music, different from 小题5:_________________, tells us what it means to be human.
Music education is necessary.
A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year。3 You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar.21·cn·jy·com
Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can.A few days before the exam, you should start going to bed early.Don’t stay up late at night studying and learning things.Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper.4 Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write.When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
小题1:Learning rules of grammar is enough to pass the English exam, isn’t it?
小题2:What should you do a few days before the exam?

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