
Today the word friendship has been used so often that it has lost its meaning. Some jokingly or seriously say that friends are made to be used. It makes me very sad.
True friendship doesn’t mean that when you need your friend’s help,you will treat him to dinner,and when you have to protect yourself,you will put your friends in a difficult situation.
In fact,true friendship is the communication and understanding of the hearts(心).
True friendship is like water. Compared wish decent wine,water is tasteless,but is of great help when we are thirsty. True friends don’t need to be with each other every day,but are connected in heart every minute.
True friendship is like medicine. Though it is bitter,it cures your illness. True friends give you some suggestions even if they know you would not take. They criticize you when others have a good word for you,not because of envy but worrying that you may lose your cool head.
True friendship has nothing to do with fame,power or money. True friends would often watch you silently far away when you are influential,but come to you whenever you need their help. You’re not his stepping-stone to success,but are his crutch to live through difficulties.
True friends make you complete. Many persons go along with you through your life─your parents,your spouse,and your children,who take care of you and make your life happy. However,you still need someone who understands your thoughts and souls. Without them,you are likely to be unhealthy in spirit.
True friends stay in your heart,rather than at your side;they know you more than yourself,and try to better you.
Once you have found such a true friend,do treasure(珍惜)him. If your true friend disappears,how can you make the sound of your heart understood?
【小题1】The writer feels sad because some people          .

A.don’t understand friendship B.make wrong friends
C.don’t treasure friendship D.blame their friends
【小题2】The writer speaks of water because          .
A.it has no taste B.it is important to our life
C.it is easy to get D.it stays with us every day
【小题3】The underlined word“influential”in Paragraph 5 means“         ”.
A.busy B.quiet
C.helpful D.powerful
【小题4】According to the passage,true friends may help you           .
A.enjoy mental health B.achieve success
C.understand them better D.live a happy life


【小题1】细节理解题。根据Some jokingly or seriously say that friends are made to be used. It makes me very sad.
【小题2】推理判断题。根据Compared wish decent wine,water is tasteless,but is of great help when we are thirsty.可知作者要叙述的是水在人们的生活中是很重要的,故选B。
【小题3】词义猜测题。根据come to you whenever you need their help 可知这里指的是能帮上忙的有权的人,故选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据Without them,you are likely to be unhealthy in spirit.可知有朋友可以保持自己精神健康,故选A。


“Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream,” some scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night.
Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old films. They come up over and over again. That may be the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer.
Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may have been thinking about their work all day. These thoughts (想法) can carry over into dreams.
Too much dreaming can be harmful (有害的). The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is still at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.
【小题1】It may be less important to sleep than to ____

A.think B.dream C.work D.study
【小题2】Dreams and films are usually _____
A.very long B.in color
C.about work D.very sad
【小题3】 Why do some people often dream about their work?
A. Because they are tired in the daytime.
Because they are not interested in their work
Because they may be thinking about their work all day
Because they have too much work to do
【小题4】The main idea of the story is that _____
A.what dream is B.people like to sleep
C.dreams are like films D.we always remember dreams
【小题5】Which sentence is right?
A.It is good to sleep longer
B.We will feel tired after a long dream
C.The mind isn’t work when we dream
D.All people can find an answer of the work in the dream

Alice Munro has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature. The short story writer is the first-ever Canadian, and the 13th woman, to win the prize. She has been called “the master of the modern short story”.
Alice Munro was born on July 10, 1931, just outside Wingham, Ontario, which has appeared in her stories many times.
Munro said that she began to escape into books when she was only ten years old. After her mother was diagnosed(诊断)with a serious disease, she started to throw herself into the world of books to make herself feel better.
Munro was a late bloomer(大器晚成) as a writer. She produced her first collection when she was 37 and didn’t get known outside Canada until the 1970s.
In fact, Munro works with an easy-to-read writing style, which is often described to be “practically perfect”. Her story, The Bear Came Over the Mountain, was made into a movie called Away From Her.
The 83-year-old author is often compared to Chekhov, the 19th century Russian who is considered one of the greatest short story writers in history.
Munro lived for many years in the small town of Clinton, Opt, but she was so shy that many people in the town didn’t know who she was. Munro said she was trying to be more social and accept invitations and go out to see people.
【小题1】Who is Alice Munro?
【小题2】How old is Alice Munro?
【小题3】Why did she escape into books?
【小题4】Can readers find any information about Wingham in Munro’s stories?
【小题5】What is the film Away From Her based on?
【小题6】What kind of person do you think Alice Munro is? Tell us your impression of her in TWO to THREE sentences.

Dear editor (编辑) ,
I live in a beautiful city . Many visitors come to my city . Because there are so many colorful peacocks (孔雀) here .The peacocks mainly live on the grass land of Dongfeng Square.
Visitors often give them food freely . They usually throw food to them , and don’t think about at all whether the food is right or not . Some of the peacocks became ill , some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors.
I’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds , but don’t realize (意识到) that they may be doing them harm (伤害). The visitors should be told that what have done is very harmful to the birds , and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening .
Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food . For us every person , it’s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them carefully.
Sun Yan
【小题1】.Many visitors come to the writer’s city to __________.

A.do some shopping B.see beautiful peacocks
C.play on Dongfeng square D.eat nice food
【小题2】Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors ______;
A.did’t give them any food
B.gave them too much drink.
C.threw them some bad food
D.loved them and played with them
【小题3】Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may___.
A.sell food for visitors
B.sell food for peacocks
C.make the square more beautiful
D.have the beautiful birds
【小题4】From the passage we know people should __________.
A.live and play with the birds
B.stop the birds from eating too much
C.give right food to the birds
D.give more food to the birds
【小题5】We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan , may be a(n) _____.
A.visitor B.shop owner(主人)
C.editor D.student

We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲) did not know anything about tea. Some people heard about it,but very few of them know what to do with it.
There is a story about an English sailor (水手) who went to countries in the east,the west and the south. He went to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a "tea party". When her friends came to the "tea party",the old woman offered (给) them brown tea-leaves (茶叶). The old woman's friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.
At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said,"Mother,what have you done with the tea?"
"I boiled (煮) it,as you said."
"And what did you do with the water?"
"I threw it away,of course." answered the old woman.
"Now you may throw away the leaves,too," said her son.
【小题1】Most of the people in Europe ___.

A.drank tea every day 300 years ago
B.drink tea every day
C.know nothing about tea
D.like to eat the tea-leaves
【小题2】One day the English sailor brought his mother some tea from ___.
A.countries in the west
B.countries in the south
C.India or China
D.a tea shop in England
【小题3】The sailor's mother asked her friends to her house,because ___.
A.the sailor told her to do that
B.she wanted to ask her friends what to do with the tea
C.she liked to show off (炫耀)
D.she wanted to taste the tea together with her friends
【小题4】At the "tea party",___.
A.all the woman's friends spoke highly of the tea
B.nobody knew what to do with the tea
C.the woman offered her friends some dried (干的) tea
D.the woman gave her friends each a glass of tea water
【小题5】What mistake did the old woman make? She ___.
A.boiled the tea B.did as the sailor said
C.poured away the water D.didn't throw away the tea-leaves

Millions of British people have ditched the traditional “thank you” and took the place of it with the less formal “cheers”, according to a survey.
Although the common person will say “thank you” nearly 5,000 times a year, one in three are more likely to add a “cheers” or “ta” where it’s needed to show they are fashionable.
One in twenty now say “nice one” instead, while the younger are more likely to offer a “cool” than a “thank you”. “Merci”, “fab” and even “gracias” were also listed as common phrases to use, as “much appreciated(感激)”.
One in twenty who took part in the survey of 2,000 people by the Food Network UK for Thank You Day, which is marked on November 24, 2011, said a formal “thank you” was now not often needed in everyday conversation. More than one in ten adults said they regularly won’t say thank you if they are in a bad mood. Most people stated that saying thank you was something that their parents trained them. A huge 70 percent of those questioned will say thank you to a person’s face without even meaning it, while one fifth avoid(避免)saying it when they know they should.
It seems our friends and family get the stress of our bad manners. Half of them admit (承认) they’re not good at thanking those closest to them. Many of them explain that they don’t say thank you because their family “already know I’m grateful”.
When spoken words won’t do, it falls to a nice text to do the job for most people.
One third will still send a handwritten thank-you note---but 45 percent admit it’s been more than six months since they tried to send one.
A quarter of British people say “thank you” with food, with 23 percent cooking a meal to show their appreciation to someone. Another 15 percent bake a cake.
It follows that 85 percent of people will be angry because of not getting the gratitude (感激)they feel they should receive.
【小题1】Most of the people who took part in the survey say that they say “thank you” _______.

A.when they are in good mood
B.completely out of habit
C.when they feel truly grateful
D.purely out of politeness
【小题2】The underlined word “ditched” in Paragraph 1 means “________”.
A.gave up B.used
C.shared D.knew
【小题3】It can be learned from the passage that _______.
A.different ways of expressing gratitude are all fashionable
B.people should avoid saying “thank you” nowadays
C.a thank-you note is still appreciated by most people
D.people in a bad mood never say “thank you”
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Most people express their gratitude to others by buying food for them.
B.About fifty percent of people try not to say thank you when they should.
C.Most people may feel natural when they fail to receive others’ gratitude.
D.Many people think it unnecessary to say thanks to their family members.

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