
One American university used a robot as a teacher to help students with their problems. And none of the students knew that was a robot in the beginning!

Jill Watson, an IBM-designed robot, has been helping graduate students at Georgia Institute of Technology (美国佐治亚理工大学) solve problems with their design projects. When answering their questions, Jill seems to be an excellent teacher. She can give wonderful answers quickly. She sounds natural and usually says good words. After 5 months, the students were told that their "teacher" was a robot, and many were shocked.

Now many students like to ask questions on their school's website. It usually takes teachers too much time to answer them. So the university had such an idea of making Jill Watson. It's a faster way to help the students with their problems.

Jill can quickly find possible answers to the questions in her own computer and make sure they are all right. After that, she tells the students in an electronic voice that sounds like a famous actress. She was trained by Georgia Tech researchers before being thrown into the mix with nine other teachers.

1.What does Jill seem to be when she answers questions?


2.How long did it take to know that their "teacher" was a robot?


3.Why do many students like to ask questions on their school's website now?


4.How can Jill quickly find possible answers to the questions?


5.Who trained Jill before being thrown into the mix with nine other teachers?



Alyssa was excited about her first day of school. The winter holiday was fun, ___________ she couldn’t wait to start the new term after the holiday. There would probably be new kids in her class. Alyssa _________ making new friends.

Alyssa thought a lot about what she would ___________ on the first day of school. Her parents said the first impression(印象) was ___________ so Alyssa wanted to look nice. Alyssa and her mom went shopping to buy her new clothes. In one store Alyssa saw a beautiful bow tie (领结) and wanted to buy it. Mom said bow ties were for boys, but Alyssa didn’t ___________. They also bought a white dress. Alyssa thought it would look cool with the bow tie.

On the morning of the first day of school, Alyssa met her ___________ on the school bus. “Is that bow tie your brother’s?” the kids said. “No,” Alyssa said. “It’s ___________________.” “But bow ties are for boys’’, they all said. Alyssa felt embarrassed.

Then a new girl got on the bus. “A bow tie! That’s so _________.” She looked at Alyssa, “and I like your bow tie! It is very cool. You must be very creative.” Alyssa didn’t feel _________ anymore. She liked being creative. After that, when someone said bow ties were for boys, she would reply, “Bow ties are for ________________, especially when you are creative, like me.”

1.A.because B.and C.but

2.A.liked B.forgot C.suggested

3.A.eat B.wear C.see

4.A.interesting B.important C.impolite

5.A.care B.think C.understand

6.A.classmates B.teachers C.brothers

7.A.his B.hers C.mine

8.A.strange B.active C.cool

9.A.happy B.lonely C.embarrassed

10.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone

The artist, Vincent van Gogh, an important ______ of the 19th century, was only an artist for the last ten _______ of his life. He was born in Holland in 1853, but he lived much of his life in France.

______ van Gogh enjoyed drawing from the time he was a young boy, he had a number of ______ jobs before he decided to work as an artist full time. He suffered setbacks (挫折) and failures in life. He worked as a clerk and a business agent in his early years, and also served as a missioner (传教士) in the mining areas (矿区). Finally, he devoted himself to ______ and was determined to "fight with himself in painting". He painted _______ until he was up to the point of madness. He ______ more than 2, 000 artworks, consisting of around 900 paintings and 1, 100 drawings and sketches (素描).

Much of what we know about van Gogh comes from ______ he wrote to his brother Theo. Theo worked in an art gallery (画廊) in Paris and supported van Gogh's art career. He tried to ______ his paintings, but no one wanted to buy them. He sent van Gogh money and encouraged him.

Although van Gogh wasn't ______ during his life time, today he is considered one of the greatest and most influential artists of his time. Many of his paintings sell for millions of dollars.

1.A.clerk B.writer C.painter D.salesman

2.A.days B.months C.seasons D.years

3.A.Although B.But C.Because D.When

4.A.other B.others C.another D.any other

5.A.suffering B.painting C.selling D.mining

6.A.interruptedly B.slowly C.continuously D.unwillingly

7.A.bought B.kept C.borrowed D.produced

8.A.books B.notes C.letters D.diaries

9.A.buy B.sell C.send D.keep

10.A.famous B.honest C.brave D.active

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